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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I don't know why it makes Bills' fans feel good to talk about how other teams cheat or cheated. It is soooo juvenile and a loser mentality IMHO.
  2. If they draft ANOTHER cb in the top 3 rounds, this team goes 2-14. The Bills front 7 sucks. Why have good dbacks if the other team is just going to run all day?
  3. He done got broke. Chicago needs a WR too. If Knox had any prayer, they'd have kept him. Enough with marginal players. They need a speedy beast!
  4. Queue the Buddy sucks discussion. Oh....I think he does, but we've hammered it to death to death.
  5. He showed flashes of pass rush ability, but was also part of a defense that got manhandled on a regular basis. I expect more out of him than anyone else on their LB corp. We know he can get upfield. The question is: Can he be stout against the run.
  6. I think you have to factor in playing time.....an audition.. Most players show what they are as soon as they play. Now, their "audition" may not occur in earnest until their 3rd year, but they show once they play. That was the case with Crowell. With Sheppard, he got his audition in year 1. I don't think he's going to suddenly become something he's not in year 3. It's like the kid who played Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars III. Bad actor, right? I'm pretty sure he's bad in every thing else he's in. I don't need to see it. Same with Shep. That's my unsolicited view anyways
  7. This is like when they were talking about changing the shape of the hockey nets. Never, ever going to happen. It just influences too many things.
  8. i think Ogletree is your guy then as an every down guy.I think David Harris is a decent player, but Pat Willis is waay better. Just more speed.
  9. Linebackers don't have break out years. Another year is not going to give Shep speed, the ability to get off blocks and make plays. His coverage ability is not going to suddenly click. They have to keep him and see what they can do with him, but I think he will pretty much be the same guy.
  10. I'm hoping we can use some filters instead of posting this garbage and stuff like Fitz looking to restructure. Twitter is a source? Re: Harris. I have a lot of friends who are Jets fans and they get frustrated bc Harris is about the worst cover LB in the league. But he is stout against the run.
  11. The difference being Sheppard was actually on the field in his 1st 2 years. I mean....really???
  12. I'm sure the last 2 years were the exception and Sheppard will be awesome this year. Seriously, can't you pretty much tell if a guy is going to be a player right away. Shep hasn't shown much.
  13. Stats lie. The ability for teams to run on the Bills prolly slanted their pass defense numbers to look better than they were. Wilson was ok
  14. It does worry me that we opened up a spot in our secondary with the draft coming up. What would the attitude of this board be if the Bills hand in a card with Kenny Vaccaro's name on it. Nothing would surprise me anymore.
  15. Wow!. You suck. You're gone. That's actually different. I must say it's a good sign. If they answer this with releasing Fitz and signing Byrd and Levitre, I will be pleased. Being a player who is a hole on the field is worse that knowing you have to fill that hole. Barnett is done.
  16. Then can we get that Baltimore system? I'd take Kruger. Looks like a good ball player to me.
  17. I'm with you. And as far as best teams? It's literally impossible to compare teams. I'd take the 99 Bills at this point.
  18. Does UB have a School of Music? I really did think it was a good article on how Rusty is different and a bit of a trailblazer in the area. I just cant believe that success isn't copied like it is in every other area in the NFL.
  19. Many around here would say a big reason the Bills are knocked out early is because of the injuries. It's part of it, I think. But 32nd over the span of 7-8 years. That can't be good.
  20. I heard the interview. Clayton was just throwing spaghetti on the fridge. It wasn't a bold assertion. He was just more or less saying the Bills had to do SOMETHING at QB and that Vick might be an option. Truly a groundbreaking, earth shattering revelation by a reporter as bored as we are.
  21. If it seems like our strength and conditioning has gone down since Rusty left in '05, it has. Rusty Jones left us with a team that was top 5 in terms of players staying healthy. Since then, the Bills have AVERAGED #32. It's a decent read. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-02-07/sports/ct-spt-0208-bears-pompei-rusty-jones-chicago--20130208_1_strength-coach-rusty-jones-nutrition
  22. Oglethorpe!!!!!?? Nassib is a 3rd rounder
  23. Manziell, round 1, pick 1 in the 2014 draft. Eric Fisher in 2013. You can either take a BEAST on the Oline or a questionable QB prospect this year.
  24. I love that ...."the stink needs to be washed off the deck". Perfect.
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