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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I'll take the Bears. If you want, I'll take Indy too and you can just put Luck in there.
  2. That would be an unbelievable draft. Good mock. Maybe a bit optimistic, but not crazy.
  3. Barron may be the trade up target. Hope so. Getting Reiff plus one of the top 5 DTs or CBs would be a plus.
  4. He may be taken with the 10th pick, but not to Bills.
  5. A. Kuechly, Reyes, Criner, L. Johnson (cb) B. Cox, J. Robinson, Kaddu, Broyles C. Floyd, Fleener (must give up 4a), Zeb Sanders, Bequette D. Reiff (move down), Reyes, David, Menzie Hey...this is fun!
  6. I think the DT and CB depth is too good that you pass on a Kendall Reyes or a Josh Robinson for ANY TE except Fleener.
  7. I feel incredibly stupid...or ignorant...or something. But I agree. Blaine??
  8. 1 rookie, 2 second year players drafted after 2nd round, Wms and McKelvin. Yeah...I said it. Leodis f'n McKelvin.
  9. Okay, I am sold on Kuechly. But if he's among the safest picks in the draft, maybe he will not be there at 10.
  10. Just do like Bill and take one every year. One of them is bound to be decent.
  11. If they pick 2 cbs in the 1st 3 rounds, some door in my house will be a casualty.
  12. I know players "move up draft boards" for Mayock, Kiper and the like. But wouldn't you think the real draft boards of the 32 teams are set and are free from the media influences? Even Lombardi said a player is moving up draft board (used to be a GM), so I wonder.
  13. If there's 8 players of similar appeal, maybe a trade down could happen if someone gets the itch to move up. I even forgot about Ingram, who I would be happy with. Seems like 2nd tier QBs, CBs and OTs irk people.
  14. Take something. Tums or Maalox. That is extremely unlikely. Minn, Cleveland, Tampa, St. Louis, Jax, Miami and Carolina all need another WR.
  15. Cox. Kuechly. Reiff. Fleener. DeCastro. Maybe Glenn. I could handle all those guys and even Floyd if Buddy says he's the guy. But what one shocker would give us a Donte Whitner moment? For me, it's Kirkpatrick. A good cb behind a great college front 7 gets me nervous. It just occurs to me that there's a bunch of acceptable guys and I'm looking for that one guy that will make me say "F%!!!"
  16. I'm kinda convinced on either Kuechly or Cox. Cox makes me think of Justin Tuck. The Giants were a 500 team in 2011 without him and really only took off after Tuck came back. Cox and Kuechly just seem a bit more bust proof of those expected to be available at 10.
  17. Suspension and or prison is a real possibility with Jenkins. That's relevant.
  18. Good players, but you are wildly optimistic the Bills could get all those players in the 1st 4 rounds.
  19. Jenkins is a criminal. How 'bout Kuechly, Jayron Hosley, Brandon Mosley and Ryan Broyles?
  20. See...that's the thing. I'm pretty good the night before the draft because there's so much information out there, but I want to know who has a good feel right now. Traditionally, outside the top 3 picks, anyone is lucky to guess 2 picks right a week before the draft. Just print one off and compare. There's always a Jake Locker or Tyson Alualu who throws it off. Who has the best feel at this point....I don't really know. I'd be curious as to whom you'all think is good.
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