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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I was listening to John Pollard of Stats, Inc on Sirius NFL Radio and, based on what he deemed 'analytics', he ranked the QBs in the 2012 and 2013 draft. Here's how he ranked them: 1. RG3 2. Luck 3. Geno 4. Wilson 5. Tannehill 6. Manuel (I think - this is from memory and it wasn't Barkley) 7. Foles 8. Nassib So....are the Bills into analytics or what? If so, it's either Geno or EJ. Bad news for Barkley fans. Pollard said he's working with a number of NFL teams leading up to the draft, but did not name any. Metrics were discussed on QBs, CBs, LBs and Pass Rushers. Just thought it was interesting based on RB's statements about analytics.
  2. Too low for Pugh. The rest....? Why not....
  3. You are pretty optimistic with this one. I would hate Patterson pick. But I guess everyone fits what they need.....
  4. I agree with this post too. C'mon guys. Give me something to argue with, would ya....
  5. DT - Good post and I agree with your analysis on Barkley. Would Marrone take a QB who kicked is butt or one he could figure out and beat?? Since OL and Austin are doubtful as the Bills didn't even meet with them, and Buddy tipped his hand on several occasions that he is taking a QB, I also think Barkley is the guy with Manuel on deck. Woods fits as well.
  6. Every year is different. Maybe the Bills will surprise.
  7. Ok. He's a ball hawking, fumble causing, hard tackling football player.
  8. Chris Carter admitted his problem after he was kicked off his team for harder drugs. He turned out OK. Mathieu lost football for weed. Now he gave up weed for football. You want to say no thanks...I get why and I can't blame you. But someone is going to get a football player on the cheap.
  9. E. AJ McCarron Seriously, I dunno that any of the available QBs nail all 4.
  10. That's a high compliment. Weird. So far my favorite 2 players in this draft are small. Austin and Mathieu. Some people just play the game on a different level.
  11. The thing is, Mathieu admitted the problem. There are guys who will get drafted who haven been caught yet. I am swayed by everything I've read and everything I've seen RE: Tyrann Mathieu. I think he is a hard core football player and is going to be a good pro. He is confident and he makes plays. He'll be good.
  12. I would be beyond shocked if Milliner gets through Detroit and Cleveland. It's almost universally thought that he'll be gone by 6.
  13. Why would Nassib sell tix in Bflo? He's from Philly.
  14. I thought Austin was a possibility until I looked at pre draft visits over the last 3 years. I'm sure Buddy wouldn't fight the mocks as this pushes the idea of Austin in the top 10.
  15. Why don't he just say "Hey you guys who want a good Guard, there's a good one here at 8, but we don't want 'em"..... Is he that smart or that stupid?
  16. If the package is big enough, you take it and then trade back up 5 or 10 spots for EJ Manuel. The net should still be positive. Or.....what HE said above....
  17. +1. I thought it was done and here it's just a trade some obscure writer would like to see happen.
  18. The Bills have not invited even one Offensive Lineman in for a visit this year. Nor have they invited Tavon Austin. Bearing in mind the Bills have entertained their top 2 picks the last 2 years, it is at least an indication they will be picking a QB at 8. As much as I wouldn't mind Cooper or Austin, I think there are a few signs pointing to Geno, Barkley or (gulp) Nassib. WGRs Buscaglia pretty much said the same thing. http://www.wgr550.com/pages/12022322.php?pid=309945
  19. The most frustration thing will be if Buddy hands in his card with 7 minutes left on the clock.
  20. He did say that we will find out whether he was worth the 8th pick in 2-3 years. He's going to take a lot of heat if it's Nassib.
  21. The Bills would love to, but need trading partner. The keys to the Bills trading down are: Lane Johnson, Tavon Austin and Dee Milliner. Other than those 3, who would anyone trade up for? After hearing Buddy this week, I'm leaning on him taking a QB at 8.
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