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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I don't think there is an (insert name) in this draft. There was a big groundswell for Kaepernick on this board and a lot of support for Wilson. Yeah, there may be a decent QB in this year's draft, but if Buddy couldn't pull the trigger on Kaepernick over Aaron Williams, or Russell Wilson over TJ Graham, what makes you think he's going to find him?
  2. Only Searcy can help with the development of Searcy. Either he can play or not. They just got rid of a 30+ Safety an it wasn't to pick up another 30+ even more expensive safety. Not even worth consideration.
  3. Yeah, my guess in the pick will be in about 9 seconds after the Bills are on the clock and we'll all been screaming NOOOOOOOO!!!!
  4. And with our new leadership, we can expect that roster to be muuuuch better than in years past.
  5. I'm reading nothing into it. I don't think anything major has happened yet. You get rid of Fitz or trade Kyle Williams, that's a major move. You sign Colin Brown and release a coupla guys on the wrong side of 30, no news.
  6. Quick. Your choice, would you rather play the NFC South (Tampa, Carolina, Atlanta, New Orleans) or the NFC North (Pack, Bears, Vikes, Lions)? If you have any opinion, SoS matters.
  7. There are really 3 things to change your mind on: 1. The incoming QB class: The body of work just doesn't justify the hype of previous years. Even the best guy, Geno Smith, got his clock cleaned and looked horrible in his Bowl game. There's no 1 guy who dominated or was consistent all year. Will they be good a good pro? Maybe, but there's less evidence in their college career, so less hype. 2. Opinions - I rarely say "IMO" or "IMHO", because, obviously it's my opinion. These are all opinions and I think it weakens an assertion to say "IMHO". Am I right? Doesn't matter. It's all banter. 3. Strength schedule - I hear you, but we know NE is going to be tough next year....and wish we could play Jacksonville 16 times every year. It doesn't mean everything, but it's not meaningless. How'd I do?
  8. Isn't he more of a 4-3 end? I see him in Philly, NYGiants or maybe SF. He's just not a linebacker and I think his losing a step could be due to a new scheme. If I'm a 4-3 coach and I'm looking for pass rush, I'd bring Freeney in without hesitation.
  9. The problem is having the worst defense in the league, no QB and a bad history of drafting and signing free agents. Other than that, it could happen.
  10. I can't believe there are any defenders of Nix or Fitz left. Nix spent our whole salary cap and 3 drafts to rebuild a defense and has the worst defense in the league to show for it. I can't even talk about Fitz anymore. Just, WOW, I guess.
  11. As long as the Bills are choosing between the likes of Fitz and TJack for their starter, we will be debating 2 vs. 8 wins. It will never be higher. Alex Smith is Joe Montana compared to to jamokes we have on our roster.
  12. Hey listen boys. It's the slowest time of the year. A little latitude on the repetitive subjects is appreciated by me at least. I'm way more sick of seeing complaints about repetition than I am about the repetition. There's nothing to about!! That's my opinion anyways. As far as Byrd and Levitre, if either walk, it sucks. But it's never without compensation. If they leave for a big contract, we get a compensatory selection...FWIW.
  13. It was a feeble attempt at humor.... That's all I have left with this team.
  14. You don't have a clue. Oh wait, you're right. Scary!!!!
  15. I think it's $10 M. $3M in roster bonus plus $7M in salary.
  16. Dude. Cutting Fitz saves them every dollar they WOULD have to pay him. Like $10 M in actual, hard money cash. If they cut him, his bonus gets accelerated and the Bills get charged $10 M against the cap, but it's accounting. The Bills save $10 Million dollars by cutting Fitz. That makes a ton of economic sense where I'm from. And forget what Marrone says. He doesn't have a say on the "groceries". I think Fitz is cut in the next 2 weeks. The "open competition" comment is standard coach speak and applies to every position. I think TJack is your starter for 8 games in this upcoming 2-14 season.
  17. i'm not flaming you, but not even I think this is a reasonably possible plan. It starts with us drafting Nassib..
  18. I missed the restructure Fitz part. Yeah, leave that out of the plan too.
  19. The team is too weak in the defensive front 7 to take a WR up high. They also need a RT. Other than that....a decent plan.
  20. Proof that you can get a good corner in the 4th round. Happy Trails 24.
  21. Hmmm. Bruce 2.0. Buffalo among those teams thought (by me) to be in the hunt for THEE #1 next year. That'd be something to look forward to.
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