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Everything posted by JPS

  1. About QBs, I care what Chuckie says. About coaches, not really. I just hope whomever has their stamp on this hire picked a winner for once.
  2. If Buddy makes his pick at 8 with 13 minutes left on the clock, you'll know who is in charge. If they make a big trade, I'm not sure what any of us would do after we got back up. Prolly a solid mix of NOOOOOOs with HELL YESs.
  3. You may not be, but Doug Marrone sure is excited. He must have said the word "excited" 15-20 times. Like many of you, I'll get excited when the drafting is good, the roster is right and the Bills punch someone in the mouth in September. The only thing I didn't like is him getting defensive. Proving his case at a presser was a bit odd, but I'll give him a pass. I don't care if he's good with the media or at press conferences. I care that he helps change the direction of this franchise.
  4. No doubt he has worked hard and , yes, I would trade places. I just wonder how his influence on this team is going to suddenly be positive after 16 years of not so good. I think the best way to keep the Bills in Bflo is putting a good product on the field. They need the public pride in the Bills rather than the burgeoning apathy.
  5. They weren't. He was fired. But when someone points out the Bears December failings as it related to Coach Lovie, I think the injuries are relevant to the discussion. But I get it. The Bills selected a guy. The justification machine runs hot this time of year.
  6. I would laugh my ass off if this franchise went back to a 3-4. And not in a good way. Of course you have to like a fiery guy like KG, but the Bills would be short 4 LBs instead of 3.
  7. To be fair, the Bears lost Cutler last year and about 6 starters this year, including Forte for a while and Urlacher. That has to mean something.
  8. Some would say....okay, I would say they will be picking higher next year.
  9. I'll be honest. No hire would make me happy. I am convinced of there being no positive change at OBD. Thus, the roster will have holes in it until they leave. Thus, any coach is behind. This coach. Well, he lacks a record of success in a leadership role, so I think he'll be even more challenged. It's different, but is it better? I just can't find enough traction with this guy to get excited.
  10. He works for the NFL Network. The next time someone on the NFL Network says ANYTHING bad about a coach hiring, it will be a 1st. It's the NFL's main marketing arm... the rest is hearsay and is about as reliable as, well, hearsay.
  11. If anyone can look at the thread announcing the hiring of Chan Gailey, I swear it's very similar. Started with WTF...migrated to some of the blips on his resume...ended with "I like the hire". I just doubt the whole thing. When every member on the "new" brain trust was in the building last year, I am really struggling to see how this is different. And it is this lack of confidence in OBD that feeds my lack of confidence in any coach (or players) they choose. You can call me a pessimist, but 10 losing seasons later, it sure feels more like realism. I will be pleasantly shocked if the Bills are better than 6-10 next year.
  12. Dunno who Ian Rappoport is, but if he said it, it must be true. Rubbish. Just plain ole rubbish.
  13. Nothing is for sure. But I think people were looking for a choice to be inspired about. To get psyched and believe we have the guy (at either President, GM or Coach) to turn it around. Nothin that happened over the past week has any pop or sizzle. Nor does it scream than anything will be different. My thing is: it can't get much worse.
  14. Listen. If he is the worst coach ever hired and the Bills continue their slide to the bottom, maybe we end up with Manziell or the next great QB. He is unknown and people are pissed. But I can tell you I was pissed when they hired Marv Levy. My hopes for coach Marrone is to be one way or another. Be very good.....or awful. It's all about the talent on the roster anyways.
  15. I'm just wondering whom he is highly regarded by and how you've heard that. I'm not being a smart ass, but I've seen similar stuff offered and I've never read anything about the guy.
  16. Championship...... Justify and rally boys. It's what we do....
  17. Based on every thread, there is going to be a flat response to whomever is hired....until we rally and justify....
  18. I haven't seen anyone saying that Barkley is that well regarded. Te'o makes more sense to me at #1 than Barkley. That being said, with our needs at RB and CB, how can you consider drafting a QB??
  19. I guess it's as good of an option that is out there. I mean...who is the "dream scenario"? It's not as clear cut as 3 years ago when they were putting up billboards for "The Chin". I care less about the coach than I do about the draft and resigning our key FAs. If we don't get that right, it nearly doesn't matter who the coach is.
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