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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I'm not 100% sure, but the sky might actually be falling. I know it may seem like I'm trying to be funny, but I'm not. If Ralph actually had the Batphone and called for the Maybin pick or the Whitner pick or the TJ Graham pick, or influenced it in any way, then maybe the gesture of him handing over the keys is important. My concern is that Nix, the guy Brandon has chosen to lead us to the promised land, is just not very good. Like Gailey, I like him. But he keeps f'n up!! Gailey, Williams, Dareus, Spiller, Gilmore, Graham. What does Nix have on his BB resume to inspire confidence?
  2. I'm with you on 1 and 2. The rest....I'm hoping for a future different from the past.
  3. Well, I'd rather hire a pro coach who GOT FIRED after going 10-6 than an out of work retread.
  4. Well said!! He is here. And we have heard of him (because he is here). So he must be good!
  5. He was a hot name....20 years ago. Are the Bills smarter than the rest of the league??
  6. Cut all QBs. Draft 2 (names TBD). Sign the best FA starter with a winning record you can.
  7. Any coincidence that the Bills franchise has declined since Russ Brandon became a major player?
  8. Doesn't matter. Gailey was forever wed to the great Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  9. And my point is: Current rankings are nearly useless. Glennon could just as easily be a 4th rounder as the top pick in the draft.
  10. You have a moving target targeting a moving target. You don't know where the Bills will draft nor who is available and in what order. It's way premature to talk names. For all the talk of Glennon, Barkley, Te'o and Minter, 1 of them could be a 2nd rounder. I can't get into this discussion until the combine.
  11. I understand the frustration of the author. No doubt he displayed the same frustration with Yankee Stadium. I think the article is pretty well written and supported by facts. But these public financing deals are the ransom we "fans" pay to keep our teams in town. Pro sports has gotten way out of hand and I think will struggle more in the future.
  12. Oh, GOD FORBID someone question Kyle Williams. All I know is he is a key member of a very ineffective defense. Is he the problem? Sometimes. Not as often as their complete lack of a linebacking corps, but Kyle Williams does get handled here and there. I don't think anyone on this team is immune from criticism and to shield KW or anyone else on this horrible defense may be turning a blind eye to the problem. Maybe not, but I think it's worth discussion. I would suggest that the Bills lack of success has been holding on to players long past their effectiveness. Is KW one of them? I honestly don't know, but I do wonder...
  13. The Bills do not have a qualified professional linebacker on the roster.
  14. Seriously....loose? How 'bout Don Luce with that afro exploding out of his helmet?
  15. Most of us don't go to games, watch films, talk to coaches, etc. It's up to the front office to see through the pop and sizzle and get the pick right. And if they say the right player is Te'o, I'm pretty sure we shoulda went with Minter.
  16. If you are John Gruden, why in the world would you take the Buffalo job.? Crickets....
  17. Cut List: Barnett Sheppard Kelsay Merriman The great Kyle Moore Spencer Johnson Moats Justin Rogers Fitzpatrick TJack Thigpen Brad Smith Ruvell Martin D. Dickerson T. Choice Keep #67 and #31.
  18. I really want to kick the cat when I read there's good talent on this team.
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