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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. marshawn signed for 5 years........whitner signed for 5 years..........the guy picked ahead and the guy picked behind mckelvin signed for 5 years......i think your barking up the wrong tree
  2. regarding mckelvin, ryan clady was signed this morning and he was the #12 pick, right behind mckelvin........mayo, the #10 pick, signed a couple days ago.......the ceiling and floor has been established, so i'd expect mckelvin signed by the end of the day for reference: 10. Jerod Mayo - 5 years, $18.9 million ($13.8M guaranteed) 12. Ryan Clady - 5 years, $17.5 million ($11.5M guaranteed) prediction - McKelvin will get 5 years, $18.2 million ($12.6M guaranteed)
  3. it should be noted that hester's situation differs from peters - he needed to show up by august 5th or he would have not received credit for the season peters technically can report in week 10 and receive credit for the season (although he'll face heavy daily fines and the loss of 10/16th's of his salary, not to mention the bills can pursue a portion of his signing bonus for failure to live up to the terms of the agreement)
  4. peters is making a huge mistake.....i hope the bills hold firm and actually follow through on the fines, unlike many teams who end up waiving them when the player returns......they need to make a statement that these actions won't be tolerated
  5. so why should a team EVER sign a player to an extension? what is the reward they get for their risk (i.e. the fat signing bonus that comes with an extension)? if you allow guys to not honor the terms of their contacts then extensions become worthless because they are then a no risk/all reward proposition for the players and a no reward/all risk proposition for the owners
  6. the inequity of the situation has absolutely nothing to do with it - i could care less whether he's paid a fair value or not.....he put himself in this situation by signing an extension......if he didn't sign that extension (and take his signing bonus) he would have been a free agent and could have done whatever he pleased.....he made his choice if he would have reverted to a PS caliber player after signing his extension ralph wouldn't have got a penny of the signing bonus back...that is the risk the bills took when they signed him to an extension........their reward for taking that risk is getting years on a contract.......peters is in the wrong, just as any player is in the wrong if they holdout when they have a contract in place.......you sign an extension, you honor the years, as per the CBA that the players negotiated with the owners......guys such as peters are operating outside the terms they negotiated in the CBA, and that is why the system is breaking down......if the players aren't happy with the system take it to the bargaining table where it belongs.....in the meantime, honor your deal and operate within the system in place
  7. what a load of crap.......the system hinges on one key element which you ignore - signing bonuses.........regardless of how a player performs, they keep ALL of the signing bonus and that is the risk the owners take when they throw around extensions.......what do they get for that risk? i hope it's not nothing cause then it would be a pretty bad business decision.......they get years on the contract for their financial risk........the players want their cake and to eat it too, and that is what is screwing up the system.........by ignoring the years on a deal and demanding more money they are making extensions a no risk proposition if peters didn't want to be locked in he shouldn't have signed his deal and taken his signing bonus - it is that simple......if he didn't do that he wouldn't have a problem, but he made a choice, no one forced him to sign two years ago.......he should live with it and honor his word, just like an owner has to live with a signing bonus down the drain if a player tanks it after getting a big deal
  8. bills got hammered by injuries last year - law of averages says that at least one of the four will miss some time this year denney's health is certainly questionable after the two surgeries he had on the broken foot last year
  9. if the health holds up (and that's a big if), i think the DE pressure will be much improved this year.......to run a true 4 man rotation will be a huge advantage and chris ellis looks like a true edge rusher needed to pair with schobel on passing downs
  10. have you SEEN the TE's coming out? i'd much rather they retain the current young LB they do have who has proven himself in the bills' defense and in the league and address the long neglected TE position with a legit first day guy who can go over the middle of the field and open it up for the receivers........your right in one regard though - if they do decide to let crowell go they'll likely then use that pick that could have been used on a legit TE on a replacement LB......and that is what i call treading water and crowell isn't an RFA - he's signed for the '08 season and then he'll be unrestricted
  11. well i certainly hope so - i think he's a great fit for the defense and a big leader, despite his young age.....he is exactly the type of guy the bills should be locking up and i hope it's soon cause he's headed for his best season IMO........would be an absolute shame to see him walk away and create a hole in the defense that then needs to have a valuable resource chucked at it
