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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. From John I'm looking at a big picture, a picture much bigger than most others are not willing or daring to see. LMAO! Exactly what i was thinking. We are sooooo scared!!
  2. Have you checked..... If so that is wrong on so many levels. Glad i am not part of your family!
  3. Wow didn't think u could score peyote in the Buffalo area, Hooks a brother up!
  4. Basically McCargo is so irrelevant for the Bills I could understand him thinking he was no longer on our team. We also tried to dump the guy on the colts, but he failed a physical.
  5. Have to say you r in the minority. Jim had a big arm and that is what he is known for. When people talk of needing a QB in B-lo they refer to how that QB would need a strong arm like JIMBO did to cut thru the winds at Rich stadium (I refuse to call it R.W. Stadium) I'm not saying anything bad about Johnny Hammersticks , so you all can just relax. Just being realistic.
  6. Personally I prefer 4 seasons. I hunt, fish, snowboard and camp. So it is just a personal preference thing! I get sick of summer after a while and look forward to leaves changing, temps cooling down, Trout fishing, and hunting season to start. This makes way for the excitement of snow dropping, which leads into snowboarding, snowmobiling, everything being white and lights glowing everywhere. Then you get a little tired of winter and look forward to spring. The warming temps, everything turning green, some more trout fishing, and spring turkey hunting. I really would have to say that summer is probably my least favorite time of the year. (I do like summer just the least) So I guess it would be safe to say I would enjoy “whale’s vagina” for a short time and looking forward to coming back to NY. I am a 4 season’s guy, but I did grow up here and that’s how I was raised. Everyone is different. This writer is a giant d-bag, and is employed by S.I. nough said!
  7. I would have to say "normal" tackle. I don't even think "Hollywood" Maybin can spell sack!
  8. Or find that it really wasn't all TE's fault after all. As some are coming to the conclusion that last year was not all DJ's fault. Complete horseshit. All indications are he is a smart guy and understood the playbook completely (it isn't rocket science after all, it's freaking football plays). I doubt Fatso Ryan would have put in a claim for Edwards if he didn't think Edwards could supply worthwhile information. You may or may not think TE could execute the plays, but to say he didn't understand them is asinine.
  9. Seeing Freddy and Lynch were both injured for the first game,,,,, I think that may have had something to do with why he was "listed" as the starter. I know all 3 backs suited up and played, but CJ was the healthiest. I wouldn't read to much into whom the starter is anyways. They may not be playing CJ cause our line is horrid and his pass blocking isn't great. Also we have 3 good running backs, and maybe just maybe Chan is showcasing Freddy or Lynch for possible trade b4 this years deadline. I honestly don’t want CJ getting killed out there and ruin him for what he may bring down the road. We r a terrible team at this time and running your rookie RB into the ground really won't help that much. We aren't going to the S.B. or even the playoffs,,,,, so relax!
  10. Sounds to me like u need to get a job, and then maybe u will have money to go out and discover what a woman is. It's kinda cool, u take them out, get them drunk, then hold down for 3 seconds and instead of kicking them........well u will see!
  11. Didn't he lead our team in receptions and yardage... Seeing we were the worst offence in the league it's not saying much, but to say for a bottle of gatorade. Would that mean Lee Evans is worth a can of Wegman's cola! You seem more biased towards T.O. then his performance on the field. The guy actual played fairly well and kept his mouth shut. This team has a lot of problems but not trading a player nobody was interested in is dumb. You sound like an idiot and I mean this in the nicest way.
  12. Cannot find anything saying he signed.... However alot of places say they wont at this time. Didn't Minn just cut Javon Walker? Maybe they will but as of now i dont think he is a Viking! Im calling MULARKEY on this 1
  13. I beleive Takeo Spikes got a pick 6 in that game. His first game back playing in Cinci since he left! Was a sweet pic too!
  14. Say bout 3 fifty,,,,,,,,,,god damn lochness monster!
  15. Can't really blame them. I dont agree, but i am a bills fan! All in all I feel the bills will be better this year and the play will show. However we have a really tuff schedule and that will reflect on our record. The bills WILL WIN MORE THEN 2 TO 3 GAMES AS THES "EXPERTS" SAY. We really wont know until probably the 5 game of the season. If our O can produce can our D play passed the 3rd quarter ( i know they were on the field an awful lot last year) honestly i am hoping but we will not know until the season starts!
  16. No and why should we. HE DOESNT IMPRESS!U could say he has potential and the same would be said about Trentative or Brohm. Also I wouldnt want his contract.
  17. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmya i agree. Not a 1 year wonder. To be honest Trent might be better then Dirty Sanchez. I cannot understand how people think he is proven. Did they watch Jersey play ball at all, or just hear they made it to the AFC championship game. The kid wasn't very good. He may have played better in the post season, but what about the 16 games were he was horrible. We will see what this year brings, but honestly Trent looks better then DIRTY. Give the kid a couple seasons to prove himself before calling him proven. Chad also has not proven anything. Tom is the only proven Qb in the AFC east, and probably a top 5 in the entire NFL. To say anything other about then AFC east QB's would crazy!
  18. Possible the funniest thing i have read,,, gggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrreat that just made my day!
  19. Exactly what Buff needs. CG I feel is improving this team mentally and that will translate to better performance on the field. We have a very tuff schedule this year, but we aren't as bad as most think. CG will get the most out of our players and the games should be atleast watchable. I for 1 didn't get all warm and fuzzy inside with him being named the HC, but he is changing that and feel most people feel the same. We do lack talent and depth in alot of areas (switch to 34, OL,ect.) but we couldn't possible be as bad as SKELATOR running the show. Here is to CHAN the man for sticking up for HIS TEAM!
  20. Wow it looks like Lavar Arrington is now posting on TBD! Keep sticking up for that chump!
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