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Everything posted by JPS

  1. The Bills only chance to be respectable in 2013 is if EJ plays a lot. The rest of the clipboard jockeys they have behind him would not make another NFL roster and it will be a disaster if they have to play at all. I agree on Kolb. He has built up zero loyalty in Bflo and will be ripe for an injury settlement if he's on the shelf for longer than a week. Yeah, he's progressed. From a starter, to a backup, to a RAIDERS backup, to out of the league.
  2. The record is obviously meaningless. Failing to control the line of scrimmage is what worries me. The Bills looked ordinary to bad when playing their NFLers against other NFLers in all 3 games. That's what I saw. But I really like the aggressiveness on defense and how EJ looked on offense, so there should be some improvement this year....at least the Bills will be watchable.
  3. He was unblocked on that play. Any time he was blocked...he stayed blocked. Kyle Williams is DONE! I watched the lines the entire game and KW looked awful to me. The again, maybe it's unfair to single him out. Nah...he was bad....
  4. I could never call him "Kobb" with the "L" in there, so perhaps it's better off. And reportedly, Fitz was offered $3 M to stay and left to play for $2M. What are you gonna do?
  5. Behind that O-line, it really doesn't matter who they have back there. If they can run....all the better.
  6. Let's face it, no matter who they brought it in off the street, it would not matter. EJ Manuel is the QB of the Bills and will start 14-16 games this year if healthy enough. Having Leinart on the roster is like knowing how to use your seat cushion as a floatation device. Yeah it's there, but you'd really really prefer not to use it.
  7. This board is so manic depressive. A win doesn't mean they're going to the Superbowl and a loss doesn't mean they'll get Clowney. I think they are a bit too thin on the lines to do better than 8-8, but if EJ shows he's THEE guy this year, 2013 will be a success regardless of the Bills' record. DId anyone else notice how little push either line got yesterday?
  8. Other than the defensive line and the offensive line, I thought they played pretty well.
  9. Pat White 4/4. Theismann crowing...I'm going golfing. I can't defend anyone on that D.
  10. Agreed. Showed very little instinct. Overpursued.
  11. Kyle Williams is a shell of his former self. Rollerskates.
  12. Just like things went south for the Bills late in Kelly's career, they will soon turn on Brady and the Patriots. This could be the year. You throw young WRs in a hostile, loud environment and they make mistakes. I think the Bills win unless the Pats run wild.
  13. The Bills are the basis of all communication with my 81 y/o father, so I feel your loss. What a great thing that you were there to share all those memories with him!
  14. Of course it is. One of the talking heads mentioned the possibility of Byrd being traded to another team SO HE CAN GET HIS LONG TERM DEAL. But it looks like, no matter what, this isn't going to happen for Byrd until January. That sucks for the player. I wonder why they closed the negotiating window....
  15. You know what...I read it again and I think it can be read the other way. It says no long term deal with PRIOR club. So I thought he could sign long term deal with new club....Then , I thought that the trading club may step into the Bills' shoes and be no better off. Hell, I dunno. Now I'm convinced I misread it due to the final sentence saying he can't sign extension until after last reg season game. I read the Breer article. The only thing I got out of it is he can be franchised a 3rd straight year at 144% of the top 5 salaries. He says nothing about trading.
  16. By the way, here's the relevant section that, to me says that Byrd CAn sign a long term deal with another club: (k) Any Club designating a Franchise Player shall have until 4:00 p.m., New York time, on July 15 of the League Year (or, if July 15 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the first Monday thereafter) for which the designation takes effect to sign the player to a multiyear contract or extension. After that date, the player may sign only a one-year Player Contract with his Prior Club for that season, and such Player Contract may not be extended until after the Club’s last regular season game of that League Year. 
  17. I don't get it. Byrd signing his tender and Byrd being traded are 2 completely different topics. This site puzzles me sometimes. If Byrd CAN sign a long term deal with another team, but CANNOT sign a long term deal with the Bills until after his 16 week gauntlet, of course he wants to be traded. Especially after seeing what happened to Keller, wouldn't you?
  18. 24 pages later.....am I supposed to read all 24? What's the etiquette? I feel like When I come late to a conversation, I just don't post at all bc I'm prolly repeating what someone said 7 pages ago. I'd love it if these topics were capped at 10 pages. I can read 10. Anyways. If Byrd is going to be a buzz kill, remove him and keep building next year. Or I love the thought of getting some O-line talent.
  19. He's a good football player. Harbaugh thinks so. Thats good enough for me..
  20. If that's all that happened was a fluid drain from his knee, EJ will be able to play. And if he is able to play, he's your starter.
  21. FWIW - Tim and Pat on Sirius said KW looked like a shell of his former self and lacks explosion. There doesn't seem to be any talk about him at this point.
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