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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. LOL I have to say i kinda agree with this! +1!
  2. Manning having neck surger, sitting for a year with no play (so far anyways), and having that much $ in his contract, sounds risky. I know P. Manning is a for sure HOF QB, but i wouldn't trade 4 him. Just saying!
  3. This post is "dumb dumb dumb" SJ is one of the best players on our team. This is his 2nd year as a starter. OK he dropped a big one last year and this year. HE WAS A 7TH ROUND PICK! I think he is playing well and learning in the process. I hope he continues to do what he did after every score from here on out! It was great! U R an idiot for suggesting he be fined for that. If u r not an idiot u must b a troll or both! Nice post. Can't beleive i started to read this crap!
  4. NFL network fellas n Brian Billick r a bunch of a ss clowns! Just saying!
  5. I really dont get the hype. If he is stil starting next year, I beleive teams will learn to contain him. Enough film on somebody and teams will learn to defend against him. Has he even completed 10 passes in a game?
  6. If Gailey was left with the teams that Rex and Mike inherited, He would be in the playoffs as well. He was unfortunately left will the B-lo bills. Which is not a very talented team. He found some guys who can play that were never really heard ofoutside of Western NY. I think he is a good coach and has a done a very good job whith what he has
  7. Good thing they grow on trees! Would u like anything else!
  8. Neither of em! Give the stache control and the title. He can still keep Asst HC, but add DC!
  9. Wow nothing like comparing him to one of the greats! Jshhh we should just cut him now. Every team has atleast 1 or 2 players on Warren Sapp's level @DT. Now go watch cartoons, and look at the stats from the game later so you can complain when a player doesn't show up on it!
  10. Maybe Fisher could be a starting LB for us! Might actually help! All in all i would love him as some part of coaching to this pathetic thing some of us call our D!
  11. Cant be worse then what we already have. It's a 4 game try out to be a back up (cause GOD knows we need depth ) or maybe the kid turns it around and can turn into a decent starting tackle. We dont have that much and really need depth. May as well start trying to add depth now for the future. If he comes in and is garbage, o well u cut him! Really not much to lose at this point. We wouldn't be paying his entire salary, it is the last year i beleive on his contract and we could sign him (if he pans out ) far far cheaper then what it would have cost to trade for him a couple years ago when some were yelling on how we need this kid!
  12. He had a gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt stiff arm!
  13. Colts no they get Payton back next year and R in the running for the Luck sweepstakes. Dolphags no they got Moore who seems to b doing pretty good as of late, but maybe! Chicago maybe, i am sure he wouldn't want 2 go back ther after they unloaded him to Denver. KC could be a very good possability Houston would take him givin the chance and ther team is SWEEEEET pretty much all around, and they r getting A. Johnson back healthy (hopefullly he is on my FF team!) Buffalo he would make a good back up but would cause a headache with fans screaming to bench Fitz ( I am a Fitz fan and think he is the least of B-lo's problems) Zona I think is in the same place as B-lo with paying a lot of $ for Kolb who i think( my opinion not the teams) is garbage and has never really proven anything. Jets shouold take him and hope they dont, cause Dirty isn't very good and if they had a decent QB would have SB team. N.E. u never know but probably wouldn't get the chance Oakland is always a possabilty u never know what will come out or in the black hole Seattle i dont see Washington might, that could be really possible
  14. _ Agree, he isn't the greatest QB but he is far far from the worst. If our O-line could preotect and block, Fitz would look more like the first 4 games. _ Injuries are killing this team and most of us saw depth as a HUGE problem coming into this year and after the first few games even. _ having a better line and depth will help greatly. _ having some good OLB, DE, and corners who have a clue on how to cover and knock balls down would help out greatly _ Wr is a big problem. We need atleast 1 more legit WR to go with SJ. Sj is not the greatest either but the kid is pretty good with only 2 yrs starting. Find a #1 or someone equal to SJ talents and we should be fine with the rest. - MOst of all get a GOOD D.Q.. Edwards is not great or good. Either give the stache a run @ our D, or get someone who can, This Bills D couldn't stop a nose bleed. They look and R horrible. Teams r laughing at them. I am laughing at them, what else can you do. Atleast in the begining of the year the o gave us some hope, but our D was bad and got worse! Thats all i got. We are a lot farther off than i thought. Getting some players back next year, a good draft, and I hope to GOD we r a little more active with FREE AGENTS!
  15. We would counter by getting "Mitch Frerotte" and his hair! We would b unstoppable
  16. Good point! So even more reason to question why he was canned!
  17. Think ther is a better chance of the blow out happening in your paints than the bills killing the cowgirls in Dallas! I also think this game is close, and whoever has the most turnover wins the game. I think Chan still has a chip on his sholders about JJ firing him after 2 winning seasons and making the playoffs. He didn't win any playoff games but still got em ther. Alot of people say he was left with a good team and that is why they made the playoffs. Chan should have the boys prepared to play specially after being embaressed by the NJ Jets @ home, but it is a road game,,,,, so who knows.
  18. Sorry 2 hear u were in a coma. How did this happen if you dont mind my asking. Just curious and think this is a way more intresting topic than growing a beard (I shaved mine Sunday night, but grew it more for bow hunting season)Do you still have any long term effects from the coma\what happened. I never met a person who has survived from 1. I lost a friend when i was 10, he got injured jumping a fence and slipped into a coma and died.
  19. We knew we had depth issues all around going into this year. Hopefully we can fix this in the next off season. I know the bills turned some heads this year, but the S.B. was still far far away. A playoff birth would have been great and still could b possible, but let the youngsters play and gain experience. I hope to GOD they make a few moves more in the off season.
  20. Yup one is all pro and the other is all practice squad!
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