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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Why do people say "This". I don't get it. Guys like Carrington will benefit hugely from this signing. Watch him add 7 or 8 sacks next year with all his single teams. Mario Williams maybe gets you 12-15 sacks if he plays the whole year, but he probably causes twice than many. And guys like Carrington and Kelsay are suddenly solid players. Kinda like how Edwards benefitted from being around better talent in Balt. I can't wait to see who "surprises" us next year.
  2. Did he say that today or before the Mario marathon? I'd bet he'll take a good player next monday.
  3. Fletcher Cox looks like a Justin Tuck type player. If defensive line is a strength, then I say strengthen it!
  4. He just made at least one of them a pro bowler.
  5. Assuming they sign Mario Williams, are the Bills out on Melvin Ingram ? Or do you stack it ? I'd get Bruce Irvin to come off Williams' shoulder. Stop THAT!!
  6. I'm not upset that it takes one side a couple of days to commit 100 million and it takes the other side a couple of days to decide where he wants to live, work and start a family. It'a about more than just football. If he leaves, maybe he just don't see himself living in Buffalo. All things being equal, would you live in Portland, Maine or Buffalo? I hope he signs, but life goes on if he does not.
  7. 80 pages on one thread.....is this fan base desperate for a winner or what? If he doesnt sign, it will be a let down. But I couldn't blame the brain trust. Wms would be turning down the richest contract in NFL history.
  8. Corner. If you get Wms, you have better corners. Draft an OT
  9. Here's a stretch...when the Bills claimed Scott Chandler, he was actually the 2nd Dallas TE to be claimed by the Bills that week. The 1st was Martin Rucker. When the Cowpokes promoted Rucker, we took Chandler instead. Now Rucker is a FA. Now THAT's under the radar. Early Doucet. Red Bryant. Kevin Boss. Joel Dreessen.
  10. You don't give up anything for a 14 mil contract. Period.
  11. Doesn't make sense for anyone except the Bills. You give up MORE for proven players, not less
  12. Oh, it's definitely early. I thought it would be fun to compare the early boards to ones closer to draft day. We're assuming Reiff is top 10 and in April, he may be a 2nd rounder. I think the boards will be very different. Not for the pros, but for us as the real info and intentions leak out.
  13. 4 top picks. That is insane!!!! Its like Ricky Wms and Mike Ditka all over again
  14. I was thinking of putting Reiff in there, but thought he'd be gone. I'll make sure to have more DE/OLBs in the one right before the draft. Good points.
  15. I'll bite on one thing: Andy Luck is Oliver Luck's son. He doesnt get the Manning type benefit of the doubt. I dont buy him as "cant miss".
  16. WalterFootball had him lower. You never know with pass rushers
  17. A little bump to assess interest in such an exercise. If we don't get 50 votes, I'll abandon and resume responding to Manning, Mario and Freeney threads I guess.
  18. Word is than Manning is meeting with John Elway in Denver tonight. It actually make a lot of sense. Elway is one guy Manning could speak to on the same level.
  19. I don't know how to feel about this. Did Morrison play last year? I don't remember him making any plays, so I don't know why I should be excited. I'm not being negative. I just don't know.
  20. Don't care about anything other than who is in the jerseys. I would take the old Buccaneer jerseys if we could put the right guys in them.
  21. Dwan Edwards was a cornerstone of one of the worst defenses in Bills history. He is little more than a warm body. 10 plus mil for a situational pass rusher seems like a lot. I don't see Buddy chasing any guys on the wrong side of 30. Not this year...and not when they need far more than just him. Stick with the plan. Don't get distracted by the candy in the checkout aisle.
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