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Everything posted by JPS

  1. I don't think we're planning our draft around Nic Harris either way.
  2. Ahhh...the uncapped year and the all-star teams...
  3. #1 - Evans goes where the idiots up in the booth told him where to go. #2 - To the extent Harrison went over the middle, the ball would actually get there on time and in a place that would not get him killed....See, that's the Payton Manning part. #3 - Forget about the money. He's here. He makes what he makes. And he can't block, throw, run a good route and catch all by himself. If you think the QB is dependent upon a good O-Line, the WR is even moreso. How long till the draft?
  4. Gosselin is a quite good educated guesser. You're kidding yourself to think otherwise. I've been doing mock drafts since the late 80s. You have 32 moving targets, none of whom want you to know what they're thinking. If you can get 30% right, that is extremely good. He usually does that.
  5. You are kidding, right? Sometimes I'm a little slow on the sarcasm. If you're not kidding, that "argument" is a stretch to say the least.
  6. And the Falcons had 2 winning seasons and a playoff appearance..AND they know who their QB will be for 10 years. "It doesn't MATTER"??!!. C'mon....
  7. I understand being down on Lynch. He had a bad year. The whole offense had a bad year. But getting rid of him at his lowest value is the move of a losing franchise. He's still the same beast he was 2 years ago and there's just no legit reason to get rid of him. Because he's a punk?? Give me a break. They're ALL punks. We don't want him to date our daughters. We want him to play football. And Lynch is one of our best football players.
  8. +1. Seems like all the buzz has him going in the 1st now.
  9. That's why you go with the good ole #40 JD Hill jersey. It never gets old. It truly IS the silly season. Who the heck is Patrick Moran and why is his twitter any better than the ideas I get while sitting on the crapper?
  10. Your reputation succeeds you. Why would a team trade into the top 3 for Bradford if he's most likely going to go in the top 1? I'll give you credit. You frame your comments like you know more than the average joe. Seems like spaghetti rumors to me.
  11. I'm intrigued, but skeptical. Since I don't know who Charles Robinson is, I'm not sure if this means anything. I guess we'll see. I'd actually hate to see Lynch go. He's worth more to us than the 3rd or 4th rounder we'd get for him.
  12. Out of the above, I believe only Skelton threw at the combine. Crompton may have, but dn stand out either way. Skelton looked great. I posted back then that he reminded me of Bledsoe. Zac Robinson looked good. But that's about it. I would be surpised if Bflo was intrested in Crompton as his successes came late and were relatively short lived. Nix wants someone with a resume (Tebow, McCoy). Gil Brandt had something interesting to say yesterday on Sirius. He commented how other great athletes had unorthodox motions and were still successful and he expected Tebow to be a solid pro QB. We've beat the Tebow thing to death. Others seem to know more abour LeSaviour. Finally, I think it makes sense that if Bflo doesn't get the QB in the 1st 2 rounds, I think they just might be in the market for Campbell. But it should be a draft day deal.
  13. What about Tony Pike says "steal"? The way the ball flutters in the air or the way it softly lands on the turf 3 feet behind his WR? I saw him in his Bowl game and at the combine, and he could not survive in Bflo. Maybe in a west coast, but from what I saw, he's godawful.
  14. I voted Edwards. Not because he's the best QB, but because he's better than Fitz and Brohm and does not retard the development of this team by costing us even 1 draft pick. If Campbell was clearly franchise material, the pick is worth it. If not, why waste a pick on just "a guy". For the life of me, I don't understand why people support Fitz. He's like a box a chocolates.....and not good ones.
  15. If the rumors are true, we're looking for a 3rd rounder for Lynch. Wouldn't a starting QB be worth more than that? I agree that a 4th for Campbell is reasonable. I just think Washington will be looking for more.
  16. Lee Evans is what Marvin Harrison would have looked like without Payton Manning.
  17. "Can't you see that this is the last act of a desperate man?!"
  18. I can't believe even 1 guy got suckered into discussing a payton manning trade.
  19. Forget about all the scheme talk. You keep good football players. Period. Would you get rid of a good QB if the new OC wanted to run a different offense? I can't wait for the draft and new whinings or justifications. This is the 3rd post on trading Kyle Williams and I'm willing to bet the 5th on Lee Evans will surface before the draft.
  20. Reads the play well. No wasted motion. Keep your 40 times. He's not a WR.
  21. I think those who have him in the 4th place too much importance on the combine/pro day stuff. Spikes is obviously a football player and his playing resume justifies a #2. Maybe his lack of foot speed pushes him down in the 2nd, but I would be suprised if he's not gone in the 2nd. He looked like a beast to me. PS - Does Andra Davis prevent us from going ILB?
  22. The only thing left out is the drafting of a guard/center in the top 5 rounds. With Wood's leg and Hangartner not being a stud, I think it is a position of need.
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