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Everything posted by JPS

  1. He is responsible for thee most important football decision made, that Buddy Nix should be the GM going forward. Day to day, I agree with you, he's not the GM and I wouldn't expect him to be. But part of being the CEO is to know something about the football side of the business, to be aware. It's still under his umbrella. It's like you're saying the CEO of McDonalds doesn't need to know anything about food. Don't worry. Pick on me all day. I'll take all comers on this....or anything I have a strong opinion on. That actually makes alot of sense.
  2. So I guess the thought is keep Nix for political reasons....that Whaley is really the "shadow GM"....that Buddy Nix will be stepping aside sometime over the next few months??? If that's it....I disagree. Based on everything I've seen (pressers) and read (everything), Buddy Nix is your GM and will be making all football decisions, "just like he has for the past 3 years". I think Buddy's 1 more crappy season or major controversy away from stepping aside. But as long as the general public thinks the assembled pile smells like roses, I guess he gets to decide when he steps aside. If Whaley is the GM, call him that. He's not. And really, god knows what that means if he is, but I'd love the change.
  3. The question is: Would Brandon be kept as a President/CEO. Marketing guy, yes. As THEE guy.....only the Bills would hire the guy....only the Bills would keep the guy. He has no football qualifications (other than being part of whatever happened in the last 16 years in Bflo).
  4. Ah...Thanks. I thought it was a bit more certain than in past mentions.
  5. I think you and Kelly Dog are going to be disappointed when Nix is at the podium next year. I just can't get over this question: Why would you keep Nix around if you thought of him as a poor GM? If anything, I would think a new coach would rather work for a younger guy who may be open to the coach's personnel suggestions. If Nix is on his way out, it just doesn't make sense to me, on any level, that Brandon insists that he is in the GM and will make all football decisions. I think the job is Buddy's either as long as he wants it or unless the Bills further regress next year.
  6. If all is true, why in the world would he keep Nix in any role?? I dunno, Brandon appeared all but infatuated with Nix at his presser and stated that Buddy has FULL CONTROL over the football operations. It was not an ambiguous or vague statement.
  7. Reasons why the Buffalo Bills HC position is the best opportunity in the NFL: 1. Robust roster 2. Young core talent 3. Brand new Lease 4. Renovation package going into this stadium 5."We have a new stadium on the horizon". Has anyone said this before?? It really caught me by surprise. It's at the 18 minute mark of Brandon's presser.
  8. I'm not going to go as far as you because I think Gailey coached scared this year. But I will agree with your underlying premise. UNTIL YOU GET A STUD QB YOU HAVE NO CHANCE.
  9. That is the truest thing ever said. God I can't agree with anything ever said on this board more.
  10. "Buddy Nix is the General Manager and will make all football decisions, as he has over the last 3 years" Russ Brandon
  11. Hey.....that's sarcasm, isn't it! I watched the whole Brandon presser this morning and I recommend everyone do the same. Watch it and let me know if you still feel the same way. The only thing Brandon mentioned adding to the football equation is "layering in" a Bill James sabremetrics element to their scouting and player evaluations. Buddy Nix is the king of the football castle. Buddy officially answers to Brandon, but really, he answers to the fans. If he doesn't put a good roster together, the Bills will continue their losing ways and Brandon will be pressured to make a change. Then it will be Whaley. That is why Nix will remain the GM and Whaley the assistant. If Nix screws up again, Brandon has the next GM in house. He can say they made a change. So I expect Nix to the the GM for at least 2 more years, unless they further bottom out next year.
  12. That's not what Brandon said at his presser. He specifically said the football operations will be headed by the General Manager Buddy Nix and Buddy will make all football decisions as he has over the past 3 years. I don't think there is any change at OBD, but they'll package it as one and hope they get lucky on a coach.
  13. +1. This "change" means nothing. RB said it several times in his presser..."Buddy Nix is the GM of the Bills and will make all football decisions as he has over the last 3 years". I guess it will take ANOTHER bad draft to put the crosshairs on Buddy.
  14. Next year, Fitz is a 10M cap hit and Sanchez is an 8M cap hit. After next year, both are disposable. Still Koolaid.
  15. For the journeyman QB who has never won in the NFL, you let him complete more of the season or the whole season before you declare him to be your guy. Now Fitz is a $10M albatross (that's $2m more than Sanchez).
  16. The coaching staff doesn't "buy the groceries" and Buddy Nix IS the GM. He is the same decision maker. Nix built this mess. I'd have a lot more respect for Brandon if he just gave it to Whaley now. But no, let's let Buddy screw 1 more draft up... Like I said. I hope you guys are right. But it seems like Koolaid to me.
  17. He only gives RF the contract if he believes him to be the guy (oops). I hope all you guys are right. I just don't buy that Nix, all the sudden, is going to be a good GM and That Russ Brandon knows anything about football.
  18. It's about believing that RF is the right guy and passing on all the "right guys"....It's about Buddy's ability to evaluate...or lack of ability to evaluate....
  19. I am amazed how optimistic you can be despite the Bills telling you they are basically staying the course. I have no idea how to expect better results out the same decision makers who have put us here....but I sincerely hope you are right.
  20. The "new" President has been with the team for the better part of 10 years. The "new" President has elected to retain Nix, who has put together half of a very good team and half of a very bad team (which equals a bad team). My fear is that Brandon doesn't know football and retained a very bad GM. Whether it be for a day, a month or a year, what has Nix done to inspire such confidence in Brandon that he let's him continue to determine the path of this franchise? My issue isn't with the color of the bike. It's whether it has wheels.
  21. And the point of having that vaunted pass rush when the LBs can't cover is......??? And Spiller is not the point. He's a good player. But he was not needed at the time. Nix already had a RB pro-bowler, a possible RB pro-bowler and about 6 other MAJOR holes on the team when he took Spiller. I have 6 wins against bad teams and 10 losses that tells me this team is not well constructed. And the same regime that passed on a litany of starting NFL QBs and gave RF a big contract now tells us he's going to get us a QB. You have WAY more confidence in him than I do. All evidence points to the contrary.
  22. 1. Wood and Levitre were already here. Now Levitre may leave. 2. It's not about signing homegrown talent. It's about signing the RIGHT talent. How do you explain the Fitz contract? The Kelsay contract? If he signs both Byrd and Levitre, I'll give him this one, but he's not 100 % clean on this one. 3. It's his job to contruct the team, if they fail, he fails. 4. None of which helped us win games this year. 5. I would argue that he got rid of the BEST Jauron era players in Lynch and Whitner.....for nothing. 6 and 7. Who knows about Whaley or Modrak. All I know is the results look similar. Missed opportunities in April. Look, you all can drink the Koolaid all you want, but the Buffalo Bills have done nothing new today. The chairs have been shuffled on deck, but I am skeptical to think these moves will produce different results. I hope I am wrong, but would you be surprised if we are having the Brandon/Nix regime must go conversation in 2 years??
  23. I am neither pissing nor moaning. I am not bitter or angry. When I look at what Nix has done, I am not impressed. He chased his tail at RB. Has IGNORED QB, TE and LB with meaningful draft picks. Yes, he threw a boatload of money at pass rushers, but Anderson was a complete waste and whether Mario Williams has lived up to his billing is irrelevant. What's the POINT in throwing $100 M at the top pass rusher when you don't have a LB on the roster? A guy like him is signed to be the missing piece, not the only piece. The team is not well constructed.
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