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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Fitz was very smart in going to Tenn. He picked the team with one of the the worst starting QBs in the league. When Locker continues to show that he WASN'T WORTH THE #8 PICK IN THE DRAFT, Munchak will panic and insert Fitz in about Week 6. I don't care what the rhetoric is. Munchak is coaching for his job this year.
  2. If I'm 38 and I have money, my marbles and my knees, I say hello Indy....or SF
  3. It's still early, but based on what I know now....geno. You have to sack up and invest in a QB or 3 at some point
  4. I like 1 year contracts for all free agents, unless is Dansby. I might give him 2. Apparently Cincy thought so...they resigned him
  5. Great movie line. I think we can all agree that the Bills are in the earlier phases of building this team. I am less interested in them making desperate attempts to fill every hole (including QB) than I am in the Bills building the team right. That includes: 1. Drafting well 2. Signing young players to semi-reasonable extensions, and 3. Cutting dead wood We know they have not drafted well and hope Magoo is on to other things next year. I'll leave 2 out of it, because that's back to Buddy as well. But FINALLY, there appears the a parting of the clouds at OBD as far as whom to get rid of. Outside of Levitre, there hasn't been one release of a player that I disagreed with or even said...FINALLY!!!
  6. Not unless he's in the mail room....which is possible.
  7. They were talking about him on Sirius. Said he looked awful last year. Probably because he was playing hurt. But awful in a contract year is going to hurt you...
  8. Take Nassib...At 8?? I can't believe anyone thinks that.
  9. When a 1 trick pony WR gets $60 M and a Guard hauls in close to $40, the answer is no for me.
  10. Not to be a pain, but I would say Pettine hasn't been known for anything yet. That's why he wanted out. He was a defensive coach under a very strong defensive mind in Rex Ryan. Leonhard....meh.
  11. I think I'm going to make up a goofy nick name and start reporting stuff. I'm bound to hit on one of my rumors if I throw enough out there.
  12. New to this thread....are people actually suggesting Tebow come to Buffalo to play QB?
  13. Dude WAS making 12M. Was torn on taking a reduction to 8M. Then lost out on that. How much do you think he's going to play for? And, if he was going to play for, say $5M, why wouldn't he just stay in Denver? If you think it through, there is NO freaking way he's a target in Buffalo.
  14. Is it me or is the douchefactor a bit higher this year? A lot of personal snipes lately.
  15. I'm going to start calling you Mr. Search. I'm not saying you're wrong. I can always count on you when someone wants to visit the Department of Redundancy Department. Seriously fellas. Use your imagination and come up with something else to talk about other than why the Bills suck. There hasn't been anything new in this department in at least 10 days. I know, Buddy will give us more ammo, but until then, rehashing why the Bills suck is old....even for me.
  16. +1. i thought it was relevant to this year's draft.
  17. By the way, I've decided to check out of the Geno/Barkley debate. I DUNNO! I haven't studied these guys. 30,000 foot view. Nobody reminds me of any wildly successful NFL QB. But I sure hope the guys at OBD get this right because we're F'd for another few years if they don't. Go Bills.
  18. That's actually funny. Does it make me a bad person to think that's funny?
  19. You'd have a better chance of trading for Aaron Rodgers. RG3 blew out a knee and is no sure thing to be there in camp. The Redskins are NOT trading Kirk Cousins.
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