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Everything posted by JPS

  1. There are WAY more important things in life than the Superbowl. Wait...can we even SAY Superbowl?
  2. Well yeah...several plays missed stopped the clock and plays made kept the clock moving. Bottom line...Giants didn't give Welker a 2nd chance.
  3. And while they are at it, maybe the defense could be a little better.
  4. This, of course is skewed by the Patriots being and automatic loss on the one hand and Bills being a nice week to rest up on the other. My guess is the Bills got blown out by every eventual champion. Almost a bye week for good teams.
  5. What it probably means is there are 2 easy wins in Buffalo and Miami. I see it as a negative for the AFC East. For instance, if the Bills take care of Business in New Jersey, the Giants don't even make the playoffs.
  6. +1. If you give me dominance at Oline and pass pushers, it's a good team no matter what the rest of the team looks like. Now...you need a few playmakers to get you far into the playoffs, but I think the Harbaugh template of teams is timeless....and weather proof.
  7. God forbid someone be criticized in this country. Too bad. Miles is so awful his teams have been consistently good. He's being a leader and I'm okay with it.
  8. Are Sheppard and Barnett really the answers? I dunno. They seem better than the previous garbage on the field. But I do not think anyone will confuse them with the 49ers or the Texans linebackers. I'm open to the idea that the current roster is void of top LB talent and the Bills are basically starting over there. If the Bills change to a 4-3, then draft multiple LBs in this draft, it's a pretty good indication of what they think of the current LBs. I just can't drink the koolaid after 12 years. I know.....draft a cornerback! That'll fix everything!
  9. If Jimmy Griffin himself played for the Pats I'd be rooting for a knee injury and an 0-16 season. I get nothing out of Buffalo natives beating our brains in.
  10. I do not need some made up complex statistical analysis to tell me that teams ran on Buffalo when they wanted to run and passed on Buffalo when they wanted to pass. Why? It wasn't because of the dbs. I do know from watching the games the front 7 got very little pressure on the QB in the passing game and when the line did hold their position, we had very few plays from linebackers in the run game. The front 7 MUST be addressed. They just DECREASED the number of LBs they needed and they still can't tell you who is playing where. Why? Because there is NO talent. The Bills will not take a cornerback in the 1st two rounds. They are just too deficient in other areas that determine the course of the game even before you get to cornerbacks.
  11. Whether on this board or "well documented" from other geniuses on the internet, anyone who suggests THIS team should go cornerback in the 1st round should be sentenced to following a non-playoff team for the next 10 to 12 years. Oh wait...it's what's you are used to... 6 seconds is way to long to guard an NFL WR.
  12. Tollefson picks up the scraps from an otherwise dominant pass rush. Put him on the Bills, he looks like all the other jokers currently occupying space on the Buffalo D-line. Don't chase fringe players from good defenses. See Dwan Edwards.
  13. The Hampton Inn on Delaware is outstanding. Right in the middle of the bars too.
  14. Cornerback.....for the Bills.....SUPERgenius.
  15. Yuk! DB is not going to happen in the 1st round. And what did Russell Wilson show to indicate he should be drafted at all? I want 3 positions: Linebacker/Outside pass rusher, inside pass rusher and offensive tackle. Now that they are a 4-3, they need more DTs. Everything else...you're kidding yourselves.
  16. Great point. Yeah, but the foundation of your team has to be solid to even get to the tournament. Franchise QB or not, this team is going nowhere. The D-lines stink. The LB's are miserable and we have questions in 3 out of the 5 O-line positions. Unless we're talking of a slam dunk, Luck-type prospect, it's hard for me to believe Nix would have the balls to draft a QB up high after floating Fitz a huge contract. After further review....NOT GONNA HAPPEN! That's a lot of confidence in a prospect. What have you seen to feed that? I've only seen him a few times. Thought he was good. That's about it. What has he done in games to pop off the screen?
  17. I never heard of the guy....but have you looked at those highlights. Seems powerful and is in on a lot of plays. Ingram looks like a freak. Dunno if it works out this way, but if they took these two, at leas they would be addressing a need. The only thing Crick and Kelsay have in common is their alma mater and their skin color. Totally different players. Crick looks like he has some power.
  18. If it's their bet that Tannehill is the next Tom Brady/Drew Brees, then I would have no problem with it. The problem is they might not be around to see him play unless they cut Fitz.
  19. I saw Foles play 2 years ago. Looked like a stud. Accurate. I remember a possession WR they had too. Maybe Criner. Both were the best guys on the field.
  20. I agree. Take your frustrations out on the Bills by not buying jerseys, etc. Give up your season tix. You want to kill Sullivan for describing what we are all seeing, it says more about you than him.
  21. Hey guys.....it's Buffalo. He's not coming here. Not at this stage of his career.
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