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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Enough of the Lambeau leap already. It's old.
  2. I sincerely hope Wilson throws for 2 and Lynch runs for 3. That game is going to be a laugher.
  3. You can't avoid douches in the NFL. I just want them to be OUR douches. I disagreed then and I disagree now. He was an every down kick ass running back in the NFL. And the best you get for him was a 4th?
  4. Let's not forget spending yet another 1st rounder on a RB, which coulda been used on another position of need.....or maybe a cornerback.
  5. It's almost funny how many calls we are on the wrong side of. If it weren't for our keystone cop coaches and FitzClutch, we'd really have something to B word about. I couldn't believe Fitz missed that overload blitz on the 2nd last play. How many people have to be standing over your RT before you say "Hey, I think they're up to sompin". This game was a perfect representation of the Bills season. It had all the reasons they lose wrapped up into one 60 minute game.
  6. "Well, the defense really stack the box when he was in there and threw some things at us we hadn't seen before"
  7. Yep. Sell low (Lynch, Whitner, Winfield, Clements). Buy high (list is getting long).
  8. Yeah...I think the free use of the word "retard" to describe any human being is pretty much over.
  9. I have no idea. I just hope they get someone in there that has a different one than the Hee Haw act we've been through the last 3 years.
  10. You guys questioning Chan Gailey know nothing about football. There are very good reasons...... Ah...just kidding. How could anyone disagree with any of the negatives posted in this thread. The saddest thing is, they were repeat decisions and they worked out the same.
  11. On TV, they showed Lindell visibly pissed off and swearing about not getting the opportunity. That and the clock mismanagement at the end of the 1st half were killers.
  12. I shoot the game every week from my iphone to Apple TV....and it's very good. Is that airplay? I just have to double click the circle, swipe twice to the left and make sure the "mirroring" function is turned on. Dunno if it helps, but this is how I see the games.
  13. I dunno...TALENT. I'm on the other side with Rivers. His Oline is at the other end of the spectrum from the Bills. And his weapons consist of Antonio Gates (every other week) and ?? I think it's insane not to consider a QB with his talent considering what the Bills are starting now and what they have in the pipeline (nothing). I think he would make stars out of guys like TJ Graham and Donald Jones, who are frequently open but rarely get the ball accurately and on time. Yeah. I'd trade for Rivers in a heartbeat.....or not....they do need another corner (that's a joke).
  14. I've read so much stupid shite, I'm nearly speechless.
  15. Thank you. Anyone slagging Rivers is just completely ignorant. No line. No WRs and No RBs. But he sucks? I would give up a 1 in a heartbeat. With the Bills line, RBs and spinkle in another good WR, they are cooking with gas. I find it hard to believe they'd trade him at all. Hell, how old is Manning?? Rivers may have 5-7 solid years left. The Bills would be flippin nuts not to make that deal. Has Rivers declined? Or has AJ Smith screwed him by letting Tomlinson, Turner, Sproles and VJax walk over the last 4-5 years. Not to mention failing to draft any decent O-linemen. It's about tools fellas. And Rivers has more than a few of them. He can flat out sling it way better, further, wider, deeper and more accurately than #14. Plus what it would do for the psyche of Bills fans....it's a no brainer. But I doubt SD will give him up. Washington's RG3 trade was unreasonable...until he took the field.
  16. Dunno what it is about these throwback uniforms, but it wearing them is almost certain doom.
  17. I believe the glass is half full. It's the substance in the glass I have a problem with.
  18. 1974 Steelers is widely regarded as one on the best. I know they got Swann, Stallworth, Lambert and Webster that I know.
  19. I find it ironic that their running percentage is roughly equal to their winning percentage, but I just woke up. All these stat analysis discussions can't persuade me that this is either a talented or well coached team. I know what I see. Here's the only stat I'm interested in: How many good teams can the Bills beat? C'mon...you know the answer...
  20. My god, who wouldn't make that deal? And hey....another Fitz thread....yay!!!!
  21. And will, again pick 11th. I'm just getting tired of the Fitzpatrick discussion. He is what he is. He is, by all measures, just okay.
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