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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. take off the peters-colored glasses........he's not playing good because of the holdout.....he has plenty of rust that he should have knocked off in camp........perhaps you should just accept that and stop making excuses for him at every turn i know you have a lot invested in your stance that "he didn't hurt himself with the holdout", but clearly you've been proven wrong by what he's shown on the field the past 2 weeks (and i'm not even talking about the financial aspect of that) i hope he picks it up soon because the bills can't afford to be giving up a turnover per game due to his below average performance
  2. the bills were ready to snap and the refs blew the whistle but THERE WAS NO CHALLENGE........why did they blow the whistle? after the confusion that lasted about 30 seconds to a minute, they wound the clock again and THEN the raiders challenged yes, the bills should have done a quick snap and got the ball off both times, but the play shouldn't have been stopped the first time, giving the raiders tons of time to view the replays overall, pretty poor day for the officials with a handful of blown calls
  3. i don't think they slowed down the blitz at all.......they defiantly ran some on the last two drives......difference was trent was unloading much quicker and the OL was picking it up better........the bills also moved to more max protect packages, which is why so many balls went to the WR's late
  4. below average game from jason once again, giving up a sack/forced fumble and getting beat consistently to the outside........the bills are paying for his selfishness and he needs to shake the rust quickly!.....perhaps next year he'll shake the rust in camp like everyone else does!
  5. i really didn't think it was that good a shot - if your going to take a 15 yarder, make it worth your while! i'd have gone up high my blood was boiling when he slowed down though, so i'm glad whitner at least gave it a swing.....call me crazy, but that kind of junk is karma
  6. i really don't think kiffin is all that bothered - it's obvious he is dying to get fired......he gets paid for the next two years if davis gives him the boot and obviously he doesn't want to be there (who would with the way davis acts).........it's a staredown, and i think kiffin is about to win
  7. the bills didn't give up now you on the other hand.......
  8. someone was calling for him numerous times in the game thread
  9. don't worry, i captured some true die-hard fan comments in my sig!
  10. bills showed some heart, unlike waaaaaaaay to many on this board
  11. marshawn with some nice runs that time, despite not getting great holes......he's going to break one this game
  12. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/431291.html “It’s a pretty big surprise,” said Keith Ellison, who will replace Crowell on the strong side. “Cro has been practicing pretty well the last few weeks. I guess his knee just was bothering him a little too much to keep playing on it. The biggest thing is get him healthy and get him back as soon as possible.” “The way we do things is our backers always have to be prepared because you never know what’s going to happen,” Ellison said. “Any one play somebody can go down and you’ve got to step in and be ready. I’ll be ready to go.” http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=6540 “As a whole it was a shock to everybody because it was so sudden and he had practiced the day before,” said Whitner. “Then all of a sudden he was lost for the season. We’re going to miss Angelo. He was a captain last year. He’s a great player and we’re going to miss him. But Keith Ellison is going to step in and do a great job. Last year Keith got a lot of playing experience. So he’s going to show what he can do and we believe he’s going to do a great job.” “You’ve got to move forward with the guys you have and we feel very good about the guys we have,” said fellow defensive captain Chris Kelsay. “It’s not a good thing to get used to, but I suppose if any team has any kind of experience with this it’s us.” Whitner spoke with Crowell by phone Thursday as he was still dealing with the emotion of realizing his season was over before it started. “I talked to him yesterday and it’s tough for him,” said Whitner. “Going through training camp and offseason conditioning and three days before the opening game you’re out for the season? That’s tough mentally and physically because of all the hard work you put in running, lifting and film study. It’s like it’s all for nothing now and he expressed that to me yesterday. We’re going to help him get through it. As time goes on he’ll be able to cope with it a little better.” Crowell explained to Whitner that they were trying to get the knee well enough to play on, but that apparently never happened. “They were really trying to see if the knee would get better without the surgery, as far as strengthening it and different things they were doing in the training room,” said Whitner. “But it wasn’t getting better. So it’s time that he goes and gets it cleaned out.”
  13. t-tag is top 10 money........it's not exactly that useful though - it only gives the team the right to match and doesn't provide any compensation if they decline to match the offer
  14. i believe the window has closed for them to reach an injury settlement with him - the rule is the agreement must be reached within 4 (or maybe 5) days of the player going on IR
  15. the landing strip? classic! i know that jets fans are pussies but that is too much!
  16. if that is what you're after you should have given people the option to vote that he won't get to 100 i voted over 3 years, but i'm not overly confident he gets there..........he needs a big '08 and '09 to keep it achievable, and injuries are a wildcard (he's been very fortunate throughout his career)
  17. i think the time has arrived to make the move he has been all over the field the first two games, showing great tackling ability and making some key plays on 3rd downs now greer isn't playing bad and he does leave it all on the field, but i think it's reached the point where the bills just need to get youboty as many snaps as possible given the way he's raised his game.......as peter king said, he's playing at a probowl level - those kinds of guys start and thank god once again that people from this board aren't running the bills, or else youboty would have been cut long ago by many!
  18. i dropped an e-mail to chris brown regarding Peters' fines and he was nice enough to reply - he didn't provide much info, but thought i'd pass it along anyway: Chris' response - "I've asked one of my sources in the front office and they've chosen to keep it between the front office and Peters. So probably won't get an answer on that one. I asked Peters too and he said I don't know." guess i'm e-mailing brandon next!
  19. it wasn't "just because", but that factor defiantly contributed.........if i recall correctly, the 100% game ready peters didn't allow one play like that last year regardless, i'm just glad he came out of the game healthy......he's got some work to do this week to get ready for OAK
  20. i wouldn't give him a new deal until a playoff spot is clinched
  21. check the gamethread if your desperate for a solid dose of negativity ...........seemed like half the board was mailing it in when we were down by one score with plenty of time left
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