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Everything posted by JPS

  1. Stop lamenting over losing out on other people's garbage and build the team. Spears. Russell. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Plus, the only reason ANY of us ever heard of Gaither is because people said he is available. Isn't anyone else nervous about trading high picks to Ozzie Newsome for a 1 year starter that he seems to want to replace? Let's find out about the guys who are already here before we move on to has beens and one year wonders.
  2. Agreed. Large blocks of many words hurts eyes. I'm looking for a snack, not a meal.
  3. Drafting John F'n Fina instead of Carl Pickens was a dark day in Bills history. I know Pickens was a punk, but we needed a playmake over a backup mediocre tackle. It still burns me. Not as much as Ngata, but it's still there.
  4. When a good personnel man like Ozzie Newsome is willing to get rid of a guy, WALK THE OTHER WAY or forever chase the ghost of Drew Bledsoe. Keep your 2nd and draft your guy next year. WALK...THE...OTHER...WAY...
  5. These guys are paid to appeal to large markets. Jets...good. Bills ...bad. The only thing that will flip that is when we (if we) smack them in the face with a 10 win season.
  6. I can't find 2009 pre-season stats, but did you know Brohm only threw 42 passes for GB in 2008 preseason? You'd think a #2 pick would warrant more than 100 passes before you cut him loose. It just seems weird that the Pack gave up so quickly on this guy. Who knows??
  7. Not fer nuttin, but your avatar is killing me. I can't be on this site when the kids are up.
  8. I heard the whole interview. Most of it was vague coachspeak, but I did find it interesting when the subject of the "Wildcat" offense came up. Gailey all but said he has a new variation of the Wildcat in mind, but dn go into it further.
  9. ML should just shut up and get to work. He's not in College anymore. He can't transfer.
  10. That was the best post I've ever read on this site. So it seems our formula isn't nearly as bad as our scouting/talent evaluation/luck. And also, maybe the reason Belichick is such a freak about hoarding extra picks is because he knows a good percentage on EVERY team is going to fail.
  11. Overall, the '04-'06 drafts were an overwhelming "F". And those drafts are the reason we suck today. '07 is not looking great. Wow....I can't believe how bad those drafts turned out to be. But didn't you know it? I just remember us NOT picking big men for about 5 years. Ouch!
  12. Guys....it's still April. They might just do some things b4 Camp.
  13. I agree with most of what you're saying here. But it's hard for me to think of TE as a puss when I remember him stepping into a throw then basically eating Adrian Wilson's helmet for his 1st concussion. Maybe he's developing "David Carr Syndrome". But for someone who has been hit as often and as hard as Edwards has, I think it's odd to call him a puss.
  14. These fantasy scouts (Mel, Nawrocki) put together boards based on each other's boards. That's why they all look alike. And that's why ESPN reports "reaches" to us who have equally identical and uninformed "draft boards"....and we eat it up. I would guess that "reaches" have the same bust factor as a "value" pick.
  15. I've crosschecked my mother harder than that. I can't fault him for that. I can fault him for his "milk-carton" play.
  16. Moats is shorter. That's all I can guess.
  17. Stroud being released woould be too smart, too fast. I need to see him backpeddle for another year.
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