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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. Wow i had way to many cold 1's last night! I honestly don't remember this! LMAO,it was a ruff night. I am still not a fan of Aaron.
  2. I hate A M because he held out so long his rookie season for money. he didn't have time to learn our D to be effective as a rookie I hate him cause he would jump on piles after other players made the tackles. I hate him cause he didn't seem dedicated to putting on weight to be effective in our D I hate him cause at the combine he was like 240 to 250 pounds, but then couldn't crack 230 lbs (juice) I hate him cause he couldnt rap to save his life! I really really hate him cause he plays for NJ I really really really hate him because what kind of D bag gives himself the nick name MAYHEM! what a d$ck
  3. Holy hotshit batman! That is one sweet pic! How did u get a picture of a nude Santa Claus?
  4. He also luvs man meat! U probably like him even more now,,,, don't u!
  5. Have 2 give props 2 Spencer Johnson, probably played the best game of his career. Kelsay played pretty good as well! D ALL AROUND LOOKED GOOD, granted it was against the Beck lead Skins! Moats is 4 real rushing the passer. Besides D Freddy Jackson is the man! Nuff said!
  6. I still find myself calling it, "Rich stadium"!
  7. again! So do I,,,,,, but i needed a body 4 my fantasy league. Hoping Chandler becomes existent again!
  8. Was Carrington responsible 4 the blocked field goal a couple weeks back? Other than that, i haven't heard his name 2 much. This is only the kids 2nd season. I would b willing to wait til year 3. Here is to hoping he starts producing more. It may b that our D is so awesome he is out shadowed by all the stars on it. (I kid, I kid)
  9. Tool or a Troll. Both teams r in good positions in there conference. Probably both
  10. I used 2 visit TO alot (D n B raves), but then i received a DWI misdemeanor and now the Canadian Gov't wont allow me into ther country! O well. What i am basically saying is atleast 50% of bills fans are drunks, so making the drive might be tuff, even harder getting home. And because ther r so so so many alchohlics, alot have DWI's and probably cant cross the border. Now ther r things that can be done to gain entrance back into to Canada, but i am not giving that F%$king country any more of my $$$.
  11. I would have 2 say that Marshal is better then Evans
  12. I have 2 agree, i beat my ol lady atleast once a week,, deserving or not u gotta beata bi tch just 2 keep em in check! I find nothing wrong with him strangling or even punching her in the face. I am sure she deserved it or would have sooner or later. Nothing to see, just move along.
  13. pretty sure this move was made in order to almost guarantee them the 1st pic. They were coming 2 close 2 getting a win with Moore as a QB. So they decided they would bring in JPsly for insurance on not winning any games.
  14. I don't think 3 years of being injured would be considered sudden!
  15. I believe B-lo wins this easily. Chan seems to get the boys ready after the by-week. Although we r short a few guys (injuries) Wash is in far worse shape and i beleive our O is far better than Wash. There D is probably (is) better but we will spread it out and hopefully start throwing to the TE position again. We could really use Chandler in this game, like we did n the first couple. I think we win this one and gain som Canadiian support! Oh ya, they have Beck for a QB,,,,,nuff said!
  16. If that isn't luv, then i dont know what luv is! Talk about meat clowns!
  17. Or even choosing to stay in-bounds in order to reach the endzone!
  18. Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb! We don't have depth, CJ hasn't really played that much (Fred is an absolute stud this year and would be starting over almost anyone at this point), He can & is being used as a receiver at this point. I would say he is more valuable then the OP thinks. Give the kid some time, he has talent, he needs to be educated by Gailey a little more. Plus Freddy aint no spring chicken, he is playing @ a high level now, but i cant see him doing more then a couple more years. We need to worry about re-signing Freddy more then a potential trade that couldn't even be possible at this point! Just my 3 cents worf!
  19. Kinda reminds of a player Marv drafted for us,,,,,,,,,,,,,He never really got on the field,,,,,,,We tried trading him to Indy, but he failed a physical,,,,, his name was,,,,,,John McCargo! What ever happened to that stud!
  20. LOL it was a joke, but you did say sneak! Maybe put or place would have been better. I thought it sounded funny saying we have to sneak a nobody on our P.S. Sorry didn't know u were so delicate! All in good fun brutha!!
  21. Do u really think we need to be sneaky with Wheatley. U could probably tell the world u r cutting him, and still hear crickets in the background. He isn't a prize possesion. Not saying he couldn't be good, just saying he hasn't turned any heads and was released already and the bills were the only ones 2 bite.
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