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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. Finally, the Bills plan to stick to a 3-4 defense. There's been a lot of talk in Buffalo since the team fired former defensive coordinator George Edwards. Nix said the 3-4 is not as big an issue as people think. Buffalo's priority in the offseason, according to Nix, is to continue to add more players to fit the 3-4 scheme. Sorry Nix said it not Chan! http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast My guess is they stay with the 34 and mix in the 43! Hybrid
  2. Didnt Chan say we are sticking with the 34 even with Wanny as the D coach?
  3. Sign SJ13, Stay the !@#$ away from D Jackson, he is a cancer! Vincent Jackson maybe but he is no angel. Funny people get on SJ13 about he antics but want some1 like D Jackson! No way!
  4. I think they would see it as. If he could do this in B-lo with no other WR to compliment him,,, imagine what he could do on a team with a better O. Or teams may look at it as, he can be productive (back to back 1000 yrd seasons average over 8 td's a season)on any team good O or bad! He is that good (not great yet) Bottom line is the Bills need to keep SJ13. i am tired of loosing our best players to FA. Ya he may be a little immature, he has only been a starter for 2 years and is 25. He will grow up, and i wanna see it in B-lo! just how i feel!
  5. Of those 14 players who rank higher were they on an offense as bad as ours? Do they have a better QB? Those teams have other WR's to take coverage away from ther top WR as you wrote. Buffalo doesn't! He is and will be our best WR. We have s hit for depth and letting him walk will hurt our team. We dont need any more holes to fill Paying him 7.5 mil isn't top end money for a good WR. Seems like good value. If we dont pay him, a lot of other teams will. He is 25 years old, and was a 7th round pick who has very good chemistry with our current QB. Putting up the catches, yards, and TD's he did in the last 2 years in B-lo are pretty good when you look at our O!
  6. Even if S.D. did franchise him n trade to B-lo that would mean he would be here for 1 yr. He doesn't have to sign long term, and i don't think you can franchise a player more then 2x's or cause it's a different team would that mean we could franchise him 2 more x's?????
  7. Meh, doesn't mean much but camp guy who could make the team. It shows they are always looking. Sometimes they find something decent. This hardly hurts the team or other players on our team. We definitely need to get some WR's. Not saying he is the answer, but kicking the tires doesn't hurt!
  8. Fitz, he isn't the greates but far from the worst. We need D. A solid pass rusher (DE, LB) We could get Flynn for free and have him compete with Fitz. I wouldn't give Flynn the start out of the gate. He hasn't proved he can play in Buffalo and hasn't played that much in the NFL. Playing in GB n playing for B-lo r 2 different planets! If he beats Fitz then he starts and we have a really expensive, and good ( didnt say great) 2nd string QB. Atleast we would have some depth. We have 2 good running backs and our depth sucks every other position. We need a lot of help on D,,, way more than our O does. With a solid D it will help our O out. Throw in a tackle & WR through FA or draft, but we really should focus on building a solid D. Give the stache what he needs, n we will be OK!
  9. You just put an add in the B-Lo news and wa la U have "top flight gm or top flight coaching staff in Buffalo " it is so easy i just dont understand this organization. Everyone else knows how to fix the problem just not 1BD Injuries make starters!
  10. Evans has MADE the playoffs this year with the Ravens. (which a game hasn't been played as of yet) He was hardly any reason 4 them making it this year!
  11. Reggie Corner is still on the team! Think u missed that one, and he has been OK when needed!
  12. We looked pretty good against the Reskins as well! Outside of those 3 games,,, not so good.
  13. I was told he has a case of sand in his Va gina! Doctors told him to keep rinsing it and he should b OK by Sunday! So we will see if rinsing will help enough for him to play!
  14. He is trying to ousmart the other teams by doing the opposite of what should be done. Tricky Chan, although he is the one being made to look the fool! I think with a little better depth and a legit WR opposite SJ our O will be pretty effective for entire year. Freddy coming back 100% also will help! Our D needs a lot of help with players and personel. We need a legitimate D cordinator. OLB and a stud DE would help our secondary alot as well as the running game. Year 3 will be do or die for Chan. A couple key fee agents and another strong draft and this ship will be sailing! Otherwise we start over again from the floor!
  15. So you think Evans was better than S.J.? I disagree. Evans did absolutely nothing last year. Didn't or couldn't run half the routes S.J. did. Before injuries S.J. numbers were better as well, just my 4.5 cents worth!
  16. sign em n then trade his ass for a sweeeet 4th round pick!
  17. Dish network had problems (contract) with MSG and they were dropped. So i switched to direct TV and now can view the sabres try and compete! F TWC n F Dish network. Thats all i got!
  18. Little early to be asking this question, Fred is the obvious choice as of this year. He was on his way to being a MVP. CJ is improving but he is not were Freddy is. Blocking, being slippery in the middle, knowing his assignments, Rx......... Maybe after another year and CJ maturing as a RB this would be better discussed! CJ has potential, i will give him that and has improved each game his is started, but not ther yet!
  19. GB has Aaron Rogers first of all, are u really comparing last years GB team to what the bills are. Not even close. There 2nd string would beat our "starters" Oh and did i mention they have A R! seriously!
  20. Thats just awesome. Travis Henry like!
  21. Bills r definetly racist. Thats why our team sucks so bad. Maybe the new owner will hire only asian and african americans, so we can start winning again. Wow it's so easy to turn this thing around,,, just get rid of whitey!
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