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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. Bigger mistake was re-signing Mcgee and not J. Greer!
  2. U left out the most important part of the name,,,,, MEAN GENE OKERLUND!
  3. U sure ur name isn't Brady'sBOB. U seam to defend him and have a crush on him! Just what i am reading! Brady may be a 1st ballot HOF QB but he is by far one of the biggest D-bags to play! I would say somewhere from like 1978 to the present.
  4. This just sounds wrong on so many levels. I am pretty confident in saying S. Johnson isn't a switch hitter and is in no way interested in B. Marshall. Stevie actually has a good lookin ol lady. Could be a front but i say he is straight.
  5. So Buff moves to LA & Jacks moves to Buff???!! Wouldn't it make more sense to just move Jacks to LA, for it to then be out of LA in 2 years cause the NFL DON"T WORKY IN LA! Sorry just thinking out loud.
  6. Ralph being cheap again, this must b a cost savings thingy,,,,,,,,,,,,
  7. Evans didn't fit our system. Look at his stats! He did his time hear n now will play for a legitimate contender,,,, no hard feelings. Hang man was doo doo, n i mean that in the nicest way possible. He was light and got pushed around. He was a very weak link in a bad O-line. Sully is a huge D-bag, n i wont say anything else that hasn't already been said about this girl!
  8. Stop writing the same crap over n over n over. Maybe he needs a new city, prefer one he isn't known in. He would be run out of town otherwise!
  9. Later in the season they r a little entertaining. With rosters being different, coaching, philosophies different ect, I feel they r a joke in the beginning of the season,,,, that’s all!
  10. Meh, rankings really don't mean chit as this point. Lets play a few meaningful games b4 we talk about were some chumps rank a team that hasn't sniffed the playoffs in a long long time. 24th or 32nd, probably wont change how B-lo will play come Sunday. Personally i like being CONSIDERED an under dogg. We will have a better feal for the bills come Monday! LET'S GO B-LO!
  11. again with this discussion, maybe wait till we finish the year or u know play a few games that count. You know the ones teams gameplan for. The ones were our 1st team tries to play the entire game (injuries can happen) F J is a better back 4 our team at this point, but having 2 good backs is a must. So hey, lets sit back n see what this team can do with an unquestioned starter @ Qb for once, and a somewhat good D. Maybe CJ can block a little better and be a little more patient on plays, and we can see what he can do. A little to early to call him a bust, the kid has potential but that is all he has really shown so far. Next week is game 1 baby, LETS GO B-lo!
  12. So far J best 2 carries 2yds, Spiller 1 for 27yds,,,,, just saying. Small sample but that doesn't seem 2 matter to Drereed
  13. Handed him the job,,,,um no. It was because of injury!
  14. Agree, but for some reason they didn't show up in the last 3 Super bowls!
  15. Bell as a 7th rounder has turned out better then most our 1st rounders over the last decade. Just saying it shows how terrible the bills r @ drafting. I have high hopes for Bell, but after this year if he doesn't show some sign of progression we need to invest in a LT. Draft or free agency, it will need to be looked at!
  16. Didn't POZ get lit up right down the seem by NE TE. Can't remeber who was there TE at the time but pretty sure both TD's were right down the seem with POZ in coverage. I could be wrong! Maybe Watson?
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