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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. really a shame we didn't land cato june.......he came cheap for TB, is experienced in the cover 2, and would have been a great fit for us in the middle........ now that he is off the board, i don't see much else out there that is interesting, although i hope we do sign a LB or RB or CB before the draft to give us some flexability on draft day
  2. as per profootballtalk.com........san fran and indy both with a 3 and a 4 http://www.profootballtalk.com/2007CompensatoryPicks.htm
  3. let's not forget the NFL is a copycat league........the colts, bears, pats, and saints all had lots of success using the committee approach, all with younger players in one of those spots.......i think other teams will jump on that bandwagon and we'll see more RB's early then the mock drafts are expecting.......young, fresh legs are the way to go, now more then ever
  4. eagles seem to pull it off.....how many guys have they extended in the past 3 years? they draft well and target them early, sometimes in only their 2nd year.....once you have the guys you like you need to go after them quick before the temptation of free agency gets closer.......it can be done........waiting only drives up the price
  5. from buffalo news articile on front page: The Bills have plenty of room under the cap, according to the NFL’s accounting method. They’re at roughly $17 million under the cap, according to News estimates. A high-revenue team — such as Washington or New England — in the same situation probably would not feel any financial pressure to move a player such as Spikes. It also might consider an early extension of a contract for a player whose deal runs out in 2008, two seasons down the road. The Bills probably aren’t going to be in position to do something like that this offseason. the biggest key for the bills, in my opinion, is extending their own players well BEFORE they approach free agency......we can't afford to keep overpaying guys like kelsey and expect to compete.........realistically, he would have taken half of what he got if offered two years ago.......the longer you wait, the more expensive it gets........ i hope this reporter is off the mark and extensions for JP, evans, and crowell are in the works.......waiting till next year just drives the price higher.....
  6. ditto for jp.....longer you wait the higher the price goes
  7. what the hell is going on? best episode of the season!!!!!!! what is the connection with patchy and the others? why did he blow her away? did sayid torture that girl? fantastic episode, reveals some things but raises some nice quetions
  8. i like the fact we kept one of our own, i've been preaching it........i just wish they would have done this earlier.......you don't need 4 years to evaluate a player........would kelsey have taken a 10M bonus with a 5M average before last season?.......would he have taken a 8M bonus with a 4M average the year before that?......i say yes on both counts for those that say players won't take these deals and will wait for free agency, just look at the eagles, they get it done time and time again by targeting players earlier (sometime in their 2nd year) and offering big extensions which end up being bargains....... now that being said, get on JP and evans now before we have to overpay to keep them......makes no sense to wait
  9. i've said it before - this off-season's number 1 goal should be getting jp and evans signed long-term......we know they are good, we know they can perform, and we need them long-term.........waiting only leads to the price increasing....... the bills need to do a better job at retaining their own, and it starts with these two......i hope they're working hard on extensions for both of them
  10. despite the disrespectful way pat was treated by the bills (and specifically by TD), he still did give them the right to match the offer from the vikes..........the bills determined he was not worth the price, which was an absolute joke given how fair the numbers were....... big mistake, and the bills are still paying for it.........but hey, just one of many mistakes from TD that set this franchise back years.......add it to the list and move on, nothing can be done now what i do find most intriguing is how many on this board blindly supported that move when it happened........certainly were a lot of posters who thought that was the right way to handle it
  11. great move by leonard....he'd be a massive weapon on 3rd downs
  12. the league was not happy and frankly embarrassed with what happened in the hutch/burleson deals last year, and the vikes and hawks were called out for it behind closed doors in front of other organizations.......these types of clauses will NOT happen in contracts again and the spirit of the rule will be honored going forward, you can count on it.......retaining nate with the T-tag is very possible, if ralph is willing to shell out the cash
  13. no drug tests till mini-camps!!! yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. would it really be the worst thing in the world if whitner had got drafted by the rams? you get yourself in trouble when you zone in on one player.......i'd have taken "another player" if it meant getting a 2nd round pick +
  15. they'll drop into the 2nd round with one to pick up a first round pick for 2008.........with the amount of young talent they have there aern't a whole lot of roster spots up for grabs.......good drafting and resigning players before free agency keeps them loaded year after year........ hate to say it as well, but your right, they are truly solid
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAB5lOIl-2U "i am stephen a smith and these cheez doodles are delicious!"
  17. that is assuming williams will still be there/have some pull - that defense came apart at the seams this season with constant infighting, from both the players and the coaches, and it showed on the field and in the stat sheet........
  18. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/6317616 Shawne Merriman added some thoughts of his own when responding to criticism from fellow NFL Defensive Player of the Year candidate Jason Taylor, telling the North County Times, "I sent (Taylor) a 'Lights Out' hat and a 'Lights Out' T-shirt and a bag of popcorn so he can watch us in the playoffs."
  19. wow, that is almost as "disrespectful" as a young player sending a ten year vet a box of popcorn so he can enjoy the playoffs from his couch
  20. while i'd love to see him dealt, i highly doubt there is a market for him.........can't see us even getting a 2nd for him........but that is fine - make him work for his deal and if he gets it done, tag his ass and go from there.......just doesn't seem like the timing is right for a trade now........... don't underestimate a motivated "contract year" from mcgahee............the guy loves the cash and could put up some huge numbers.......... regardless of who is running the ball our OL still has a long way to go......we need more talent to make any runner look good
  21. i highly doubt big pat would come back after the way he was treated by management on the way out..........granted that management is now gone, but it's not like wilson stood in his corner or anything.........didn't he have some negative comments in the press when minny came to buffalo this year?
  22. well that call certainly went against the pats - how the officials missed that facemask by LT i'll never know
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