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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. I would take Vick running the option over Fitz, but that woulld be it
  2. Never thought of it that way but that would be spot on! Vick has a cannon, but accuracy is not his best attribute, and after taking a few shots he looks scared n runnnig for his life. This was mostly because the Eagles O-line was terrible. I do think that B-lo's line is far better than the eagles. Vick could play better here? I just dont see briging him in when Fitz will give the same amount of wins or more!(This is just my opinion) If they plan on runnng the read option, then Vick would be better suited, and this is the only reason i see him playing in B-lo other wise its another year of Fitz. Who knows Fitz may do better with an O that ran first and depended on his "arm" less. All in all, it really depends on what our new coaching staff wants to run!
  3. Kid has a lot of baggage. Did I mention he is a kid. No way Marrone wants this KID, players like him dropped off his team @ Cuse when he came aboard. He is a headache. Let someone else take the risk. I vote he goes to the Jets!
  4. I keep hearing everyone say the ravens showed the world how to beat the patsie's. This was also stated when the Giants beat em in the S.B.'s. U have to hit em, whether it's the QB, RB or WR's you have to hit em all!
  5. So this guy was probably very popular on campus and could have any tail he wanted!!!! This has to be a hoax\cover up for being gay.
  6. B-lo will use multiple fronts on the D. I think bringing him in would help the D get fired up. The guy is pure explosion. Maybe Moats could learn a few things from Harrison. We need a lot of help in our LB core.
  7. Well we need a good WR and LB so the obvious choices for me would be Patrick Willis and Megatron! Our team would b sick with those 2 additions! Meh Von Miller would b close but i take Willis.
  8. I have a feeling Fitz is a Bill for another year. This could all change with a OC. Unless we get a decent FA veteran QB, it looks like another year of Fitz. Hey maybe he can do a little better with better coaching.
  9. Don't let the door hit ya in the ! Well never mind. Go back to policing the internet!
  10. Should have drafted our HOME-Town boy GRONK! Boom, the TE position is filled for 10 years
  11. So they have been "losing out for picks" for about 4 weeks now?! Also the play reeks of the HC & QB beleiving it was 3rd n short!
  12. Mario started slow,,,,very slow. Since the bye week n "wrist surgery" He has been dominant! He starting to show why we over paid to get him here. Our D should b good next year. Now we need to fix the QB situation and get a decent #2 Wr with some size!
  13. Spiller will carry the rock about 10 x's. T Choice should get about 30 carries!
  14. I really beleive Spiller's ypc will go down without Freddy. He will be missed. We would of lost this game with or without him anyways. I am just hoping the O-line can play a little better. If Choice gets more carries then Spiller Chan should be fired on the spot. I have supported Chan the last 2 years as i thought this team was making progress, but it isn't (even with better players) He needs to trust his players more and take some F'n chances. What do we have to lose,,,,,, maybe Gailey and that would b an improvement!
  15. Prettyy sure there isn't an A Luck type QB coming out of this next draft. Easier said then done
  16. I would take P Rivers. Draft QB's in both 13 & 14 drafts and probably have to cut Fitz. I would luv 2 keep him as a back-up but that contract would b hard 2 swallow for a 2nd stringer!
  17. Meh i would rather have Fitz for another year. Vick isn't very good. He played well for a season in Philly, and now he is regressing. I would pass!
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