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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Depends on so many things. If it's a huge money savings, you cut him in March and tell him the Bills would be open for a return in June. Buffalo is still Fitz only option.
  2. Solid point. Especially if he has control over personnel and coaches.
  3. I think all the OP is saying is Great QBs make Great Head Coaches. And without a great QB, we'll never know what kind of coach Gailey is. As much as he's made questionable decisions this year, I agree with that statement. Every decision he's made has been knowing his QB is limited and his defense is questionable. Good defense and a great QB makes Bill Walsh look like Bill Walsh.
  4. How many sports franchises are signing ANY lease on a 40 year old stadium? NONE!! I'm very happy with a 7 year lease on the Ralph, then build new on the lake!!
  5. No CB is the answer for what ails the Bills. Front 7. Front 7. Front 7.
  6. Build from the inside out. Until the Bills have another pass rusher, a ORT and ANY LINEBACKERS, I don't want to hear about Percy Harvin.
  7. You are absolutely correct. Take away Edelman and Welker and Brady will make a Naaman Roosevelt or some other nobody a household name. He's that good.
  8. I think it's a great stat and it's misleading. I don't think Spiller has the power to take over a game like AP. I think he benefits from spreading the defense out and from the Bills playing from behind. Were the Bills to lump another 100 carries on Spiller I think he'd avg about 5 yards per carry and he'd miss at least 3 games. I'm not saying he's been properly used. I just think he and AP are apples and oranges.
  9. He's weird WR. I wonder how he will do if the Bills get a real QB who expects him to be in a certain spot at a certain time.
  10. It's a question of talent and a question of heart. We have no talent at linebacker and, outside of Kyle Williams, no heart on the Defensive line. If you can't get consistent play from 5 out your front 7, I don't care what the scheme is, nor who the coach is. The D just doesn't believe in each other (justifiably) and it shows against every decent offense. By the way wouldn't it be <3 for less than 3 seconds? It's been a while since 4th grade.
  11. Every pick has warts. We want. We think. We hope. But can Spiller play a whole season as a feature back without getting himself or his QB hurt? Want.Think.Hope. Will Dareus rebound? WTH. After further thought, I'm starting to give consideration to Carrington. He has showed more this year than Dareus.
  12. Picked a great year to go QB, that's what I think. I just hope Nix doesn't pass on the next Mike Singletary or the next Bruce Smith because he wants to make up for the mistake of not drafting Wilson, Cousins, Dalton, Kaepernick, et. al. Tennessee is a great example. They picked Locker because they needed a QB, not because Locker was a top 10 player. You talked me into it. I guess Glennon is the guy. Then a real franchise QB in 2 years when the Bills have the #1 overall pick.
  13. I've been dismissing this topic, then it occurred to me that Fitz doesn't throw the ball over 15 yards anyways.... Tebow could make sense. Especially considering Brandon's influence on this team. Tebow sucks as a prototypical QB, but nobody can question his heart and his desire to be a football player. I think Chan would have to convince him of a slash package though. His biggest value would be his versatility, if he were open to it.
  14. Let's not forget that Spiller is one of the worst RBs in the league at pass-pro. He's shown a few flashes, but I don't put him in the slam dunk elite RB category. On a good team, he'd be great. On a bad team, he's good. I can't fault you guys on Spiller. Rather have JPP, but that's Hindsight's territory.
  15. I have no doubt whatsoever that both Levitre and Byrd will be resigned. One thing about Nix: he's straightforward. He said the key to success in the NFL is to draft well and keep your good ones. He hasn't drafted well. But he will keep Levitre and Byrd. I will lick my elbow if he let's either walk.
  16. In posting in another thread, the thought occurred to me that Nix has failed to hit on even one draft pick. It may be a bit extreme, but maybe not. Who, for sure, was a good draft pick and a good value in the draft? I think everyone has warts and excuses and I'm not sure I could name one. I'm not taking about a guy who has some value (spiller). I'm talking about a guy to hang your hat on. A cornerstone pick. Three years. Twenty some picks. Optimists might come up with 3 or 4. I struggle to say there's 1 Budduh Nix draft pick I can't live without.
  17. I think you are too close to the building to see how tall it is. The Bills are not a talented team. Nix has drafted D linemen in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd round AND spent about $150 million on big name FAs. What will they draft in April? Probably a D-lineman. In addition: QB - Huge need ORT - Huge need WR - Need RDE - Huge need LB- HUGEST need LB - see above This team is no better than at any point in the last 10 years. Another sign of a bad organization: Missed draft picks. Can you say, for sure, that Nix has hit on even 1 draft pick? From any year, any round. For me the jury is still out and that's not a good sign. This is a bad football team, led by a fading journeyman who duped a desperate franchise into a big contract with the 5 game stretch of his life. The cupboard isn't bare due to the O-line and D-line investments. But this team has a long way to go.
  18. The only FAs I consider are cheap, older, June 1 FAs. They are otherwise too expensive and rarely live up to the contract earned under completely different circumstances with completely different personnel. I accumulate draft picks. I am open to trading down if a true playmaker is not there or there are several prospects available within a certain band. I identify passionate football players 1st. If they had a good combine or pro day, great, but he has to be my kind of guy who will buy into what I'm building. I immediately identify and sign who we want to keep. Byrd. Levitre. McKelvin for special teams. Wood. As far as the draft, it's too early to be specific, but certainly Te'o seems like the kind of alpha leader this team needs. Finally, I prepare like hell for the draft and UDFAs.
  19. The current regime inherited a pretty bad team. Then, they drafted poorly and spent o whole lotta money on a whole lotta nothing. The team is worse. Continuity is only a good idea if your are progressing, and the Bills are headed in the other direction. How many years in a row are you going to wish we drafted someone else?
  20. Wow. I disagree. I'm a firm believer in Talent makes the coach. Not the other way around. Now, bad coaches can cost you a game or two with bad decisions at a critical time, but talent has to get you to that point. This team isn't even close. No linebackers. Still no pass rush. No QB, Questionable Wrs and big questions at RT. I'm all for cleaning house because I'm just saturated with this regime that has produced the worst Bills team in decades.
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