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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. So not only do u not want to put the best backs out, you also dont want the best WR on the field. It's apparent you value speed more. Woods is a far better player then Goodwin (I really like goodwin). So we now disagree about 2 things!
  2. When EJ becomes knee-J again,,,maybe! I dont think he could see over our O-line though!?
  3. He did! I believe he knelt the ball down 2x's for the win!. LOL
  4. Our first team D has been pretty solid even with missing Mcluvin. The front four is nasty. I was never a fan of Schwartz either, but he is a good cord and our D doesnt seem like they miss Pettine much. It's early and we have only played practice games but I have been impressed. Especially with the 1st string run D!
  5. I believe this was his best all around game. Drives me nuts when people say he is a one trick pony. Give the kid a chance, he definitely shown he has potential. Injuries do become a concern, but he has only been in the league a year. TJ has to go!
  6. Now we just have to get him to LUV a reasonable multi year contract!I am a firm believer in keeping talent hear, especially talent we drafted in the 1st round.
  7. He was here already. We released him for a reason! Tooooooo many mental issues, and wouldnt fit well with this team. Lets see what happens with Glenn back on the left side. He may help the LG look a little better. It s still early in the practice season, so no reason to go out n sign a head case! Alex Boone from San Fran may be available via trade.
  8. So with Glenn back manning the Left side. This will hopefully make whoever it is at LG play a little better. Henderson has played RT (more natural position) he looked good OK on the Left side. This is really good news.
  9. This is the same complaint on CJ. So we have some dumb RB's. I dont agree but as long as they keep moving the chains,,,, I dont care. I didnt like when he ran out of bounds ob the 3rd down run. Mental mistake and completely correctable. I like Brown a lot, and thought he looked good when he got a few games with Philly. We had near tops in the league last year in our back field,,,, They improved it this year!
  10. Come on its more fun to mess with the "Tuel to start" fans. Every week during the pre-season they will probably b swapping to get looks at both Thadius n Tuel. I am for the best man wins. However there r fans clinging on hope of Tuel as a starter so its more fun to mess with them.
  11. My Daddy didnt wear a headset n neither am I!!! Oh shucks!
  12. Exactly I am not reading into this too much. We are in the pre-season (practice games) Maybe the team is using these games to evaluate! People need to settle down. After the 4th game we will know more.
  13. Add to the fact that they drafted a kid this year, and wouldn't trade within the division if Mallet was so good.Our Lady Brady is getting up there in years. All in all I think Mallet hasnt shown anything, and probably isnt very good. I have never been impressed with him. Hoyer, meh. I think Thad or Tuel r going to fine as a back up to EJ!
  14. Who wiffed om his first round pick of his first draft, according to the Tuel supporters. Even though EJ only played 10 games as a rookie, and missed valuable training. They are probably the ones who thought Kelly should have been benched for Frank R back in the day. If Tuel outperforms EJ they should start him. I just dont see him as a better player. I am not even sure he has surpassed Thadius. We have played 1 of 5 practice games. People need to chill for another 3 weeks!
  15. He was in for ten plays. They barely warmed up. It was an extra practice game n starters dont normally play long.Tuel may be playing with the 3's this week while they give Thad a shot with the 2's. Again these are practice games used in evaluating. The HC n GM has spoken a number of times that EJ is the man. They are fully invested with EJ being the starter this year n the future. If he is injured, then it will b up to Thad or Tuel. As of now I believe Thad is #2. This could change seeing it is still pre-season. I hope Thad or Tuel emerge as better QB's than what we saw last year. It would make a nice story, but make no mistake EJ is the bills QB!
  16. All in all it is TC and we played the first of 5 practice games. It's more about evaluation, n then of course u have Woods still swinging at guys in practice. So I think Marrone is getting a little better look at Hogan because he has potential but lakes experience (mostly game time). Woods will be a starter this year in my opinion. I think he leads the team in receptions this season. We will know more when practice game 4 comes around. Just my opinion!
  17. This is really hard to believe. By people do u mean your friends? Not trying to sound like a d&%k but i kinda laughed when i read that.
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