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Everything posted by snamsnoops

  1. NOPE On someones bench. (reminds of V YOUNG,,big hype, produced a lil early on, and then pooooooh) Him laying on his back with his hands together across his chest is really really funny! Its OK, the call was reversed n BS, but we win!
  2. Yup, We just cant lose our D-cord again. Bradham is a bad bad man! With the emergence of Brown our LB core should be solid for years!
  3. yup, this team with EJ wasnt going anywhere. KO at least gave us hope of a possible winning season and dare i say we r still in the playoff hunt. December is a really really tough month. This is arguable the best D B-lo has had.....ever! We can win any game as easily as we could lose any game. Thats why they play the game!Lets not kid ourselves our O-line is not the greatest, but we do have some play makers at skill positions. Woods has been solid as of late and this was expected. Watkins and woods should be productive for us for a long time. Who was this TE Grey, and where did he come from. not sure he produces regularly, but what a suprise. All in all we have a nasty D, Average at best O.. We can win games. Yes a top ten QB would vault this team into SB talk, but we have been searching for a QB since the days of Kelly. All i got is that it is easier said then done.This is our team and putting in EJ would b a mistake until we r officially out if the playoffs. I havent given up on EJ, he needs to learn from a VET --> this is what he is doing. For some reason we play like Chit-ner at home, but a win is a win, and is was gainst an AFC opponent! Also,our O cord may need to be upgraded.
  4. After reading this i immediately thought NJJ!
  5. I also saw a lot of O holding and illegal blocks in the back. Good thing this game wasn't even being close to being decided by the "zebra's"
  6. We would absolutely smash this kid. This is one of the best D fronts i have seen. Please please please let JF start. Him starting against our D he would b renamed "Johnny no-more football"
  7. Sj13 was a pretty good player for us. Being a 6th rounder we got decent production during some of the worst times for B-lo. Trading him to San fran was the correct move. We get a decent draft pick n we allow our young guys more balls. This season is nothing special for him. He is happy we r happy.
  8. Haynesworth was a complete dirt bag! His play showed it.Big D was a lil immature but seems to be coming around. I wouldn't put em in the same sentence. Haynesworth was talented for a couple years, I can see Bid d as one of the best all time. Sign the kid up!
  9. I agree with needing some O mind to improve this team, That may be with a new OC or HC. I think you let Marrone get 3 years at least. We are 5-4 and a lot can happen in the next month or two. I disagree with Bryce B. Kid has always been a terrific athlete Big fast n strong. Let him get his chance. He looked shot out of a cannon on some runs and passes Sunday. I like him and CJ had his time. He is to boom or bust and unfortunately he has been a lot more bust. He may go on to help another team more suited to his skillz.
  10. Didnt Houston blow out his ACL celebrating a meaningless sack
  11. The 17 pass attempts was not the norm, it had more to do with having the lead early, and maintaining that lead by playing it safe..Hence Orton's first game not turning the ball over. I agree to a point on the running game. It hasnt been a strength which i thought would b going into the season. Brown n Dixon may work. The Jets D is really really good, actually most the D's we have faced this season r in the top 10. Freddy will hopefully b back in a couple weeks after the bye. I think Brown could b pretty good. He has size n speed & had a couple good games in Philly, n Boobie is all around pretty good\decent
  12. <-- the 4 should have been 5TD's was nice as well!
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