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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. I don't think we gain anything by moving AW. He played very well last year especially seeing it was his first year playing SS. If it aint broke dont fix it. FS is now broke and moving AW seems to be braking 2 things as opposed to fixing anything. However AW could be even better FS, glad it up to coaches. I am all for using a 2-4th rounder on a safety and bringing in a vet. O-line LB & Wr i would put above S,,,, depending on how the draft goes.
  2. I could see the Jets wanting him as much as the media..... Could you imagine the circus. Things in NJ went quite quietly (Geno) last year,,, FATSO Rex just received a new contract could be entertaining. Oh n i guess i wouldn't b against him being in B-lo. This would b interesting seeing you could get half a season from Vick n half a season from Knee J.
  3. Byrd is a really good FS. I would be pissed to see him walk, he has game changing ability. We drafted him. Then i remember this teams hasnt sniffed post season in well over a decade. Why would they pay a FS 10M a season!!!!!! Nope, I understand it is a passing league and the S position will require more $$ in the future, but to pay a FS 10m, who at this point is probably a little disgruntle over being tagged last year and possible being tagged again. I was all for theme signing or tagging him... Today i am thinking it isnt worth it. Get a decent comp pic next year! wooooooooooo hooooooooooooo
  4. That could be said about half of the teams in the NFL!
  5. Greer or Vilma would be OK at a Vet min. We could use some depth at those positions. I like the 1 year contract.
  6. But if you read it on the internet it must b true! lol
  7. U would think someone as intelligent as Timothy Graham would!
  8. I have to say I thought i saw a lot of PI on Seattle's D that looked like it should have been called, but it wasn't much different from there play all season. My question about the officiating is this. On the Safety wasn't Denver called for a false start? Wouldnt that play b considered dead as soon as the ball was snapped. Should the safety counted?????
  9. Wash is probably looking for at least a late first or 2nd round pick. Cousins is unproven with potential. The more he has played the less impressive he looked. Teams need Qb's so someone will give up a pick. Having a hobbled RGtree and poooh behind him might no go well next season with a new coach.
  10. I like ther potential. Both had pretty good years for mess our team had dealt with QB..... Come on 2014
  11. Last time the Bills were in the SB,,, Marv was on the side lines....We brought him back into the organization and that back fired. I like the idea of Wade as a DC, but to think "All I know is last time the Bills made the playoffs Wade was on the sideline" may not be a good way for hiring staff!
  12. tag em, n trade em.....they have 2 firsts.....maybe we get 1...I would rather we sign bird, but if he wont sign..........
  13. So this is from a very reliable source. Just some isider info on the Pettine situation. Apparently Mike was on the fence about leaving B-lo after 1 year and the entire Browns situation with there management. Kiko Alonso spoke with MP this am b4 leaving for Cleveland. Kiko gave him his blessing and decided he(Kiko) could b the Qb of the D on the field as well as b the DC. This is happening because Kiko let it! Just a little insider info! Our D has already improved with out even playing.
  14. I like wade, but will he wear a head set!?
  15. So the only "source" so far is a radio station. Not believing it just yet.....Not after last year!
  16. So Joe Schmoe is definitely a candidate for our DC position when it becomes available. Has Joe ever coached at the NFL level, and is he related to Wannastache!
  17. They did bring in a VET. Only problem was Kolb is made of glass.
  18. Not over all record, sorry (DB). The team was a heck of a lot more entertaining to watch. The D improved in areas. The O improved in areas. The team improved overall except ST but that is for another discussion.Also 6-10 for a first year coach inheriting a team that hasnt seen the playoffs in over a decade, isn't terrible. People r entitled to there own opinions!
  19. Wow, the guy coached us for 1 year. Made some improvements, but it was 1 year. He didn't inherit the greatest team, and is trying to make this his team. I think i will wait another year b4 we ax him. I don't think Pettine would have had more or much more success. However Pettine also has never been a HC so we even know less about him or how he would perform as a HC. Hopefully Mike doesnt leave!!!!
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