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Everything posted by JPS

  1. FWIW, STATS, Inc analytics has Geno and Manuel ahead of Nassib. Are the Bills believers in analytics?
  2. Nassib is perfect for the Jets. I like the fit and hope it happens.
  3. I will be shocked and disappointed if they take Nassib at all. He's not overly big, fast, talented or successful. If they take him at 8, the Bills will be ridiculed and rightly so.
  4. I find it interesting that there is no consensus on any 1 QB. Anywhere. I just hope the Bills guess right for once.
  5. It's a nice thought. But the Bills don't exactly have Jimmy Johnson running the show. "Mr. Premature Draftulation" will have that pick up there with 8 minutes left on the clock.
  6. I am completely saturated with opinions. Qualified and otherwise. None of the experts agree on any of them. And us "non-experts" are of similar disagreement. So I'm willing to just trust the process and hope they got the right guy.
  7. If he would work THAT hard to get himself right, it would be a great story no matter whom he plays for. He'd have to endure a mountain of "no's" and ridicule and I root for anyone who wins that battle.
  8. When Buddy says 'we'll find out in 2-3 years if he was worth the 8th pick", there is very little doubt they are taking a 1st round QB. Unless Buddy, at the age of 70-whatever, is going to start blowing smoke.
  9. Costs a #1 and a long term contract worth 8+ M/Year.
  10. Horrible idea that would never happen anyway for all the reasons stated above.
  11. I am near certain the Bills are taking a QB in the 1st round. What it may do is make the Bills think twice about trading down, but I don't expect Buddy to be on the clock for more than 3 minutes anyways. I think it's Barkley or EJ.
  12. Hmmm....qualified NFL LBs.....This is just crazy enough to work.
  13. Someone will most assuredly jump off a cliff if, at 8, the Bills draft:-Barkley -Geno -Nassib -EJ -Warmack -Cooper -Austin -Patterson -Mingo -Jordan I am less concerned what they do in the 1st than what they do in the rest. Buddy is at least OK in the 1st. The rest.....
  14. There's no such thing as "climbing the charts". That's all media BS. Every GM, former GM and personnel guy interviewed says their draft board is pretty much set weeks ahead of time, with very minor adjustments.
  15. For some reason, the drafting of John Fina over Carl Pickens angered me more than Whitner, Maybin and McKelvin combined. But Graham over Wilson comes close.
  16. Nobody is biting on the point that struck me.....If the Bills are committed to analytics, the only 3 possible QBs are Geno, EJ and Nassib. Or maybe they trade for Foles.
  17. Since it was a conversation, it was a bit hard to nail that down. I checked on the Stats Inc web site and didn't see a reference and couldn't find it elsewhere. But it was detailed. He broke it down and showed how some QBs were "right handed" in that he was very effective to the right, but horrible to the left. Hot zones. Length of passes. Strength of competition. I loved it.
  18. Justin Hunter looks like James Hardy to me.
  19. I just watched Gruden's QB camp on Bray and they showed Hunter dropping balls all over the place. He did not look good. Didn't look sudden. Didn't catch with his hands. Not impressive.
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