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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. oh yeah, his read on mike williams was bang on!
  2. jason brown should be the bills #1 target IF he hits free agency (scheduled to be a UFA, but the ravens will offer him a ton to stay)........that is a realistic goal and would solidify the middle of the line for years to come
  3. something tells me ngata could have took the hit and remained standing!
  4. so do i, but i get unbelievably annoyed when we do call a run after 7 passing plays and somehow the defense is expecting it!
  5. he has a point - 5 running plays in the 2nd half granted, even when they tried to mix in those 5 runs the defense seemed to know the play.........now that is amazing
  6. cause the bills really played hard for those rowdy fans vs. the browns and niners! the bills play with no emotion or fire regardless of the crowd reaction
  7. and he is off the team next year....... start worrying about the real problems - the drops, the center who likes to shove the ball up his own ass, and the LT's who give up blindside sacks
  8. just once i want him to break the podium and do some god damn screaming never will happen, but i can wish
  9. i'm talking about the drops..........i'm talking about the center who is too dumb to know his QB is in shotgun (after drawing a false start penalty last week AND snapping the ball on the wrong count twice)..........i'm talking about LT's who whiff on blocks and allow their man to get easy blindside sacks good team don't do that...........the bills make these kinds of mistakes over and over again.........the QB has nothing to do with those mistakes
  10. you talking about the inability of the center to realize we are in shotgun before trying to stick the ball up his own ass?????? the bottom line is good teams don't play like this...........the bills are not a good team........the players couldn't give a damn and mailed it in ages ago.......losman has nothing to do with that
  11. he sure got a lot of help today........those dropped passes came in handy and those repeated missed blocks from the LT's resulting in blindside sacks i don't know how anyone expects a QB to be successful in this offense
  12. no real surprises......relieved to see ellison in there though good chance for fine to step up and make an impact in the passing game today jonathan stupar also making his debut after recently getting promoted from the practice squad
  13. http://www.nypost.com/seven/11292008/sport..._rap_141431.htm Records show the Giants New York Giants ' star receiver does not have a permit to carry a weapon in the city, meaning that he had no legal right to do so in the LQ Club in Manhattan, where he allegedly shot himself in the leg. Burress did have a concealed-weapon permit issued to him in Florida, where he has a home, but records show it expired in May. And even if it was still valid, New York does not recognize out-of-state permits.
  14. now THAT is one of the funniest things i've heard in awhile
  15. disagree.........jermaine gresham will be a sure fire first rounder if he comes out (which looks likely) brandon pettigrew would be my choice........he's got great size, good hands, and can also block - which we all know is important to the bills at the TE spot chase coffman also has a shot at going in the first
  16. i'd rather have jason brown via UFA to fill the center spot barwin sounds like a 3-4 fit, not a 4-3 guy give me a gamebreaking TE in the first - that is something you can't find in free agency and it is long past due
  17. PLAXICO’S GUN FIRED WHILE HE WAS UNLOADING IT Posted by Mike Florio on November 29, 2008, 11:46 p.m. More details are emerging regarding the accidental self-shooting of Giants receiver Plaxico Burress. Per the New York Post, Burress was confronted by security guards at a Manhattan night club, and Burress admitted that he had a loaded gun in his possession. He went to a secure area with one of the guards, and Burress began to unload the gun while drinking wine. Burress then began to bobble the weapon, and that’s when it fired a bullet through his thigh. Burress stopped security personnel from calling an ambulance. A friend took him to a local hospital. Meanwhile, Taco Bill has uncovered a surveillance photo of Burress and his companions moments before the incident. http://www.profootballtalk.com/category/rumor-mill/ ------------------------------------------ i'm happy to say the worst thing buffalo WR's do is drop catchable passes
  18. the giants protected themselves - a significant chunk of his bonus money is tied to games played
  19. i'd rather have a back-up center who could also fill-in at guard if need be - roster spots are limited.........fowler doesn't fit that description
  20. 2008 numbers (will increase for 2009) Tender amount Compensation required $2.562 million First- and third-round $2.017 million First-round $1.417 million Second-round $927,000 Determined by RFA's original draft status Teams always have the right to match the offer. If they decline, they get compensation. --------------------------------------------- as jackson was a undrafted signee, it won't be at the lowest level......second rounder is logical, but they might bump him up to the first round tender just to be careful
  21. haynesworth will go to whoever pays him the most money - he said it in an interview last week that could be TEN, but he made it very clear that they had no leg up on anyone and he would chase the dollars
  22. not saying i agree with the philosophy.......just showing the way they historically handled it the fact of the matter is if they hadn't lost 4 LB's to injury this year (ellison would be a 5th - and he is the reason scott is seeing snaps at LB) no one would be complaining about the depth
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