  12. why are you so sure? i've heard plenty of chatter about the bills talking with evans (from the bills camp and the evans camp) but not a word on crowell........i agree with you that he's a high priority but the fact they don't appear to be trying to resign him at this point is concerning
  13. crowell is right up there with lee in terms of priorities - there is no legit reason to let a rising young player like that walk greer would be good to lock in, but if the '08 draftees develop as expected his loss could be absorbed......going to come down to price and how well he plays in '08 fowler is a useful guy to have around, either in a starting or backup role, and i'd love to see him extended beyond '08 it would be great to finally address TE early in the '09 draft, but that is only going to happen if the team is brought back relatively intact - the bills can't afford to be creating big holes in their lineup at this point (i.e. letting crowell walk when he's a perfectly good fit for the defense and a proven leader)
  14. why would you create a hole? why not just resign him and use that very valuable pick to fill an actual current need on the club (i.e. TE)? he's a quality player, he fits the defense well - to let him go now is foolish........the bills have been creating holes for years by letting good talent walk only to then use valuable resources to fill those needs.......that is how you tread water......keep the talent around and add to it
  15. everyone seems to forget about crowell, but he's a very important (and under-rated) piece who is coming up for FA after this season.......he deserves to get paid and should be taken care of........evans as well, but peters can rot at home during training camp for all i care........he'll be there for game 1 - it's not like he has a choice
  16. What might happen #2: Jason will miss some or all of training camp, be fined heavily, and will show up once the bullets start flying because at the end of the day he really doesn't have a choice if he wants to be a professional football player. Unfortunately the Bills will likely be soft and lift the fines once he shows. I'd love to see Evans and Crowell locked up before the season starts - they are the priorities as impending free agents, not Peters.
  17. my bad, it was/is angelo wright, not eugene parker i have no idea what your trying to say with the second sentence
  18. he's also pat williams' agent.........he was very fair in those negotiations, despite TD's obvious unprofessionalism
  19. i think it's obvious that he was only bringing stuff in because he couldn't get it behind the bar - i.e. purple drank
  20. sneaking in "booze" + ordering a glass of pop = marshawn loves the purple drank he needs to get this crap behind him and move on
  21. good news.....he'll show up eventually, and be short some cash for it......he's not getting good advice from his agent and this could ultimately hurt him more then help him
  22. fine him.......and fine him some more if he misses time in training camp......he'll show up eventually and make less in '08 then he was scheduled to make
  23. It was no surprise that the Bills recently offered WR Lee Evans a contract extension. It was also no surprise that he declined what is assumed to be a lowball offer. As a source close to the club told us, “It’s just the first step in a process that both Lee and the team really want to get done.” Evans’ contract expires at the end of next season, and the Bills are placing a premium on inking him to a long-term extension before training camp commences. Truly happy in small-market Buffalo, Evans will be willing to oblige, eventually. Because of his value as the team’s only legitimate threat at wide receiver — at least until rookie James Hardy proves himself — and as one of the most respected leaders in the locker room, Evans holds the upper hand in the negotiations and can afford to wait for the Bills to come through with an offer that will place him among the league’s highest-paid receivers. It’s simply a question of “when,” not “if.” ----------------------------------------------- Bills Pro Bowl OLT Jason Peters has been absent from the team’s voluntary offseason program as he seeks a renegotiated contract. But unlike the situation with teammate Lee Evans, who will likely receive a raise before the start of training camp, the chance of Peters being granted his wish is not nearly as strong — at least not this offseason. With three years remaining on a deal he signed in 2006, the Bills are willing to wait at least another year before extending their star offensive lineman. Peters is due to earn a sum that’s below market value but still respectable at $4 million per year, if he reaches all incentives, so there’s little chance that Peters will hold out if the Bills balk at his request. ----------------------------------------------- http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/default.htm
  24. all but haynesworth, wilfork, and dockett had made the pro bowl prior to the '07 season......it took haynesworth and wilfork multiple years of very solid production to finally get the recognition......and dockett did put up the huge numbers in '07 (9 sacks) to get in DT's stats are probably less important then any other position, but in order to make the pro bowl a guy needs to be consistently good for a number of years or put up some big sack numbers......mccargo putting up 4 sacks just isn't going to get him in, no matter how good he actually plays.......it's still a popularity contest at the end of the day.......that doesn't mean he won't have a pro-bowl caliber year though
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