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Everything posted by BillsWearPajamas

  1. Why? Just throw the ball up to Evans. TOUCHDOWN! Every time. Just ask the Evans fanboys.
  2. Evans called. He wants his tighty whities back.
  3. Good. So if we're picking players... ...you can have Evans. I'll even throw in a Jacoby Jones for ya (seeing as they are about equal). I'll take Johnson. Let's see who comes out on top with that one.
  4. Wow. Bills and fast in same sentence. And then, not to be seen as being the low homer on the totem pole, the author of this 'general thread' then equates the superbowl era Bills with this current crop of scrubs. Ugh...
  5. First, no he's not. Second, the front office must agree with you because they pay him as such. Actually, he's one of the higher paid receivers in the league. Congratulations Gabe. If you were GM you too would have driven this franchise into the dirt. Third, let's assume we live in an alternate universe and I'm wrong and Evans is in fact our best player on offense. Then boy doesn't that just speak volumes about the utter lack of talent on this basement dwelling team? Smell that? That's a big heaping pile of s*it coming your way this year. Enjoy!
  6. Don't forget Calvin Johnson in Det either... Evans stinks.
  7. Oh yeah, the Evans fanboys are out in full force making excuse after excuse after excuse. Better this, better that... Everything better but Evans. Can SOMEONE please turn down the dumb in here? It's really too much.... It's bad enough the team stinks but when the fans fall madly in love with mediocrity, it's just gone real dumb. Much like the 'give Brohm a chance' fanboys. Boy we loves us some losers don't we?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... By the way, how much money does Megatron make compared to Lee?
  8. Yes. But be warned, massive vomiting will quickly follow. Caveat emptor...
  10. Good for you. Your closet must look like a clown suit bomb blew up in it. "Hey kids, gather 'round *honk honk*..."
  11. Congratulations. You have successfully reached the final stage. Everything in life should be easy for you now. Low expectations coupled with blind acceptance of everything should lead you to a very satisfying and productive life. 5. Acceptance – "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model And where you're getting this all wrong is that it's not about getting your panties in a bunch over the bills on any given week. It's calling crap...well, crap. I'm really beginning to think your shortcoming in life is being honest with yourself.
  12. Well, since you responded to 'crap' allow me to retort with more crap. I too am a fan of the Bills, and probably always will. But I don't do drugs and therefore, I don't live in an alternate universe like so many of you do. I guess that leads me to ask about your blatant drug use. It's the only conclusion I can draw to the rampant homerism. Or maybe all of you gather in the parking lot of RWS and perform Tai Chi every Sunday morning. Maybe that's it! You've connected with your inner soul where 10 years of epic fail just rolls off you like racial slurs roll off Mel Gibson's tounge! Maybe eastern philosophy has the answers in regards to the Bills. Divorce yourself from the suffering. They are what they are. Just accept it. No one wins or loses. When the Bills lose, they really win.
  13. Well it's just too damn easy comrade. I mean, taunting people while they're down? The Bills have been down for a decade. It's not low. It's just the way it is. Get a better team if you don't want to hear it. Until then, homer it up baby and we'll be here to laugh our asses off at you. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. *sniff sniff* Yep. More homers. Damn you're worse than cockroaches.
  15. Anyone that knows the game has heard this but it apparently needs repeating here... Blueprint: 1) Do you have a QB? 2) Can you protect that QB? 3) Can you get to the other teams QB? Period. Until OBD follows this blueprint AND IN THIS ORDER, you will continue to be the worlds most miserable fans.
  16. Awwww, poor homers. Sad again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I wonder if most of you even watch let alone understand this game. How anyone can be optimistic is beyond me. Forget the offseason and preseason. The regular season will be downright brutal, ugly, harsh, demoralizing, etc. for a fan of this 'team.' Hope you all play fantasy football.
  17. Yes. But it will be the only time they will all year. Enjoy it. Bask in the wonder of it. For that feeling will be fleeting.
  18. I know. Being a fan of a persistent (if not permanent) losing team can really mess up your head. I think we're starting to see the 'homeritus' level reach a critical stage now. Delusion has really set in. Shock therapy might be the only hope for many here. The team, much like it's owner, is in a slow, painful death spiral. But you keep buying those ugly jerseys...
  19. He probably already spent that $40 million on new rims for his ride yo...
  20. Uh oh...this thread is going to make the homers mad. Oh well, then allow me to add: "At least we have our homer fans that will continue to make lame excuses for us."
  21. The only way the Bills beat the Jets is if the Jets entire 53 man roster holds out. Other than that, Revis not being in the starting lineup will do little to help the Bills.
  22. Too bad the Bills are powerless to do anything about it.
  23. But then I would have to change my username....
  24. I don't. What exactly has he done to warrant appreciation and respect?
  25. Because when you wear rose coloured glasses, the uniforms don't look so bad. But seriously, for the love of god change these hideous things already.
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