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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. not sure if i follow you - they test at the combine as well
  2. two years ago ass......you know what i'm talking about
  3. deja vu - see last year's superbowl......no urgency on the part of the eagles at all the 4th quarter, especially that last drive
  4. another "non-comment" by the boys i found annoying - is it not illegal for jeff faine to carry duece into the endzone? he dragged him a good 2 or 3 yards by the shirt yet no flag, no comment......
  5. the bills rotate heavily so you can never have enough warm bodies........this would not be a reflection on mccargo/tripplet/williams...........just because a guy isn't starting doesn't mean he's not contributing
  6. any reason in particular for thinking that or is it an opinion? just curious if you know something we all don't
  7. http://www.rnews.com/Sports/Story_2004.cfm...&category=3 Running back Willis McGahee; "I'm planning on making it to Hollywood. I have to get this face on the big screen man. You know I got to let people see me all the time. I don't need a helmet blocking everything. i need to be right there where people come see my premiere."
  8. just like last year when cutler was on the board and denver was gagging for him? haha
  9. i don't care where he goes, as long as he, brohm, and marcus all go somewhere before #12......
  10. how can you consider reyes anything but a mistake?? sure he started for half the season, but he wasn't a good starter........he was so bad he was benched in fact........thankfully the signing was cheap and he can be easily disposed of this off-season, but he certainly wasn't what the bills had expected........ i also think we spent too much money on price given his level of non-production and recent releases prior to last off-season........he was okay for us this year, but not worth the deal he got..... royals was a good find and fowler has been a decent stop gap for us, although he isn't a long-term solution......
  11. everyone seems to be talking about getting new deals for clements and fletcher, but we need to be realistic......neither of these guys are likely to be back........a talented player who just ran out his walk year is going to hit an open market flooded with dollars..........your not going to get many of those guys back..........the focus needs to be not on clements and fletcher, but on retaining young talented players BEFORE they get to their contract years........you don't need 5 years to evaluate a player and ensure they fit in with your team - the eagles, who run the best organization in the league IMO, try to lock guys up in year 2 or 3 once they see what they like, and they are very, very often successful.........in fact, they have already signed 4 players long-term from their '05 draft and extended 8 different players this season! the bills focus needs to be on: jp - in my opinion the number one priorty of the off-season is to get JP locked up long-term........for those who haven't seen enough, sorry, but the price only goes up from here........we haven't had a real QB since kelly left, and now that we finally got another we can't afford to let him go evans - true playmaker in every sense of the word........jp and him seem to have more and more chemistry every week........this team should be built for the elements from the line out, but now that we have evans we can't afford to let him go.....he does more for the run game then most of our o-linemen simply by stretching the defense! parrish - has fit in nicely as slot receiver and punt retuner......coming into next season i expect huge strides in his return awareness.......love his toughness over the middle and is just what this offense needs on 3rd downs unfortunately, due to weak drafts in '04 and '05, that is really all there is worth resigning at this time.........hopefully that will change with the '06 draft, as whitner, simpson, williams, ellison, and pennington all look like candidates for contracts next season if they stay healthy.......... it is more important then ever, given ralph's financial situation, that the bills maintain their own and avoid the need to go out in free agency to fill holes.......identifying solid young players and going hard after them for deals should be the focus.......
  12. make that since mid-season...he is in some kind of slump
  13. how many years without the playoffs?? yea, buffalo for sure
  14. love the jim mora clip.......that never gets old.........playoffs?!?!? ya kidding me?!??!!?
  15. 4 runs over 50 this year alone.......i think he can still move in the open field
  16. as opposed to ed reed, sean taylor, and roy willams, who were impact players from day 1.........given their draft position they are more relevant comparisons.........
  17. i'm not sold on fowler either, but in all honestly, there are bigger fish to fry on the o-line.........that group is not nearly as far along as this board likes to think.....still the #1 priority heading into the offseason i agree, gandy blows, he's been a problem for a long long time.........can't believe the bandwagon he had going last off-season on this board spikes not be back to his old self next year, but he will be much much better......he won't be the problem he was this season and should be at least even, if not a positive
  18. didn't schobel light up ogden in a game last year?
  19. tell that to him - he's the one that calls himself the best back in the NFL
  20. willis "give me the money" mcgahee with a stellar half..how sad is it he's going to have to stuggle to reach a measly 1000 yards on the season? just pathetic
  21. i was just making a general comment about contracts........however, it would not be the first time a rosenhaus client refused to suit up even though they were under a deal, so i wouldn't be shocked if it came to that
  22. what about steinbach? he's better then both (and much more expensive)
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