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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. I would rather if Schwartz leaves via a HC job,,,, I would really like Rex as a D cord,,,, probably wont happen
  2. Pears is absolutely terrible. he needed to be cut as a T, his G play is worse! <-- If that is possible. Tall players are not ideal for playing guard.
  3. Bills 17 Minny 3 We destroy the o-line and Bridgewater!
  4. The defender got a hand on it! It was a beautiful throw and a nice defensive break up. Not really on sammy as it was more of a perfect break up.
  5. So Maybin??! I dont think that is fair. I thin Bradham will be fine and a nice addition to the LB corps
  6. Orton reminds me of a better fitz (not by much), I can handle this. Maybe it pushes EJ. This hasnt been done since he was drafted. I mean K Kolb. The guy got beat and out of the league by a rubber mat! With the talent @ Wr & Rb on this team Orton would fill in just fine. I also think EJ will b fine and will progress as the season goes on. Hope that D & running game can carry us.
  7. I liked Cohan, he was a lovable underdog and seemed to be the perfect fit if Kyle Williams goes down. What do I know?
  8. Mike Williams was never on the same level of stoopidity as RI. RI issues go back to his college days of bullying players n fighting with coaches.Mike Williams was immature and got traded because of that. He has changed. The college coach who pretty much showed him the door, has now become his NFL coach. I don't see a former coach of RI ever giving him a chance. Heck after all the MIAMI crap he went out n beat up his luxury sports car with a bat.<-- this indicates some serious mental issues. (all of his antics do) From all reports I have heard from the Bills staff is Mike Williams is doing everything right. Again, Richie has not been welcome back to any NFL club he has played for, or even played on a team that has made the playoffs. Yet some think he will get us over the hump? WE are one of the youngest teams in the NFL.... He is a terrible person in my opinion and would be a bad person to have on a young team. This is just my opinion. You can feel anyway u choose!
  9. I didnt say "he just goofs off in practice." I said he was a goofball. Meaning all the time, and he probably had maturity problems. He seems to have finally started to grow up. He was stabbed by his brother in his home. Do you have a brother? He went to the hospital n was released.Brothers fight, a lot. He wasn't out on the streets getting into fights, he was in his house and things got out of control. Now its looks to be a steal for the bills in trading for him. RI has mental issues and is a terrible person.
  10. I support this statement! U didn't compare M Williams to RI! Williams is more the goofball type. RI has serious mental issues. I havent heard Wiiliams was a cancer but i did hear he could be a distraction and has played for 1 club,,, since being here, he has been on board with everything we are doing and the bills have benefited from him being here. RI is a stoopid idiot that has played for 3 clubs, been accused multiple times for being a really really dirty person, and oh the whole mental problems. Keep him away from this club.
  11. Watching the game i thought the same thing. Then i remembered QB's lacking experience do this an EJ (like it or not) is still a rookie(>16games). Oh and the strike he threw to Caveman into coverage on the NEXT play. That was nice, and helped to forget the run out of bounds for a sack!The O looked terrible. Everyone looked bad in the first half. The center of our line was collapsed a lot\every play. The refs were a little quick on some calls but whatever it is pre-season. Ball security was terrible. EJ wasn't comfortable and it showed in his play. What was the deal with players from both teams slipping?! I know they want things Vanilla but the play call was terrible for our O. I am not real worried about our D, outside of QB's throwing to whoever is covered by a LB. Could be a problem Cant wait to see SWAT. Hopefully EJ can execute like he did in the 2nd half of the game. I know it wasn't there first string D, I dont care it gave me some (b it only a little) Hope The O line with more time should improve. We have a huge question mark at G!
  12. Its pre-season! The entire O looked horrible in the first half which seemed to be helped by some terrible officiating. Another thing that had effects on both teams was the field. Why was everyone slipping??! 2nd half was fun to watch. First string O against Tamps whatever stringers was really nice. I enjoyed it. So happy REAL foozball starts soon. One more tryout game for some! Oh N good bye Branch, hello Landen!
  13. I agree, but i think this will get better with more experience. The kid is young and still pretty raw. However I think he has what it takes and will improve with more play at the professional level!
  14. We should just sign Oliver Clothesoff or Heywood Jeblowme! We wouldnt need to trade anyone seeing they r FA. PLus they r way better than McGroin and Sancheez. They just need a shot. SMH can these threads just stop!
  15. I am not sure were people are getting "if SJ gets cut Mrs Brady Would luv him" I think quite the opposite. Brady throws the ball were his WR are supposed to be. SJ freelance route running wouldnt work. I remember when NE signed CHad Ocho Cinco. He was cut because he had a hard time getting the plays down and brady didnt trust him to be were he was supposed to be for the catch. He was cut a short time later. I could b wrong, but this is how i remember it.
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