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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Yeah, if Star were available, you have to take him. Sounds Ngata-like. I voted for Fisher. I think the Bills RT stunk all year and Pears is average on his best day. SF invested heavily on their O-line and it has paid off. Since our O-line is by far our best asset, I'd like to see them complete the picture and draft another OT.
  2. It must not be too convincing.... I hear you. I'm not saying having Fitz around says he's a starter. Only that it complicates things. It begs many questions. I submit that it also reflects poorly on the organization.
  3. It's only dumb if you think you can win with Fitz. You can lose with anyone. And I disagree on FAs. If I'm representing a QB, I want him to go to a team where the job is open. Fitz staying only complicates free agency.
  4. Veteran minimum is too much for Fitz. He's just not a good QB. His 3 years is proof.
  5. I'd be shocked if they pay him $7 million. That's cash money.
  6. Cap money and real money are 2 different things. There is NO way Buffalo pays Fitz a $3m roster bonus on March 1. No way. They save at least $3m by cutting him. The Cap is just an accounting number, but 3 m is 3 m. See ya.
  7. Agreed. I think the best thing to do is trade out so some team can get their final piece (like ATL did when they got Julio Jones). Then stockpile picks. Why? So our next GM has ammunition to rebuild with.
  8. How many times can one's head explode?
  9. If you know that Fitz is NOT thee guy, does it make any sense to bring him back? Move on. Draft 2. Sign 2. For once in Buffalo, have a competition at the most important position. But don't waste time spinning your wheels with Fitz. What does a guy have to do to lose his job?
  10. That is serious due diligence by Harbaugh. Maybe we need to send Jim Kelly out to challenge prospective QBs. Maybe the Bills just need to do more homework. If they did, I am sure we wouldn't be having conversations about Brian Brohm, Levi Brown and Tyler Thigpen. And this begs THEE most important question for the Bills franchise: Does anyone at OBD know what a good QB looks like?? Seriously. I'm not sure we have anyone on the staff with that expertise.
  11. That is overly harsh. Of course, I think it's true and I agree with it. But it sucks to read as a Bills fan. And is Marrone, not moron (jk)
  12. Whether I agree with your final sentence is irrelevant. The thing is, I presume having a Dalton or Russell Wilson would have provided the Bills with some hope that the position is solved (like Glenn as our LT). Then the Bills can move on to WR and TE, which are kind of hard to evaluate without a QB. In fact, I would say 3 and outs caused by a bad OFFENSE expose your defense and make them appear even worse than they could be with an efficient offense. So we really will not know what kind of defense we have until the offense is fixed. And I know it works the other way.
  13. As I'm reading your post, I had the visual of just erasing all the names on the chalkboard. Do you think it would have mattered who was in there?
  14. I would say "Why play Fitz?" You know what you have and it hasn't worked. I would rather give the job to an UDFA than have Fitz at the helm, especially if your goal is to draft high next year. Fitz is good enough to beat Jax and KC, which makes us draft around 10th every year. Sign me up for Curtis Painter!
  15. Justifying Buddy Nix's failure to address the QB situation by listing the questions surrounding each prospect only leave us with Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck as QBs he should have drafted. It's just ridiculous! Other teams put their teams together in ways to make the QB, and the whole team, successful. I think it is this "team architecture" skill that Nix has failed and repeatedly. He doesn't know if he's building a 3/4, 4/3, or a 3/4. Offense. Defense. This team has no identity. If it did, Nix would draft to that. And this includes QB.
  16. I'm sure Buffalo has some of the same Aholes that reside in every disappointed NFL city. New England is no different. And gee, another nasty thing said on twitter. I'm not a twitterer, so I don't get the point. It seems all bad.
  17. I'll be shocked if Fitz is in Buffalo next year.
  18. I thought Smith and Flynn are under contract too.
  19. Maybe that's assumed when you're talking about a LB. If you're a LB who's weak against the run, you work for UPS.
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