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Everything posted by JPS

  1. They are not resigning McKelvin? I didn't know that.
  2. In reading the article, unless I am mistaken, the SAM just has to be big and fast. Not an elite talent, but an semi-ordinary DE Lite with speed. So, Curry fits the bill, as does Branch. Maybe Shea McLellin. I wouldn't think that guy is on the roster (unless you count....Kelsay...go ahead..throw the wrench at me) The thing that worries me is that Sheppard doesn't have the elite speed and athletic ability to be a monster Mike in a 4-3. The thing that really worries me is just how bad that defense was last year. Do we have ideal fits for ANY of these positions? They were drafted/signed with a 3-4 in mind.
  3. Zebrie Sanders is an Eagle scout and plays the cello. Not sure that would fly in Bflo.
  4. Good article on defensive alignments. Based on that, is Sheppard elite enough to be the Mike? Seems more like a Hightower....I need to check te Bills website to check our LBs size to see who matches up to a traditional SAM or Will LB. I assume Barnett is the SAM, but I dunno. It's new to me. I really liked that article. I knew our LBs sucked, but now I can tell HOW they suck.
  5. You're not the best anything until you play. The Sabres were a top 5 team....Ooops.
  6. If he's a passionate football player...if he's the right kinda guy.. then fine. But if he believes his own press clippings, there is plenty of depth at WR in the draft.
  7. Just threw up in my mouth. I like your draft better. The Bills have a first rounder and a high 2nd rounder on the roster.....and 1 pass rusher. They need to further build the front 7 or else all the dbs will look like free agents, regardless of how high they are drafted. Unless there is ridiculous value (ONLY CLAIBORNE), I think CB is a wasted pick. I haven't heard of Brockers in the top 10 lately, but Poe (too high) and Tannehill (people are desperate for QBs)...absolutely. Good draft by the way. Not sure why 2 ILBs, but they are good players.
  8. Open when he is not....isn't that specifically what Gailey said he wants? Hmmm....
  9. Of course. But that's not BPA. It's "are you kidding me?!"...followed by a sprint to the podium. Take that unlikely scenario one further...what if Claiborne is available at 10. Is he that much better than The rest that you don't listen to the Cincinnati offer?
  10. There's no way Stephen Hill is the pick. He had about 25 catches last year and a good combine. He has not dominated anywhere except the combine. I could see Floyd, and OT, a DT (Cox), a LB (Kuechly) or an Ingram (what the heck is he?). Why not wait for one of the large Big 10 WRs later in the draft? Or Juron Criner...
  11. I see no harm in bringing him in. If he adds nothing, cut him. My guess is this is all just wishful smoke.
  12. I can tell you the folk who run Walterfootball hate the Bills. Never a good word. But I do agree with above comments. The media will only give the Bills love AFTER they do something. Funny thing tho....the Chicago Tribune didn't even report the Mario Williams signing. What's up with that?
  13. There are 11 starters on D and at least 14 who need to play every game. I think your head is WAYYY out over your skis is saying the Bills have a top D-line. The left side is beastly. The right?? Kyle Williams is coming off an injury and we have no idea who the starter at RDE is. And we have NO depth. How is that a top D-line? Okay, on to LBs. We have some parts that MAY be adequate, but they sure weren't last year. How does the same cast equate to better performance? Scheme??? Coaching??? I don't buy it. That defense still lacks talent to match up with the top D's in the league. And, if Mario goes down, there's no JJ Watt, Connor Barwin or Brooks Reid to step in and pick up the slack. The coverage of the Mario Williams bandaid is not THAT big.
  14. I love T.O. . Most great players are aholes. Evans and Maybin.....turn the page. BTW, can you believe we got a 4th for Evans???!!
  15. I agree. I know we need an OT, but the defense could be special with a couple more players. Let's not forget that this defense was near the worst in the league last year and Williams is only 1 player. I'd rather put the defense over the top because the offense is already pretty good. After hearing Ingram in an interview yesterday, I have a total mancrush on him. I want a guy who emulates Ray Lewis....who cares about football and winning more than anyone.
  16. Can you sign someone to the injured reserve? I think I'd rather see Santana Moss if he's out there. Parrish has done nothing to earn anything other than a post June 1 camp invite. Move on.
  17. Michael Irvin said that what separates elite WRs from good WRs is body control....the ability to adjust to the ball and shield the defender. I dunno Jeffery and I've never seen him play, but most of the writeups comment how good his body control is and how he always seems to be open even when he's covered. That resonated with me as this matches Buddy and Chan's "job posting" perfectly. Maybe Jeffrey is a match.
  18. I think the Bills desperately need another DT. I'm not sure how good Kyle Wms is cuz they stunk with him, but they were god awful after he got hurt. Unless they are convinced of Troup's ability to rotate in, they need a 3rd DT. And there's a bunch of 'em in the draft. I think they'd be better off to plug in a nice, cheap draft pick (see Brandon Thompson, Devon Still, Jerel Worthy).
  19. I agree. It would be a "Maybin pick". Nix wants to see a good resume, not a good combine.
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