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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I am suggesting that the Pats were wise to draft someone they thought had a chance to be good. That's the job of a good GM. I loved Russell Wilson. If you saw him play, and he played in a good conference, his height was never an issue. His height was the only unique thing about him. I was banging the drum pretty hard around here this time last year. Any time you saw him play, he was near dominant. With Fitz reeling and knowing that you like him (wilson), how do you value TJ over Wilson? Boggles my mind. And again, if this was the only decision that we search for justification, Buddy would be alright. But there's A Williams, Shep, Dareus, Troupe (bad pick made Dareus pick near necessary), the 3/4-4/3 switch, the Fitz contract, Barnett, Morrison, Thigpen, TJack and the lack of competition at key areas on this team. When the hindsight starts to pile up, maybe the talent evaluation is just not good.
  2. Yeah. And Brady is a fluke to the Pats. Where can we get one of those "flukes".
  3. OK. I take it back. I wandered on to the Bills website and watched the whole thing. I almost cried. What a game.
  4. I think AJ gutted that team and failed to protect Rivers. Give him back Sproles, Michael Turner, VJax and a credible O-line, the Chargers aren't looking for a coach. I think their division is similar to the AFC East. 1 dominant team. And the Bills, Jets and Dolphins are tossups against the Chiefs, Raiders and Chargers. They all suck.
  5. No, taking Aaron Williams over Dalton/Kaepernick is not enough to fire Nix, but I think it's just part of the story that suggests Nix should be ousted. It's playing the whack a mole game with RBs and DBs. The only reason they had holes were they let qualified players go. Save CJ Spiller and maybe a COUPLE of others, there are very few players Nix drafted that are worth a damn. While Cincy has a franchise WR in Green and AZ has an All world CB in Peterson, we have the only question mark out of a top 5 pick. Were currently in the position to overpay or lose one of our best players in Byrd or Levitre. There are many reasons that Nix should go in my view, but the biggest reason is on the field. For all the "talent" assembled on the field, their D-line was pedestrian against good teams and their defense was horrible despite all of Nix's great scouting. No QB. Bad defense despite major investments. I'm sorry, but I think they should move on. Of course not, but they would have been better because they would have been on the field less. I'm a "he" BTW.
  6. Any time a franchise QB is available and you don't have one you have to be interested. Who cares if it's a #1. Are you telling me Gilmore, McLovin or even the great CJ Spiller are more important to this teams success than a franchise QB. If you think he can still do it, you pull the trigger. Compensation is nearly irrelevant, although I'd hate to see multiple picks go.
  7. If I were a coach and evaluating opportunities, I would be intrigued by Buffalo because they are willing to spend money (on me, staff and players) and if I could win there, there would be statues of me in front of City Hall. Oh, and I'd also try to build in some ownership bonus were I to actually win the Superbowl. All that is possible in Buffalo. If you win in SD or AZ, it's still not main draw. It doesn't determine the identity of the city like it does in Buffalo. Buffalo is a good football town. I'd put KC and Cleveland right there.
  8. At least part of the reason their defenses are better is their QBs take care of the ball better, make more plays, and control the clock. If you make any defense play more, they are going to give up more. Our spread offense and it's propensity to produce 3 and outs makes the defense worse than it would be if the Bills had a qualified QB. Not pulling the trigger on a prospect in 3 years is indefensible.
  9. I think SF (playoff team), Cincinnati (playoff team) and Seattle (playoff team) think they have their franchise QBs in Kaepernick, Dalton and Wilson. Denying their quality is laughable to me. If Buddy gave up our current 1st rounder for any one of them, I'd be ok with it.
  10. Awesome. It's exactly what I thought when I read thread title. If I'm a sought after coach, I look for the team with a franchise QB. If I'm a retread, I latch on where ever I can.
  11. It would not surprise me at all if he got a HC job.
  12. That HAS to be the plan PTR. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. Keep him here for appearance, get a good coach, see you later. I just hope that if he stayed for the draft, it's as a consultant and not the guy with the hammer.
  13. Agree with all. On the field, a model for any Professional Athlete. It must be easier to coach when you have a guy like that who will not accept blown assignments and failure in general.
  14. Anything that justifies keeping Nix for reasons other than his performance as GM. I hope you are right.
  15. Flashes of performance do not earn the title of the best. Doing it consistently and in the clutch does. SJ is good, not great. CJ might be great, but he, for whatever reason, is not yet. But god, yes, they'd be better with a QB. So would every member of the team and coaching staff.
  16. Someone said it in another thread and I'm inclined to agree: It's a symbolic gesture to HC candidates that Ralph Wilson will not interfere with them if they take the job. Likewise, it may be a fair point that they are keeping Nix to appear to be a stable organization. From where I sit, it's the only logically reason to keep Nix here. Brown was a prick.
  17. Ride him. Let Fred be the change of pace and/or 3rd down back. Of course, if Fred comes in on 3rd downs, Spiller should be on the field somewhere instead of our 3rd best WR.
  18. It's amazing how much better of a coach he is with Brady at the helm instead of Tebow.
  19. Yeah, but Brandon didn't say anything about a study...he listed a new stadium as a reason a coach should be excited to come here.
  20. Well, any successful coach can thank their star players for a successful playoff run. Who is the last coach to win a lot without players to thank? Back to the thread premise.....Brandon must be a good sales guy as he's been selling a crappy product for 16 years and interest in the Bills still remains high. I hope you are right. Whom ever it is, I guarantee half of this board says "NOOOOOOOO!!!!". Who knows, I might be one of them...especially if we land on Hue Jackson.
  21. Well, boys, I hope I am completely wrong and that you feed me a healthy dose of humble pie in the coming years. I sincerely hope for that.
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