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Everything posted by JPS

  1. How do you, sitting on your laptop watching the Flyers-Devils game, know that Bulaga is a RT? Where does this stuff come from?
  2. 1st of all...nobody is a sleeper pick at 41. A sleeper is at 214. 2nd. How in thee hell do you guys know anything about Torrell Troupe or Cam Thomas?
  3. Dallas' team was LOADED. And, don't you think Tampa's fire sale had something to do with their record? I don't care what you say. I prefer a guy like Chuckie. Maybe it's just the nick name. Regardless, he's not our coach. But I thought his QB special was awesome TV. And since I've heard Bradford 4 times since, he sounds like a loser. I hated him with Chuckie and I've hated everything he's had to say since. He just doesn't instill confidence that he's THEE guy. I'd pass all day on Bradford, even at 9 (and that's prob why I'm in my kitchen).
  4. Maybe true. But after Dick, you have to forgive me for seeing a little fire and wanting our coach to spit a little bit when he speaks. Plus, you gotta love the nick name.
  5. Obviously you favor the calm, cool demeanor of say Dick Jauron. But I like a coach with a pulse. Oh...and a Superbowl ring.
  6. THAT is the best example of a reach. If the Bills grab a NEED player who is commonly believed to have lower vlaue over ANOTHER NEED player that they coulda had, then you can legit. call it a reach. Whitner over Ngata. Reach. That being said. We have so many needs and the talent level seems so even from picks 9-25, I don't think any of the names mentioned are a reach. We will not be passing on an Okung to take Clausen, but we might pass on Charlie Brown.
  7. Thank GOD the silly season is almost over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Back off Chuckie. It's okay to favor Clausen, but I thought if nothing else, it was great TV. He exposed a weakness on each QB. He also pointed out strengths. Whadya want, Mr. Rogers? I like passion. And Gruden has that.
  9. I loved Tebow's interview. He took responsibility for himself, showed passion and was the only one who looked like a General. The rest were Lieutenants at best.
  10. A couple things on arm strength. Skelton DOES have a cannon. I've neer heard anyone (credible) question Tebow's arm strength. McShay and Kiper are not scouts. They're scouts of scouts and rely on other people's opinions and motivations.
  11. +1. At some point, sports just isn't worth it. He's past that point for me.
  12. JPP doesn't fit the NIX mold of a guy who has a big resume, so I would be surprised if he was the Bills pick. But I do have Bill Parcells taking him for Miami. Gil Brandt said "Miami's pick, if they still have their current slot, will be a guy who will be a surprise" Of course, he wouldn't betray Parcells confidence, but it was an interesting comment that had me put JPP to Miami instead of Kindle.
  13. The chances of "solid" increase as you go up. It's not that you can't find a good tackle later, but if it were that easy, NOT ONE TEAM would draft an OT in the 1st round. IF, and that's an IF, you see a guy as Ruben Brown/Ryan Clady quality, you take him. If you think Jered Veldheer is just as good as Trent Williams, then wait. I'm not sure about Bulaga, but he looks like a FOOTBALL player who will battle on every play, NOT take plays off or B word about his contract. He's put up plenty of good tape to justify the selection. I just want a big, nasty gamer. If he's that, we'll all be happy.
  14. Let's not forget about the "smoke factor". The more someone trashes a prospect, the more likely it is they'll draft him.
  15. Does he know he's a right tackle? If Gil Brandt says he's solid, I'll tale his word for it.
  16. I would be shocked. Both QB's have done too much in college and the buzz is going the other way. WHat makes you think both will be there? Even if it's NOT for a QB, do we want to go up to 32 for a guy we covet? It could be Saffold, Hughes, Tate.
  17. As Marv said "Once a player says he's considering retirement, he has already retired".
  18. Well done. You're pretty well thought out. I think you're wildly optimistic on the Bills picks. Maybe a half round low for Hughes, saffold, Joseph and Shipley. I'd love to get Clausen later. After seeing Tebow w/ Gruden, it'd be hard tofeel bad about that pick too.
  19. If the Bills are going to give up a 4th rounder for a QB, would you rather them give it up for Campbell or a 4th and a 2nd for New Orlean's pick #32 (McCoy, Tebow)? I just saw Gruden's QB academy and if I knew nothing about the top 4 QB's. Regardless of whether Tebow would be good or not, he would be appreciated by the fans for his passion. The guy is intense.
  20. I was wondering why Kuharsky sounded familiar.
  21. You could slingbox all your feeds from family or friends back in Bflo. Just set up an extra cable box that only feeds your slingbox. You control it from Rio or anywhere you can access the internet.
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