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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. I just read on Nick Jr that Don Schula will be the Browns next HC!
  2. So u have no problems with a "Moron" leaving to coach Cleveland. I have to disagree. I feel Petinne was a very smart D cord and did wonders with this D. We will be sad if he does go.
  3. I voted Marrone. It was the guys first year and i dont think he did horrible. Pettine is a very good D cord, but even more unproven than Marrone.
  4. So Welker is a bad guy for running a pick and hurting a DB. NE runs plays like this all the time including yesterday. Hell Welker probably learned most of his route running from the Pats. Bellyache is a sore loser. With his girl Tommy boy getting up ther in age and the team not as good as it has been. I feel Bellyache sees the end is real real near. When Brady hangs em up so will Bellyache. What a hypocrite!
  5. kids playing competitive sports professionally. Both r very very good at what they do, play in the nfl, & r under the spot light. The media luvs it! They talk smack the entire game,,,,, its entertaining and a lot of people enjoy it. It does need to b controlled at times but last night was harmless, with emotions playing a huge role in there actions. I would take both players on our team. They r both better than anything we currently have!
  6. codeine syrup drink J Russel got busted with
  7. They both weren't very good NFL QB's! Maybe Eugene likes the purple drank.
  8. Geno is a turd! I think EJ's career will be better than Geno's. I am not saying they will be all-stars I just think EJ will have the better career,,,,, so I dont think many outside of yourself wished that Buff draft Geno. He is a turn over machine n a head case, perfect for NJ!
  9. Meh, Mike is a good D cord. He should get interviews for HC jobs. Just because he accepts an interview doesn't mean he will b offered the job or that he will take it. Given what went down in OHIO this year I don't think anyone would just jump at an offer. I think he stays in B-lo at least another season. He is still a little unknown seeing he was in fat Rex's shadow for years and now he gets his own D and improves them greatly. This could b seen as a 1 year wonder by some. He might need to show consistency as D cord before getting offers for the HC spot. This doesn't mean teams wouldn't want to interview him.
  10. Not only a distaraction for players(not all are used to being on camera) I think it mat have an effect on the coaches. I wouldnt want a camera following me doing my job. From an enetertainment standpoint i wouldnt want to watch another team!
  11. I will gladly take that bet. He has already said they would bring in another QB or even QB's. If not FA then the draft!
  12. They have informed Locker he will have to compete for the starting JOB next year!
  13. Marrone also said that he was 110% EJ would play in the final against the patsies!?
  14. QB play was not so good half the season and he had a down year. I would expect to see SJ13 moved around quite a bit.With Woods n flash-Goodwin having a year under their belts the 3 could be moved around. I think Woods will b a stud and Goodwin showed he his not just speed. The end of the season he would run n catch the short n intermediate stuff as well as the long ball.
  15. He did lose some weight during the season. The last couple games he looked like he should have been a safety. This was a long season and i am sure he will do whats needed in the off-season to bulk up. Also the kid was a rookie who took the most snaps on our team. He did an outstanding job and cant wait to see what he does in the future!
  16. I would take Thad over "glassman" Kolb. Thad seems unconventional with the way he plays QB, but he tries and is somewhat effective for someone with no TC.
  17. There is a little more to it. He is a really good blocker, and is pretty good at catching balls out of the back field. We have 2 RB's on this team. SO the position is split. If Freddy was our primary back then i am sure you would see games over 100 yards. Maybe look at his alll purpose yards seeing running backs do more than just run the ball. FredEx isnt going anyplace and rightfully so. He will retire a BIll in 2 to 3 years. If it aint broke u dont fix it. Our running game is really really good, why would u want to change that. Having a Rookie OC and QB i am sure has weight in his rushing yards. This team has had a lot of 3 and outs and most teams stack the box to challenge EJ to throw!
  18. I would think it would force them into bringing in a VET not drafting a QB. We don't want a carousel of QB's playing for an Injured QB with no experience again. Well there is always Kevin ooops I slipped Kolb!
  19. I like the idea of moving Pears to RG and drafting a stud RT. Might B a better topic
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