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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Not to mention Swen Nader (sp?) and the $3 orange seats you could get at Bell's. OJ was bigger than CJ, more elusive and just as fast. I like the topic and agree with the premise, but CJ is smaller than most RB HOFers. I think in a Saban offense, CJ goes for 1200 and 8-10 TDs, mainly because he would miss 4 games.
  2. We can argue stats all day. All I know is Foster has 14 TDs and his team has the best record in the NFL. If CJ had 100 more carries, would he have 5 more TDs and the Bills 3 more wins?? Who knows.. I want a change because the Bills have 5 wins. Period.
  3. My question isn't as much about Brooks as it about the lack of pass rush on the last drive. Makes me yearn for the timely Bruce Smith sack. Even Schobel sprinkled in important ones.
  4. Why change now? It's brought us so much joy over the last 12 years....
  5. Are you kidding me. This is a late November/ early December tradition which dates back a coupla decades. Bills suck. Lose out. Pick 10th. Why the F did they take him??!!! Rinse. Repeat.
  6. In his Monday presser, Gailey said it WAS a penalty. He sounds defeated.
  7. I live in Chicago and watch Cutler play. I understand not liking him because he's surly, but he's on a completely different level than Fitz. He's so much better on so many different levels, I could take a whole page. But Fitz is a nice guy who interviews better...sooooo whatever.
  8. Listen. I hear you. But the Bills were at the 40 with 25 or so seconds to go. They need 30 yards for a FG attempt. They went backwards and threw a pick. I might be a bit over the top on criticizing Fitz, but, clearly, he is not the answer. Well, I personally think Cutler would be a huge upgrade, but I agree with your main point.
  9. The bigger question is: Can Fitz lead this offense to a decisive score when needed. The answer is clearly NO. I'm not pissing on Fitz. I'm just sick of bad QB play. It's so bad that when he's mediocre, people call it "outstanding".
  10. C'mon PTR. Fitz bears no responsibility for failing to diagnose the blitz, no responsibility for adjusting his protection, no responsibility for finding some clean air against a 3 man rush and no responsibility for the throw? That's just ridiculous. Are you related? 'Cuz then I understand. If the Bills were up 15-12 against the Patriots, Broncos, Steelers, Ravens, Colts, Bengals, Titans, SD, all of the NFC East and North, these teams would have attempted a field goal to tie the game. The Bills had to go another 30 yards and threw check downs. The coach bears some responsibility, but the QB is ultimately the captain of the the ship in the final 2 minutes. Fitz, again, shrank.
  11. That happened in the 1st half. It doesn't work like that. Who knows, the next play could have been a TD...or a pick 6.
  12. With all due respect, I think your head is a bit out over your skis. You have an inconsistent QB who doesn't do well in the clutch. I have no idea what they have at WR because #14 can't throw. Yeah the head coach sucks, but the DC sucks too. Even thought the Bills are better, the make ZERO splash plays that make a difference in a game. Yesterday should have had a DTD, but what did Wanny do on the final drive to mix it up? NOTHING. I just can't believe a team that gave up 50 to 3 teams and lost to St. Louis and Tennessee could ever be 10-6, even if the Chin himself were here.
  13. Well, obviously Harbaugh is a better coach than Gailey. I agree with you there. You're not going to get me to defend Gailey. But Flacco has a winning record any way you slice it (I think most wins by a QB the last 3 years). And Fitz has a losing record any way you slice it. Flacco can throw deep. Throw the 20 yard out. And he can put the ball is the proper place. Fitz just chucks it most of the time regardless of placement. Especially over 15 yards.
  14. Dude, there was a 3 man rush. If Fitz can't maneuver his feet well enough to step into a throw, the way good QBs do, then that is on him. I had to edit because you mentioned the sack. That was also on Fitz because he didn't recognize that 6 guys were coming. Alphadawg won this debate and it's not even close. If Fitz is so "outstanding", why is it 90% had a strong feeling the game would end on an interception? Poor play call? Bad route? It's funny how stuff like this affects good QBs much less than it affects Fitz. He is the most unlucky "outstanding" QB in the league. 3 years straight.
  15. C'mon John. There can't be that many stupid people. Equals another loss. Don't sell him short. He's a tremendous slouch.
  16. That just HAS to be a troll. There's no way someone still believes that.
  17. The proper protocol was to coach the kid. Or at least get to know him. If you arrested every weed smoking dude who had a gun in the NFL, there'd be no games on Sunday. I thought he was a humble kid with a rough background. But what I know is he played HARD on Sundays. I always hated getting rid of guys like that. Pat Williams. Antoine Winfield. Heck...even Whitner. I know what you are saying, but you can't sell a car every time it gets a dent and selling this kid low set us back another year (or 2) in other areas. If the dominoes fall the other way, we still have Lynch and maybe we're looking at Dalton or Kaepernick instead of #14. Who's the next whipping boy to be run out of town? My guess is it's either Fred or George Wilson.
  18. I disagree. It was grossly mishandled. Enjoy your Koolaid.
  19. You are absolutely correct. He spoke like a befuddled, beaten man. I was particularly offended by him saying CJ was "winded" after 2 runs and "it was Fred's turn". I wonder what CJ thinks about his presser. I think they should give CJ about 37 carries next year, then trade him for a 4th and a 6th when he gets pissed off about it. Better yet, first draft a RB AGAIN in the 1st round.
  20. I think you are being hard on Lynch...or just trying to justify a horrible trade. Drinking the Bflo koolaid. They cut their own nuts off by drafting CJ with 2 RBs on the roster, then "showcased" Lynch by giving him all of 37 carries. His last full year as a starter, he had over 1300 yards and 9 TDs with a completely crap Oline. If he was a dixie boy, I guarantee they woulda kept him. The Spiller/Lynch situation, in retrospect, was the first sign of incompetence and it was handled as poorly as you could handle it. Keep running talent out of town and you'll get, well, your 2012 Buffalo Bills.
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