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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Yeah. It has not even been reported by a credible source yet.
  2. Love it. But I dunno what the Mayock thing is about.
  3. Just because Fitz doesn't suck all the time doesn't mean he doesn't suck. He is not a consistent QB that you can win with consistently. So why bother at all?
  4. A. Who is Ryan Talbot? How would he know? B. This and the draft would be Buddy's last moves on the way to the top (of next year's draft). C. Everyone outside of Buffalo knows that Fitz is terrible. If he's a QB on this roster....good luck.
  5. Why is anyone even talking about Whitner? I get nothing out of it either way.
  6. Sucked when he was here. Sucked in Philly. Next.
  7. Really? I mean, do people really think the Bills, or anyone, would take Nassib in the 1st round? I haven't seen any credible site put Nassib in the 1st round and my eyes tell me he shouldn't even be drafted. Plus, does anyone really believe Buddy is going to take a QB from the Big East? This pick is too important to rest it on familiarity, so I think Buffalo goes in another (read SOUTH) direction.
  8. Thanks for the update. Have fun with the hysteria.
  9. Good point. And to say Crabtree was held from getting to his spot denies reality. He tried to run an up, out and up within the span of 5 yards in about 1.6 seconds. It was a crappy route, especially it being a "hot" throw. And he threw the dback down after he ran into him. Textbook non-call.
  10. If Crabtree runs upfield instead of into the defender, there's a parade in SF today.
  11. Yeah, it's kinda is necessary. For the kid. Let him sit. Find Jesus, Tony Dungy, Chris Carter or something. He needs a shift in his point of view and it's not going to come with underserved 2nd (3rd, 4th) chances.
  12. I can't believe even 1 person on this board suggested picking this POS up. Amazing.
  13. Crabtree ran right up in his grill. Looked like the WR initiated the contact to me. He shoulda taken it upfield earlier.
  14. I agree, but I don't think that guy is in this draft, so why not grab the impact LB? We can get our QB after the coming 3-13 season.
  15. Eric Mangini said it was a borderline hold, but the LB on the other side mauled Delany Walker and that shoulda been called. I'm sure conspiracy theories abound in the Bay area. Bottom line is: when the QB is under duress, I hate to see a call bail him out of a bad decision/throw. So I'm okay with it.
  16. A. Warren Moon was a statue B. Steve Young was pretty good...and mobile C. Elway was uber- mobile and a fantastic athlete. D. Rothlisberger moves around in the pocket better than most . E. Even the epitome of a statue, Joe Flacco, made the biggest throws of the playoffs after moving up in the pocket. I guess my point is: all great QBs know when it's time to stay and when it's time to go. Even the most statuesque pocket passers, the great ones that is, know how to slide to clean air. I think the new breed will be good at both. Newton, Luck, Wilson and Kaepernick can throw with the best of them and run when necessary.
  17. How can you draft the taller, strong, possession WR unless you know that you have a QB who can and will throw to him effectively? The thing about Flacco is he put the ball in positions that Boldin could get to. If you get a Trent Edwards plus a Julio Jones this year, you're going to have one wasted and frustrated WR. Plus, any WR of this ilk is going to be a high pick and the Bills cannot afford to take a WR up high. Too many other needs.
  18. As far as I'm concerned, Dareus is lumped in with Aaron Williams, Sheppard, Bradham, Searcy and even Troupe. The Bills need so much help on defense, they have no business casting any assets aside until they find out if they can contribute in this new scheme under a new coach. I can't judge any of them til I see the 2013 Bills play. The 2012 version was 11 unicks watching games and dictating nothing. I don't care if they give up a bomb every game. I look forward to pressure and Dareus should benefit greatly from that.
  19. it's exactly what I was looking for... "43 IS THE MIKE". Kinda symbolizes the 2012 season.
  20. I thought Moore was handled pretty well against Lane Johnson in the Bowl game. Kinda looked like he gave up after the 1st move didn't work. I admit, I didn't see the whole game, but he didn't jump off the screen at all when I watched him.
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