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Everything posted by JPS

  1. The problem is the Bills have just enough talent to win 6 games. That's not bottom. The Bills need to cleave all current QBs and bring in 3 different ones. The draft. FA. I don't care. I would rather see someone else throw interceptions and actually bottom out. The defense? If you are SF or Seattle, name 1 player on the Bills defense you would take over who you have. There may be one, but you have to think hard, don't you.... Yeah, the Bills need more of a hip replacement than a wart removal. Yep...but the guy might not be there for us this year. But you have to try.
  2. I, for one, would LOVE a downtown stadium. The last time I was in Buffalo, I stayed at the Hampton Inn across from Hutch Tech and it was the Gus Macker weekend. It was actually a hapnin place. It would mean a lot to city.
  3. All day. He's a bona fide QB. If he comes for free, why not. He'd have a much bigger impact in 2013 that any other option.
  4. Now TE is an area where they should spend some FA $$. Generally, they can be had for reasonable money and can be valuable to a young QB. If Buffalo is a West Coast Offense, does this change the kind of TE you want. Might a James Casey/Dorin Dickerson type be more valuable in such a system? Or do you still want/need a Gronk-type?
  5. Congrats. Anyone else watch that Eruzione clip more than once?
  6. I think you'all are misunderstanding my point. Or perhaps I'm not making it well. I think Mario Williams is a good player. He's not a great player, but a good one. I'm not attacking Mario Williams. His presence. His performance made very little difference overall in our defensive performance, but he did all he could do with the limited talent surrounding him. But his mega contract, and any other big contracts the Bills hand out to FAs will hurt the growth of this team in the long run. My view would certainly be different if this defense and this team were stocked differently. But they have holes all over the place. Ellerbe would not be the final piece to make this team relevant. So why bother?
  7. Look, you can separate the Mario stats and justify it any way you want. My comment was, on the whole, he did not make the Bills defense better. Ok fine. Bring in Ellerbe. Pay him $5m/year. Lets roll the dice that he's worth that figure without Ngata in front of him and flanked by A SB winning defense. I don't think it's the right way to build from many angles.
  8. You may be right. But we can't afford to keep building with someone else's talent. It's not economically feasible and several teams have proved that it just doesn't work. Remember the Redskins before Shanny? Proved or proven?
  9. Mario Williams justified his salary with meaningless sacks against bad opponents. He had a grand total of 1 sack in division games and was by and large invisible in big games. It's pretty obvious that he did not make this defense better last year.
  10. My comment is more about economics than talent evaluation. Ellerbe only comes to Buffalo at a premium over what Baltimore would offer him. Signing Ellerbe (who may look different without Ngata in front of him) may mean you let Wood walk...or another good player down the road. If you don't draft well, all the best FAs in the world are not going to help this team. Name the last decent team that was built on FAs....The only thing last year's FA did was sell tickets.
  11. Every word out of Green Bay... He IS a malcontent. And a third for this "legend in his own mind" is laughable. Yeah, he has athletic ability. But he is neither a worker or a team player. Pass. Next.
  12. I'm skeptical that any FA is going to transform this franchise. Since they are at least 2 years away, I'd prefer to save to big FA money for their own good players and build the team the right way.
  13. I hear you. And I agree. But you can't commit a 1st and a 4th last year, then go right back with a 1st this year for ANOTHER CB. The holes elsewhere are just too deep. If they DID go with Milliner, he better be the next Revis and nothing less.
  14. People in Green Bay HATE him and he's given them many reasons. He's not a Green Bay guy and he's not a Buffalo guy. Move along......nothing to see here.
  15. I'm OK with any of the 4 OL and prolly 1 of the 2 QBs. Milliner, Patterson and Jordan do nothing for me.
  16. Yeah...that's about right. And I think it will get done. THERE. I'm positive about something.
  17. Mental masterbation. The Bills won 6. Lost 10. The rest is just looking at it from angles that don't mean anything.
  18. If we drafted better, even in the later rounds, we would have a playoff legacy. I guess my poorly made point is: How is it possible that a team with as many needs as the Bills have can't find even a depth player, a QB prospect or even a special teams contributor with 4 picks in the 5th through 7th rounds? Any team devoid of talent should maybe look at their draft picks as possible roster bandaids rather than someone else's castoffs. I'm just so frustrated at the apparent lack of planning in building this team.
  19. We are NOT set at pass rush. Not even close. But, what if the BPA defensive player IS a reach? Ansah is the only one who seems to be a legit top 10 to me. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
  20. SF took 3 O-linemen in the 1st round in the last 5 years, including one at pick 11. Matt Kalil looks dominant. Tyron Smith is very good. I agree with your theory. It just happens to suck when you apply it to this draft. Who are you going to take? Patterson? Jordan? Geno? It comes down to confidence in the pick. And in 2013, there is no Julio, Aldon, or Matty Ice. Then what?
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