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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. i liked DRC over mckelvin for two reasons - better size and hands.......mckelvin has done nothing to change that opinion
  2. especially considering royal is one of the least "athletic" TE's in the game
  3. there isn't a player on the D who isn't lining up exactly where the coaches tell him to......players don't make those decisions independently
  4. the bills disagree on the health issues, and he saw the most snaps he's seen all year last week, so i'm not sure the bills are convinced he "sucks".........perhaps they think the trade was the kick in the ass he needed? time will tell, but there is certainly no doubt he's on a short leash and needs to make some plays over the remainder of the year to solidify his roster spot
  5. why is it mcgee's fault if he's told to play a 10 yard cushion? the bills aren't going to get pressure unless they get up in the receivers face and take away the short route......if they lay back they will be dinked and dunked to death
  6. ellison is the first man off the field when the bills go to nickel.......he's a non-factor in the passing game unless the opposing team is passing on a running down, and he's far from a liability on those situations.......his biggest strength is his pass coverage skills
  7. it's tough to get pressure when the opposing QB is 3 step dropping and getting the ball out on short passes the key to the game today is going to be scheme related.......the bills got picked apart by ARZ and MIA in the short passing game........they need to play more press coverage and take away the short routes......this will force farve into 5 and 7 steps drop and actually give the DL a chance at having time to get to him if the bills once again lay back in a passive cover 2 they will be picked apart as farve slowly and methodically marches them up the field.......i hope that fewell has learned his lesson
  8. eddie royal and deshaun jackson would strongly disagree with that statement
  9. preston is a UFA after the year, so his play doesn't change anything for me - still a good chance he leaves........i'd still have C and TE as the two biggest priorities by a fair amount.........after that, it's a hodge podge of OLB, DT (depending on whether they keep mccargo or not), OT (chambers could leave as well), and S (who knows what they think of ko at this point) i wouldn't list DE as a high priority cause i think the bills are happy with what they have........schobel, kelsey, and denney are all important locker room leaders who will be back in '09, for better or for worse..........after that, you got ellis, who the bills will need to see more of if they want to make an informed decision on his future......numbers wise, i don't see how a new DE fits in........depth would be good, but i don't see space for a top draft pick WR and CB aren't on my radar given the bills depth there
  10. there are 3 other rookies on the list, and they are all well deserved
  11. i fully expect inconsistency and for him to get beat on occasion, but i also expect to see flashes of his potential and the occasional big play.......he's yet to do anything of substance rookie brandon flowers picked farve twice last week, taking one of those to the house - let's see if mckelvin can make a big play........i don't even care if it's on defense or in the return game, but let's see something!
  12. pass......anyone who has watched him play this year can see that he's lost his quickness
  13. this truly confirms that ESPN will try to make a story out of anything (and that people will eat it up)
  14. judging by his recent comments, he hasn't learned a thing........i expect another holdout next year, and another slow start to his season as a result
  15. i think the injury will linger all season.......wouldn't surprise me if it's broken
  16. Marshawn Lynch absent at practice By Chris Brown - Posted October 29th, 2008 Buffalo’s feature back is not in attendance at practice. We’ll have an update on his whereabouts after Dick Jauron addresses the media at 2:30pm. Reed not practicing By Chris Brown - Posted October 29th, 2008 Josh Reed is watching practice as is Brad Butler. Melvin Fowler is practicing and appears to be sharing reps with Duke Preston at center. Schobel trying to practice By Chris Brown - Posted October 29th, 2008 Aaron Schobel for the first time in two weeks is practicing. He appears pretty limited as he’s not doing individual drills, but rather agility drills on the side with the training staff. Jason Whittle is also practicing as is Terrence McGee. Ashton Youboty is also practicing, but appears a bit limited as well.
  17. jenkins was inactive last week despite the fact he's a very good special teams player, which demonstrates where he currently is on the pecking order IMO, parrish is going to have to step up in the slot and hardy on the outside......whereas reed can man either spot, those guys are pretty much pigeon holed into their roles........i'm pretty confident they can pick up the slack in the passing game......his loss will be felt in the running game given that he's one of the best blocking WR's in the league
  18. quick injury note - travis beckum fractured his left tibula on the weekend so he'll be plummeting down draft boards........puts to an end a tough senior season for him, but he could be a steal if he can get back to 100%
  19. kick in the junk = brandon flowers 2 pics today, one for a TD.......and he is a tackling machine.......winfield with hands
  20. half time adjustments: 1) feed marshawn 2) feed marshawn 3) feed marshawn 4) feed marshawn 5) feed marshawn
  21. didn't they make this change vs. san diego? i didn't see simpson on the field other then for special teams.......scott (and wilson on occasion) got the snaps
  22. mcintyre - stays, but if he doesn't they'll bring in another FB bryan - goes, i'd cut him today and i don't understand how he still sees the field over ellis whittle - stays, preston and fowler are likely gone, so whittle should be retained for continuity neill - stays, does his job just fine jenkins - stays, ST contributions are important corto - stays, ST contributions are even more important, but he will be competing with bowen for a roster spot next year wendling - stays, like you said, ST dream preston - goes, will leave in FA, creating a need for C/OG backup fowler - goes, good as gone mccargo - goes, likely cut in the off-season, which is a shame schouman - goes, royal and fine are locks, so schouman is the odd man out as the position needs to be addressed denney - stays, important in the locker room so of your 12, i agree with 5 of them.......this creates needs for the following roles: DE#5 top backup at OC/OG starting OC DT#4 TE#1 other guys who will go: jp - bridge has been burned greer - UFA will generate good interest and the bills won't make a big effort to resign him chambers - UFA would be welcomed back, but probably will get a chance to compete for a job elsewhere costanzo - need to add some competition for ellison and digiorgio/corto are more important so to the above needs we add: backup QB #5 CB (assuming mckelvin, youboty, and corner all get bumped up a spot) top backup at OT backup OLB i would address them as follows: starting OC - free agency - if jason brown is available, the bills need to pull out all the stops and make him their #1 FA target. next alternative would be matt birk. someone would need to be signed regardless to mask the need heading into the draft. backup QB - free agency - i like jeff garcia, but there should be lots of options as always. top backup at OT - free agency - not easy to find, but hopefully chambers can be resigned or a similar option can be found backup OLB - free agency - LB's are usually fairly cheap on the free agent market, and a vet should be targeted to compete with ellison TE#1 - 1st rounder - it is time to finally address this big need on the bills. receiving option puts royal in his rightful role as the blocking TE (and a very good one at that) top backup at OC/OG - 2nd rounder - even if a legit starting OC is found in free agency i would still address the depth issues in the OL early DT#4 - 3rd rounder - need a rotational player who offers insurance if one of the top 3 go down. DE#5 - 4th rounder - depth player, would likely not dress unless injury occurs #5 CB - 5th rounder - depth player, would likely not dress unless injury occurs bills are in good shape (only need to replace one starter) and won't have to spend a lot in free agency to set themselves up for a nice draft
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