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Everything posted by JPS

  1. But his name is Barkevious Mingo!!! Doesn't that count for something?
  2. Hey, however it looked, Flutie was a football player and was important to this franchise when he was here. Was he great? Obviously no. Was he entertaining? To me, he was.
  3. I hope someone in the Bills brain trust has the ability to evaluate QBs. None of these guys look good to me, but maybe there's a serviceable guy in there. All I know is if you told me last year that Matt Barkley was going to be our draft pick in 2013, 95% of this board would have jumped on it and 75% of us would have thought we were drafting #1 overall. If he's agin em- I'm fer em.
  4. I almost don't care what any of them get paid, only that the good ones are under contract.
  5. Neither Byrd or Levitre are going anywhere. I consider their movement a remote possibility based on Buddy's stated goals to keep the good ones and build though the draft. I think he's a crappy GM, but he's a straight shooter.
  6. A 12 round draft was a huge advantage for a GM who knew what he was doing. Yeah, 79' was very good as well. And even though Cousineau flamed out, we did trade him for some picks. Only Cleveland (I think) go screwed by Cousineau.
  7. Getting rid of Aaron Williams at this point is just stupid. He's young. Athletic. And he's going into a defense that is less predictable and, hopefully, brings more pressure. The Bills must give him a chance in this defense. He may be (prolly not, but) the best press CB in NFL History. Since they're not going anywhere in 2013, I think it's important to evaluate their current assets before investing in replacements.
  8. The 87 draft put us in 4 Superbowls. Conlon, Odomes, Ballard, Mckellar, Seals, Mueller. Then the Bills traded for Biscuit out of the same draft class. No other draft even with out Bennett is even close.
  9. Toronto Sun "Neither side is expected to reveal on Tuesday how much Rogers is paying the Bills for the five-year extension, but a source in May said the amount would be "significantly" less than $78 million" Sounds like $7M/ game is a reasonable estimate.
  10. Sorry, I thought we drafted Searcy after. You always need 3 or so decent safeties and letting Whitner go made about as much sense to me as trading Lynch.
  11. This is my last comment on this silliness. You threw out a number of 700M/30M profit =23 years to pay off. This assumes no up-front cash. I am sure there is financing, but I am also sure the new owners plunk down 100M or so to get it by the committee. The Bills getting an additional 7M/year for whoring their game out to a disinterested Toronto market is irrelevant to their attractiveness to the next owner and, further, it is horrible for the on-field product. If you think this makes sense, I disagree.
  12. I didn't love Whitner, but I saw no reason to scrap him and start over at SS. I hope he wins with his Bills tattoo.
  13. If you made more sense, I'd care what you called me.
  14. So, I guess the implication is the Jags and the Browns were sold on credit? The purchase would have never passed the finance committee if each new owner did not have significant cash up front. Don't kid yourself. My opinion remains uninfluenced by the Koolaid showers on this board.
  15. Well, I used to be a passionate 8 season ticket holder for 15 years guy (including 4 clubs) and prior to last year I decided enough was enough. It's just not entertaining to watch your team get crushed every year. I owe no duty to the Bills or to anyone with a higher pain tolerance than I. And I also chose to (at least for these forum's purposes) hold the FO's feet to the fire when they make questionable decisions. Is that wrong? Or is it just pissing in everyone's Cheerios? When and if the Bills are competitive, I will again fly to Buffalo for 3-4 games a year because it is truly a unique and mostly enjoyable experience. That's just the way it is....
  16. That is comical. And it's so backward. The Bills are there for entertainment purposes. If they are not entertaining, I can't blame people for not going. As RB would say, it's a business decision. And if not supporting this garbage product means they move, then so be it. I'd rather the end be quick than this 20 year death they are putting us through.
  17. And I'm sure I'm not the only one annoyed that we cut our 5th, 6th and 7th rounders. Especially on a last place team, doesn't that reflect poorly on SOMEONE? Anybody?
  18. It is not indicative of A loser franchise. It is indicative of THIS loser franchise. I really hate this move. Who's going to buy the Bills in this scenario (100%financing) ?? My Uncle Fred?? I seriously doubt financing debt is going to be an issue for the new owners. THEE number 1 priority should be to win games. Forcing home games on a reluctant market hasn't helped that goal and most would say hurt the Bills' ability to win home games. But this is clearly of secondary concern to RB. That is why I hate it..... for all Bills fans.
  19. Bad draft years happen to everybody. But stringing them together as the Bills have is almost an exercise in mathematical improbability. What's worse than that is: when you finally hit on a good, qualified NFL player, you let him walk or trade him away for a sack of potatoes.
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