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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I just see it as they want to be employed.
  2. E. None of the above. I don't even want to talk about free agents until Levitre and Byrd are signed. They are 2 out of the top 10 free agents available and they are actually good players. If either one walks, it's a really bad sign for this team. The rest....draft well. Maybe keep a draft pick (Asper) instead of one of these "value" free agents they keep picking up.
  3. From what I read, he was let out of his contract. If he was that good, he would have been held to his contract. Buffalo....a top tier destination....because Of Crossman, the 33 year old OC, or the DC who was massively overshadowed by the head coach? You have a borderline ST Coodinator, a HUGE question mark at OC and potentially the defensive version of Curtis Modkins for DC. You, sir, define the word optimist. If you're not sure someone sucks, it doesn't mean they're good.
  4. Absolutely, positively, perfectly put.
  5. Well put. He IS a loser. All he's done is lose.
  6. Agreed, but what if Star is Wilfork? And what if Warmack is truly special? Kick Levitre or Urbik out to RT?
  7. Blaspheme!!!! Drafting corners is the surest way to keep us at the bottom.
  8. I guess my point is: Why squint at Nassib and say "he kinda looks like a franchise QB", when the next Steve Hutchinson is out there....or Hloti Ngata? on.
  9. Nah, Just didn't feel like looking up the spelling, only to get it wrong.
  10. Do you take the guy with obvious warts over a Chance Warmack, Barrett Jones, Star Lotululititleio or Manti Te'o??
  11. Of course, the NFL Network (Casserly, Wyche, etc) screaming the praises of Chudzinski as a great hire. Respected coordinator, connections in the NFL....yadda.... Seems like I heard that praise before.... Moral of the story. Take everything your hear from the NFL Network about GMs and coaching hires with a grain of salt. They are here to market the NFL, not criticize.
  12. I was going to point out same throw. It'd take Fitz 2 throws to get it that far. The highlights show a lot of fades and rainbows, but he can drill the deep out. Who knows, but he has some skills. And if I see one more post suggesting we draft a CB, my head will either explode or implode, I'm not sure. The Bills have drafted about 10-15 CBs in the 1st four rounds over the past 5 years, have no pass rush and no LBs who can cover and wonder why these 15 CBs underperform. Draft front to back and inside out.
  13. I think we are in agreement. The only difference is: I'm open to the possibility that a franchise QB may not be in this draft. Then what?
  14. If he would switch positions, he'd be deadly. Play the Tom Rathman role or maybe the Jim Jensen role. Nobody questions his passion or football IQ. It's the whole TEBOW mystique that has become an albatross.
  15. I think the front should be Mario, Dareus, Carrington with KW being a rotational player. As far as I'm concerned, they are starting from scratch at LB. Maybe Bradham can play, but I wouldn't lose sleep over cutting the rest. I think you are going to see Cal Pace in a Bills uniform. Then the rest is up to draft and FA. They now need a hybrid LB and another Carrington type DE. And, depending on Troupe, another wide body.
  16. Because the strongest player might be your starting (and dominant) RT for the next 10 years. Pitt keeps drafting LBs. SF keeps drafting Oline and Giants keep drafting pass rushers. I'm OK with the Oline. Dline. LB or QB. Every year. Every pick. I swear this is a troll....
  17. Fred Jackson was on Sirius NFL radio and didn't say much of Marrone, but did speak highly of Hackett. Said, even as a QC assistant, he knew the entire offense and where everyone was suppose to be. Hearing Fred talk about Hackett made me feel better about the hire.
  18. Who would you rather have, Akili Smith or Champ Bailey? Cade McNown or Damien Woody? In 1999, teams were desperate for QBs and moved a bunch of these jokers up. I would rather the Bills took the best football players in hopes of getting an Urlacher, Wilfork or Jerry Rice instead of forcing a QB into the 8 hole. I don't care what happened on Monday, if Te'o is there, sign me up.
  19. You have to give Kiper 1 thing, other than Joel Buchsbaum, he was the only guy doing this draft stuff 25 years ago. Part of us talking about it is because guys like him put it out there for discussion.
  20. In the bowl games I watched, Moore looked ordinary. Warmack was dominant (over Te'o). And Millner. He's a Bill, right?
  21. I can guess what the response will be, but can Torrell Troupe be dusted off to play over the nose or are we starting from scratch? It may change our draft strategy to get the D-line right. I dunno if Kyle Williams is a fit for that style defense. I would guess Kelsay and Kyle Moore are a bad fits. Man, we need a lot of LBs.
  22. Stick a fork in Bart Scott. Maybe Calvin Pace. I dunno. But I hear Bart Scott was not so good last year.
  23. If nothing else, Belichick will have no idea what this kid is going to do....because he may have no idea himself. Not saying he doesn't know what he's doing. I'm saying he prolly doesn't have a long-established pattern and might turn on a dime. That's a good thing.
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