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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. bills have plenty of options.....the story, like always, is whether they want to do anything about it
  2. i did hear a rumor that cutler carries around syringes and has been seen injecting in restaurants
  3. i think DE is the most likely choice in the 1st round........IMO, the reason the bills haven't really been looking for upgrades for that area in free agency is because they know there isn't much out there that is worth bothering with AND that they are willing to pay for.........if they can address there other needs in free agency (i.e. WR, backup QB, OC and now OG, TE, and OLB) it frees them up to target the DE position, where they know they need help based on last year's anemic pass rush i really hope they just go with raji if he's on the board though - i think he'd put more pressure on the QB and create more havoc then any DE
  4. how do you know the bengals overbid without knowing the guarantees and structure of the deal? if the signing bonus was reasonable and the salary backloaded doesn't that shape your opinion of the contract? a 28M/4 year deal can turn in to a 14M/2 year deal pretty quick.......people are jumping to conclusions without knowing all the details
  5. i don't know how people can call this a "bad deal" or "to much money" before the signing bonus and breakdown has even been announced if the deal is as follows what would ya think: 6M signing bonus '09 - 2M '10 - 4M '11 - 7M '12 - 9M the structure is much more important then the overall value, especially considering the fact that coles won't likely see the last two years of the contract
  6. Trick or Treeeeat! I'm Crazy Eggbeater head! I got an eggbeater on my head! Now give me some candy!! Ross Perot: [ not the least bit amused ] That is just sad! You look like an idiot with a blender coming out of your skull! Now, unless you have a pituitary problem, or some glandular condition, you gotta be at least 17! Now, when I was 17, I was pumping gas, serving the United States Navy! You got an eggbeater on your hair, begging for some candy! You see?! That's the difference! I'm an American, proud and strong! You three are a bunch of freaks! Good bye! [ slams his door ]
  7. what pick was ware in 2005? you guessed it, 11th! hopefully the bills find their own "100 million dollar" pass rusher for a lot cheaper this april
  8. brandon moore resigned with the jets shortly after being released
  9. i'd rather have a proven vet in coles manning the #2 spot vs. pushing reed into that role (he excels at #3 and should stay there, working the slot) or trying steve johnson there now, when he's clearly not ready if coles can be signed he puts johnson and jenkins where they should be on the depth chart - competent backups who can step in if need be i like what the bills are doing here IF they can continue to plug the non-line holes with mid-tier free agents (florence, and hopefully coles/june/jones), saving the high draft picks for areas that can't be addressed easily in free agency (i.e. DE and TE).......still want to see a starting caliber guard brought in though - kendell simmons might be the ticket
  10. kendell simmons could really help at the LG position, if he's healthy
  11. cap hit is the same whether they trade him or cut him......just ain't going to happen
  12. the browns would suffer a cap hit of 9.8M if they decided to dump him......not going to happen
  13. no way this guy gets released - the cap hit would be too big after only one year in cleveland as to the point that rogers was the bills first choice over stroud, that isn't exactly true: "The Buffalo Bills, another team that had shown strong interest in Rogers, decided to go in another direction and were trying to work a trade for Jacksonville's Marcus Stroud, which they eventually did." http://blog.mlive.com/state_sports/2008/03...ions_assis.html
  14. haynesworth made comments back in november that he wanted to get paid and that was his #1 priority......of course, this was very unsurprising given that 95% of NFL players operate this way........i don't know how you heard that and interpreted it as a contract was a "pretty sure bet" with tennessee - i certainly think you were in the minority with that poor reasoning unsurprisingly tennessee tried to retain him (why wouldn't they?), and unsurprisingly haynesworth listened (why wouldn't he?), but the gap was significant at the end of the day it was never that complicated - he just wants to get paid and has no loyalty to tennessee.......we knew this long ago.....given the fact tennessee wasn't allowed to tag him they never had a leg up on anyone, as teams tamper constantly and the haynesworth camp is well aware what is out there vs. the offer they are seeing from the titans......the top dollar will get him
  15. impossible. numerous people on this board told me all the way back in november that the titans wouldn't let haynesworth get away under any circumstances, despite the fact they couldn't place the f-tag on him.
  16. he'll go to whoever wants to pay him the most money - simple as that
  17. jason brown will be worth every penny - and he's going to see a lot of them
  18. i think you'll be very, very surprised at the contract jason brown gets.......he's going to make a mint - and be a great signing even at the price
  19. happens all to often with the bills it seems i remember how much kiper loved the mccargo selection (i believe he had him as 4th round value) with mangold sitting on the board ripe for the taking people can rip the guy all they want, but i'd rather see him running the bills draft then the current regime.....yes he makes mistakes, but a lot less then the brandon and company do
  20. i'd chuck a lot of dough at jason brown to man center for the next 5 years - and he'd be worth every penny
  21. he's a bit foolish if he gets franchised again this year he'll pocket a cool 18M and the big signing bonus will still be waiting on the other side of that deal..........walter jones did it right, collecting the big F-tag number 3 years in a row before cashing in with a big signing bonus
  22. it's worth another shot at tony g, if his ego will allow it
  23. i don't know much on him, but the youtube videos on this guy are super impressive........technique, size, and power
  24. finally had a chance to watch the fiesta bowl, and i keyed on orakpo throughout the good: - very good burst off the line - holds ground vs. the run - good awareness (for example, followed a RB out in the flat on a screen and blew up the play) the bad: - seems to only have one move - speed rush to the outside - when he doesn't beat the OT he gives up and doesn't shed at all - missed a handful of snaps, and took off even more when he was on the field overall, i didn't think he lived up to the hype
  25. jason brown is the answer - big money, but big problem solved........i hope he hits the market
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