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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. I hope so cause the trade seems like a good one. Now 1BD needs to know! lol
  2. I would like this trade. I just dont see it happening. Do other teams really think 7-11 has any value. He is very raw with only playing football for 2-3 years. Not that Ponder is highly coveted but he has shown he is capable of playing QB in this league, even if it was average play at best. Hogan has tons of potential but at this point thats all it is,,,potential.
  3. Eric or Robert Woods? Guessing Eric but Robert seems to attract fights
  4. He is a UNDFA rookie who Green Bay signed but has injured his knee. Green Bay wants to put him on the PS. SO u think we should pull a Belacheat and sign him to a contract..........I dont know about that. The kid has had some problems off the field, and Ballard didnt work out foe NE!
  5. Spiller was injured and still turned out n OK seasonChandler actually had his best season as a Pro! SJ13 was injured and didnt play the entire season. They all played with 3 different starting QB's with little to no starting exp in the NFL! Hopefully with Glenn back this O starts to GEL and it produces a decent starter at both G's
  6. So Thad is terrible, I liked him last year not so much this. Tuel has passed him n will hopefully b a nice back up, 1st team O was unimpressive, but i think Woods will b a nice WR. They lost Watkins n pulled M Williams early so not sure what happened there(with Williams). 1st team D looked good minus a couple really big plays smh. Carpenter is all u need! Kick offs n field goals, he is money n we got him from Miami, How could i forget Cohan he is exciting, n a lot of people will b pulling for this kid (minus the penaltiess) Kouandjio has bust written all over him,,,,,,,,just terrible!
  7. Agree but is it really his analysis, or just something he threw together!
  8. As stoopid as Mike R is. He has pissed me off a lot since covering the bills. Too much to list,,,, i am actually starting to just laugh at thehis inaccurate garbage he spews daily. Come on someone at ESPN has to see this. I thought James Walker was terrible but this fool may have surpassed him. Ohh n must we not forget our boy Tim G. ESPN just hates the only true NY team!
  9. Actually this isnt a bad idea! I like it more then putting one up on TBD. I am not kidding. Gives us an idea what another fan base might think. After his first practice game, most probably want EJ!
  10. But is he wearing a tinted vsior???! The masses need to know! Is he wearing a visor...damnitt!
  11. Hard to scan the field when he is busy being selfish wearing a tinted visor! He needs to be cut!
  12. UHUH I see it as being disrespectful to his coach's n team mates! the nerve
  13. If i could change 1 thing about EJ? Think I would change his completion %! I would make it 100%. This would help the team a lot more. I really dont think the "visor" is that important to the team.........
  14. Spot on,, kinda tired of the EJ bashing (specially from a select few). Although it has quieted down now that hey have played a 2nd practice game!
  15. I am not reading this..... Too bust laughing. Easy gunner! U like speed guys over starters no reason to try n explain this
  16. 3 maybe 4x's! Also u apparently like 1 trick ponies at WR instead of Woods who seems to do it all very well. Just like Fred does everything well. U would rather go with unproven guys with speed. It's nice it just doesnt work. U did say starters this year as in Fred shouldnt start, then went on to say he should b 4th string. U then gave an example of a line up with brown n CJ as starters with what i presumed was ur starting WR's (seeing we are talking about starters). Which i commented on. Easy girly! N cheers!
  17. U did say it i highlighted it. You are speaking all on hypothetical is garbage. You put ur best players out to play the game. So far Freddy is the best all around RB we have n his stats last year prove that. Woods is better than Goodwin. These are facts. Have fun playing ur stoopid game which can change to suit ur arguments....
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