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Posts posted by bouds

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bray Wyatt said:

    Mason Rudolph also isnt a drop back passer, or at least hasnt had to so far

    Neither is Mayfield, the list is getting shorter and shorter.  This is a nonsense statement but I guess a coach can flub from time to time when he's asked all this bull ****.  Yes, a QB has to drop back to pass, I mean they have drops even in shotgun but it's a smaller distance, so what is the coach actually saying?  Nothing really.

  2. I listened to it and man, he's positive about everything, at least he hinted that front offices are blowing a lot of smoke right now.  Says he's 100% certain Arizona would have taken Allen in the first last season if he came out, strong !@#$ing words.  This dude is either really tapped in, connections all over the place, or he's a mark.  You'd think he was in on meetings with how sure he is about some of this stuff.  Like saying the Bills inquired on what it would take to move up to 1 isn't really news worthy, many teams inquire.

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  3. I barely use twitter, I'm really polite when I do, and I somehow ended up being blocked by this guy.  Guess I disagreed with something he said or some else said.  Sensitive dude, I'll listen, I don't think he has the sources some think he does, seems like a guy you can manipulate the !@#$ out of if you worked in a front office because he's a good mouth piece, loves to tweet "scoops."

  4. 26 minutes ago, Marvlevydraftdaygenius said:

    There are analysts out there saying stars production dropped after his rookie year.  Well the reason I think that happend was the loss of Greg Hardy.   Hardy was a difference maker.  

    K.Short is the best 3 tech in football, so he had a stud next to him as well.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    Okay Wayne.  PFF is gospel.


    So you think it was a mistake to trade Taylor then?  PFF graded him last year as a "High Quality " which is one level below elite.



    So Vince Wilfork wasn't a "space eater"?  


    That's what I find funny.  I agree with Wayne about Star, but it's amazing that PFFs love for Tyrod escaped Wayne when he would repeatedly dog the **** out of TT.

  6. Greg was also on with former Bills Guard Ross Tucker, good listen, they will be doing a bunch of these going into the draft.  I feel the same way about Mayfield that Cosell does.   You hear all this **** about the guy, and they all seem to be lazy comparisons to Manziel, but when you sit down and watch, Mayfield and Manziel are nothing alike.  Mayfield knows where to go with the rock, doesn't try to improvise every single play, plays within the offense, extremely accurate with the ball.  Look skittish at times against the blitz, that's my biggest issue, the way he reacts in the pocket.  His OL was insanely good at OU.  I'd love to land Bake Mayfield.  It's funny listening to Cosell talk about how surprised he was when watching Mayfield, his ears told him one thing, eyes another.  Bottom line, watch first and then listen to what others have to say.




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  7. 6 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Alabama’s O schemes just aren’t attractive to 5 star QB prospects.

    Yeah, definitely.  They've landed some big time WRs, but QBs know it's a run first system, pound the rock and occasionally go deep off of playaction.  Don't blame QBs for going elsewhere, but you'd think at some point they'd land a big one, I'm sure they'd open it up a bit if they got a good QB.

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