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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I doubt that this non-linear improvement has happened or ever will happen at Quarterback in the NFL. At this point, as an athlete, you are who you are. I think there is something to the "groove your faults" theory. Just like Jim Furyk's golf swing, maybe Fitz should just play instead of thinking about where his left hip should be in a shotgun. He'd still suck, but he may be more confident and natural in his suckiness.
  2. I'll know it when I see it...and I've only seen it once in Buffalo. Give me a guy who makes more plays than he gives up. Give me a guy who wants the ball. That's it.
  3. Martin's spot on the roster makes no sense. He does very little well. Potter I get (if he ups his percentage a little). But Martin doesn't even belong in the Arena league. Fill in the blank... Well, at least Martin __________________.
  4. I was listening to game on Sirius and the Cards announcers said he was short....confirmed he was short after they stretched the chains and said they should quick snap before the refs realize their mistake.
  5. The Bills are what they are. 3-3. They lose to the better teams and beat the bad teams. The Cardinals, with those 2 tackles, are not a good football team and their record will bear that out. I'm not excited or concerned. The Bills will only approach relevance when they beat the Texans or Pats. Til then, they are 8-8 because of a bad QB.
  6. I wonder what I said..... Of course, I'm sure it was absolutely correct....
  7. I bow to your overflowing bevy of football knowledge.
  8. I thought Gailey showed how pissed he was and the commentators even said something bout it. At least he didn't give him a quiet Jauron counseling session
  9. I'm rooting for wins. They've screwed up draft picks from every position on the board, so why not go for a weeks worth of feel good and a happy phone call from my 80 yo father.... I know this team isn't going to make a deep run, but so what.
  10. I use the term. But I grew up in a time before everything had to be politically correct and people looked for offense where no offense was intended. And yes, I know retarded people. So what.
  11. Just drop Joe Webb off the list. He's an athlete, not a QB. If this former 6th round pick is the answer, I want to know the question. There's a reason the Vikes picked Ponder with Webb on the roster. Stop trying to recycle. Just do a good job of sucking this year and pay what ever you have to to get a guy next year. The Bills need a productive face of the franchise, not Mari- Os.
  12. Seriously? Did you start from scratch? I'm all over that.
  13. I gravitate towards the positive things in my life and the Bills add zero. No success.No hope of success. Nothing. So I've taken to running this fall. On Sundays. I'm also going to learn Spanish and how to play the guitar. Life is too short to waste a lot of time on these talentless, overpaid bufoons.
  14. I agree with most of what you say. But I can't judge Aaron Williams or Gilmore playing behind that crappy defensive scheme. Go, Bills.
  15. I hope the Bills tank. I really do. I hope they go 2-7 and finish 5-11. Or worse. Mediocre picks will rarely net them a franchise QB and they need one BAD
  16. Where was Steve Johnson? He was targeted 13 times and generally 3 feet below the intended pass.
  17. BB- "I sincerely want to THANK YOU and the rest of the Bills organization for what you've meant to my career."
  18. That's "lil donte" for the comedians on this board. Byrd, Williams and Gilmore will soon enough suffer the same fate. They'll get run out of town to a better team. It still kills me to watch old Antoine Winfield playing.
  19. Only a change in ownership (and maybe location) will right the wrongs of this franchise. We LIKE Chan because he speaks plainly. But he hires convenient DCs because he just happened to have the guys' number. We LIKE Buddy because he speaks plainly, but have no QB in the pipeline and at least a half a dozen shoulda picks instead of Aaron Williams, Troupe, Carrington, and the and the bushel full of PYLONS we call the Buffalo Bills. Our FA's are further turning the Bills into a punchline. I love the guys, but doubt their vision. Who cares who coaches this team. No QB. Not a pro LB on the roster and question marks everywhere. Who cares??
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