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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I was looking for someone to pick that up. The Bills needs good QB, but that INT was on the rookie WR. If he runs the proper route and catches the ball, the Bills were in business. TJ Graham....welcome to the spotlight on film day.
  2. Don't you need your $100M players to make a difference? Zero impact from #94. Turnover coming if we follow the game plan.
  3. I can hear Chan now..."they threw some things at us we hadn't seen before".
  4. Forget the refs. 2 dropped interceptions. A fumble in your own red zone. Mistakes. Mistakes. Mistakes.
  5. 1. Cordy Glenn hold wipes out 1st down 2. Coach doesn't even attempt to get 1st down on 3rd and 20. (Borderline...but would Pats hand off?) 3. #43 (the Mike) drops interception 4. McKelvin drops interception Game is 5 minutes old.
  6. Seriously? I think the die is cast. 4-12 to 5-11.
  7. I'm going to paint. That's how bad it is. I hate painting, but I have a coupla rooms that need to be done. I'll check the ipad in the 2nd half to see if it's close, but I'll be shocked if I pause for long. Wouldn't it be interesting if the Bills did ANYTHING different tomorrow? A blitz. An onside kick. Cover Welker on his 3 yard out.
  8. Well said. Fitz will not be on the roster next year. He will be cut in the offseason to save money. That's why TJack is here.
  9. That's a shallow read. See what you want to see Rush, Jr.
  10. The market is reacting to the Euros version of Ben Bernanke saying things are going to get worse in Europe. Take 2 steps back from the ledge. I think both sides have to do a better job of informing themselves and stop listening to the entertaining vitriol. Contrary to some views on this board, Democrats have not cornered the market on ignorance. It's not about us. It's about power. And there's $6B spent on yesterday's elections to prove it.
  11. I disagree and I voted as such. Romney did not do enough to convince that he was a better man for the job. "Are you better off" just didn't play for me when his plans didn't add up.
  12. My god, how can you approve of Nix? Error Williams? Dareus? No developmental QB? No LBs?
  13. One thing I would like about a Romney election: He's a Mormon. Electing someone from a somewhat kooky religion brings us a little further from the evangelical nonsense and shows a continued growth of tolerance from the electorate. First a minority. Then a Mormon. What's next....a woman?
  14. Not saying it's all Bush's fault. Hell, I voted for the guy. But you can't hang 16 trillion on Obama when the Bush govt spent like drunken sailors, including a nice $600 check right before the election. That really turned me off to him. Especially when I knew it was deficit spending that he was "giving" back to us. I'm just assigning blame where it belongs....to both parties in that dysfunctional cesspool we call D.C. .
  15. I can tell you the $8,000 credit was at least an attempt to stop the bleeding. Only history books will determine it's effectiveness. But if the Gov't did nothing, then people would B word that the economy was in the tank and they just watched it fail. So...damned if you do.......
  16. I'm sick of these Bills are gonna win prediction/guarantee threads. All to say "I told you so" if the improbable happens. Listen....anything could happen. Any given Sunday. But the Bills suck and will probably lose to every team over .500 this and every year with Fitz at QB, Gailey at HC and Nix at GM. Any win by this cast of jokers will be considered an upset.
  17. Shoulda thought of that when Bush was sending $600 to every taxpayer just prior to his reelection (which added to the deficit) and started a massively expensive war with Iraq (which massively added to the deficit). The Bush gov't did just as much as Obama to get us into this mess, and if your remember, inherited a balanced budget. Believe me, Washington politicians don't mind adding to the debt, they just want to be the ones spending the borrowed money.
  18. +1. And maybe we could use 1 or 3 linebackers.... But Fitz sucks.
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