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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. We scored enough points against Tenn & NE this year. Our D was really really bad!
  2. Missing on Tebow was a gift from god! Thank God we didn't draft that athlete,,,,,, I mean football player. Just what position he is actually good at is yet to be determined!
  3. I felt last year to be pretty painful with the fast start and beating NE finally. Then they just sucked the rest of the year. This year hurt as well with the expectations from the off-season, for them to just come out n lay n egg against NJ!
  4. I would prefer to winout Indy lost and got Luck! I just don't see that type player coming out this year.
  5. Going to be a close game. I am not sure if Spiller goes off against a good Miami run D. I don't see a shoot out, but a farley low scoring close game. D holds up in trhe end, B-lo 17-13.
  6. Matt Moore seriously! No better yet F no! Getting rid of Fred Jackson is not a good idea. Using CJ more is a good idea though I am down with getting a big physical Wr who can play (easier said then done) Our O-line is actually one of the stronger units on this team and is near tops in the league. So i agree getting a big physical Wr would help!
  7. Unless Vick can play some D, then no thank you! We need help onour D. whether or not that is from a new D system, cordinator, or players. Our O is not bad. Granted Fitz isn't anything special he does produce enough to win. Our D is holding this team back way way more than Fitz! Just my 3 cent worth!
  8. Ya, but can he throw a TD pass like Moorman!
  9. Didn't Gailey kinda pull a fast 1 in saying he thought C Glenn was a guard or something to that degree b4 the draft!
  10. Those fisrt 2 TD's yesterday were garbage time! Oh wait. Good thing we can't run the balll or score TD''s! Maybe our D-line is over hyped i mean they have improved in every game, but there is no way they would be good or even, should i say dominent. Hmm I got it! Fitz sucks and is the root of all this teams problems. man it sucks being in last place,,,, well maybe not now but in a few! The next 3 games will be tough if we can get throw this stretch at .500 we should be fine. teams definetly going inthe right direction. Sorry been drinking!
  11. Man i forgot about Easley. Maybe they just want to see what Donte remebers of his summer in NE
  12. That was great! Kyle Williams has 2 be our MVP for the last 4-5 years (except last year) He is back and i am so glad he is part of this team. Great just great!
  13. I agree with most of what u said. I do question, "Sanchez had all day" He seemed to be getting the ball out really quickly for the most part and that is why we didn't get any pressure on El Dirte Sanches! That was also why i didn't understand the DB's playing back they should have jammed em at the line. Maybe they did blitz alot last week. I remeber our D-line (especially the interior williams n dareus) getting a lot of push up the middle. I am not saying u r wrong, just i saw things a little different. Good post and like i said i mostly agree with ya! LET"S GO BUFFALO!
  14. Bills need to make a statement. Win 1 for the home crowd boys!
  15. Really one game. The entire D-line did nothing in this game. We kinda stopped the run game early. So Sanchez picked our (inexperienced) CB's. Also Mc Kelvin is just terrible, can't wait to say goodbye! New D coed., New scheme, and some new players. Things didn't click well, but give em time to gel. Really one game!
  16. I think meeting the Giants in the post season would be considered a win, even if we lose to them. That would mean we lost the SB. I would be happy making the playoffs and losing. This would be something to build off of (seeing what we have had for over a decade) So if we lose to the giants in the SB. I don't see why we couldn't win it the next year. We did almost beat the NYG last year,,,no!
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