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About f0neguy

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  1. I like pepperoni and green olives but it’s hard to get if you’re not in Buffalo.
  2. Spent too much time at Roswell years ago and they work miracles. Nobody is questioning that medical research costs lots of money. They’re just capping the amount that is spent on overhead to 15%. By doing this, more money goes to the actual research. How anyone has a problem with that is beyond me..
  3. If the Bills are possibly considering going to more man coverage does that mean Elam sticks around? That’s supposed to be one of his strengths.
  4. The day he signed his rookie contract in full uniform I liked the guy. Wish him the best.
  5. I would think that when they came into America they weren’t known criminals. When they’re shipped out they’re cuffed, shackled, and watched by armed guards. Can’t just escort them to a commercial flight and wave bye-bye.
  6. Kinda off topic but if you haven’t seen Weird Al (and his band) live you should. It’s a great time, can’t recommend them highly enough.
  7. Don’t like or agree with the guy but wearing the Bills hat makes him marginally better. (Just for today)
  8. One team has nine All-pro’s, one team has one. The team with one just won the game. I would think the one All-pro that is carrying his team to the Conference championship is the MVP, but what do I know???
  9. I’ll admit we got lucky there but even with a successful two point conversion we’re still tied. Minute and a half with two timeouts, we had a good shot. Don’t care how we won, only that we won. The Ravens were our worst possible matchup. On to the Chiefs!
  10. Obviously I’d like the Bills to get two extra thirds but keeping the front office together isn’t a bad thing
  11. Just asking…. Might this assistant GM be any kind of minority? Hate to see the Chiefs get a couple of third round picks.
  12. Not sure which announcer said it but one of them said stepping over the defender after the play is considered taunting. Might be BS but that’s what they said 🤷‍♂️.
  13. Joe is obviously a smart guy. Can’t imagine him going to that dumpster fire. He’ll get other interviews, hope he can just focus on this team right now.
  14. How bad does it have to get? Can it get any worse? Pretty much every single person here sees that there has to be a change at the top. Either bring in someone to take over of the entire operation or (hate to say it) sell the team. We’re nothing but a feeder operation for the rest of the league at this point.
  15. If the Brownies tried to set him up to fail they couldn’t have done a better job.
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